
Secretly Married To The Richest Family

AriiasKayze · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs


<p>Rosie Jane:<br/>As I was placed on the operating table, I was placed on a bed in a room that smelled funny. I couldn't quite open my eyes but I was semi aware of my surroundings. I could hear voices, they sounded to be talking to each other that I know. Everything felt blurry and uneasy but I couldn't understand why I felt so out of it. Where was I, what was I doing that I offended some one. I couldn't understand how I went from sitting on a sofa talking about the day out and then I felt sick and my entire body felt like I was floating, <br/><br/><br/>I felt like I was surrounded by multiple people all of a sudden that my skin started to tingle.<br/> When I arrived it was just Jay and Kandi hosting me. Kandi served the kettle and I wonder why it was not steaming as she said she had just started brewing so it's a lot warmer, yet the cup was cold. A lady stepped forward and started speaking to people I could just make out seeming to be closing in on me and that it was all done in slow motion as I saw the extent of my mistake.<br/><br/><br/> Jay Reese was the first man I made a friend on my own. He had approached me during my last year of uni, I had graduated at the top of my class. Who would have known that it was only in the last thirteen months since I met this man and his family. <br/><br/><br/>I believed I finally found people that like me for who I am, just for plain old Rosie Jane, who was orphaned in her teens and that could be found if you looked her name up. Due to the dynasty my family has, my parents took necessary precautions for my brother and I as well as our family connection to Logan's family as we are apart of the four founding family's of the city.<br/><br/><br/>Without even knowing who Rosie Jane was to begin with, this shameless person smoothly talked his way past all of the finer details. Jay's mother was ranting about me being a perfect match and since I was an orphan with no family nobody would even notice if I went missing. Yet my family didn't even know of my friendship with Jay as I stubbornly had not been in contact with them.<br/><br/><br/><br/> My family was unaware right now because they didn't know that I was in danger. I was defenseless and stubborn because I had grown so much on my own that I now looked laughable that I mistakenly made friends with the devil. I hadn't trusted my instinct this morning while I was preparing for today, as I started to feel comfortable with Jay and his family.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Now as I lay here, the first person to pop into my head at this moment hasn't done it in years.. The face of my brother who I had lost three years ago. I could feel his presence around me which hasn't happened before in all these years. I was so rebellious after the shock I went through at his death that I lashed out. My grief was overpowering and I refused to listen to anyone. I pushed all my friends and remaining family away as I dealt with the shock and unexpected news in an uncontrollable manner. <br/><br/><br/><br/>All my friends had tried for several months and some for several years to connect with me but I was stuck in my own world that I moved out of home and began staying at the dorms. I studied like crazy as that was always the plan to exceed him and get valedictorian, which I did. Smashing out his record in my last year, receiving the highest honours in all my majors and stamping the highest score marks in the county. I attended the parties within my dorm, I met with several people who I connected with while liaison with my families expectation of me for our company. <br/><br/><br/><br/>Although Logan had been sitting at the helm by himself these past few years as I had yet to join him, while using our company connections with the students who had prominent futures that we could work alongside with. My happy, straight to the point<br/>attitude was known that I took my connections seriously. Logan had searched which ones would benefit in the long run and ones that may end up with an addiction problem or in jail.<br/> <br/><br/>Now I think about where I should have been had Gavin not left me so abruptly that I never faced it because it had rocked my foundation. The bond I was creating with Logan suddenly disappeared and I couldn't stop the train of events that happened to follow that one day. My entire universe shifted and I went from infatuation with Logan to spiralling into the abyss it was fast and it hit me hard.<br/><br/><br/>As I lay here I remember a moment I had forgotten back when I was seventeen I had lay under a tree reading one of my romantic book when I saw Logan tall frame leaning against the same tree, his eyes fixed on me not saying anything as I turned to face him staring back at him silently before returning my eyes back to my book. He had something to say but was stalling, "it's rude to stare, may as well take a picture," I said not looking away from my book , trying to ignore him and his presence, when he spoke making me look at him. "I wanna ask you a difficult question but I want you to hear me out first?," he as he had my full attention, cause now I was curious.<br/><br/><br/>So I sat up and put my book down when he took a deep breath and said "You know you were made for me and you know that we were both arranged to each other and I want you to know that I will always be here to catch you at every turn will you do me the honour of being my wife?," he asked lowering himself to my level as he patiently waited for my answer. <br/><br/>The unexpected proposal had me stunned that I stared at him a bit daze and staring at him with a silly smile on my face "Yes," I said as I threw myself into his arms before kissing his face like a mad woman. <br/><br/>As he gathered me to him placing a beautiful set of gold rings on my finger, before sealing my lips with his. The memory hit me hard, that I had thought was just a dream. I finally saw Logans face, the young teenager my childlike fell infatuated with him. Our families had always merged us kids together since we would undoubtedly be apart of the same dynasty. Knowing that I wish Logan was here scolding me with his disappointed face, all because I was being stubborn and that made me block him. <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Logan Jacobs:<br/>The door burst door to the operating room was opened and I saw her lying on a bed prepped for surgery.<br/>. "On whose orders was this done by?", he asked as all attendants were standing in shock at their bosses unexpected arrival in front of them that the leading nurse had produced the schedule and file number of this patient.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> "The patient is scheduled to undergo a kidney transplant requested by the patient's Mother in law and the surgery was paid in full as well," the head nurse produced the information to the boss who was having a hard time getting his emotions in check.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>"This patient will be returned to a private room and today's incident will be investigated. All documents of today's case and all cases of this nature will also be brought forward and the meeting for this will be tomorrow morning," he spoke as a new set of people came in and wheeled the patients bed out of theatre <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Levelling his stare at his subordinate he stated "You all will be placed on administered leave until this is resolved. All your licenses will not be used until the end of the court case, as you have all broken the biggest code of conduct for our hospital." he stated as he walked out and headed back to his office.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Staring at the information in front of him made his heart hurt. His best friend entrusted him with the care of his only sister while he was deployed. She was eighteen years old and had just graduated from high school. She was tiny for her age at 5 ft 7, brunette hair and bright blue eyes like her brother's. <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>She went to university and graduated two years ago. She refused to come home and we fought over it she had blocked him and hadn't spoken to him for a year but he still keeps tabs on her. <br/><br/><br/>After finding out she was here in the hospital, prepped to go into surgery and he knew nothing about it. He was seething with rage, he let her be independent, he let her get her career first and he finds out that a friend and his mother conspired to get her to donate her kidney to his girlfriend. He didn't know what possessed her to think because he had given her too much rope, she almost hung herself with it in the process. <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Turning to his Assistant Kelvin he ordered Jay Reese and his family to be investigated, as well as his lover Kandi Ross and her family. "Somebody tried harvesting Rosie Janes no organs today, without my knowledge or permission, brought her into my hospital and paid in full. I want the entire staff also investigated in this matter. Somebody in my building is jeopardizing my hospital's integrity and I want you to find out who," I spoke as I rose and made my way to the ward I had allocated to her. <br/><br/>On the way to her ward it made me think about how easy that surgery was done as long as it was paid. I took over the hospital when my father retired two years ago when I gave Rosie Jane too much. Shifting through who could actually slide things past without my authorization.. My father was cruising the world with my mother and his new found freedom, My brother was at home with his wife and new born so who would be able to make small changes without my notice. Two people came to mind and I need to note their recent activities. <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Rosie Jane:<br/>Opening my eyes I noticed a white ceiling and that I was in a white room. Am I still in the hospital I thought as I took in my surroundings and noticed a familiar face staring back at me coldly, that I instinctively closed my eyes again for a minute or so before slowly raising one. The familiar figure was still there with his phone in his hand. <br/><br/>"Do you know who you are?," he asked as he typed away on his phone not sparing me a glance. "I am Rosie Jane," I spoke averting my eyes from him "I was wrong, it was all a lie, I thought they were my friends," I spoke refusing to look at him. "You were almost in danger and you didn't call me?," his soft voice floated around me "And say what exactly, Logan? I was sedated as I watched the entirety of their syndicate of friends and hear the plans they had for me all the while they all stood in front of me. I couldn't say a word, I couldn't even move, I was defenseless and I was about to die." I sobbed once I finished speaking, I was terrified about the outcome that by the time I was laying on the operating table I had finally succumbed to my fate.<br/><br/> Strong arms were placed around me and I felt myself being lifted into a familiar embrace. "I told you that I will always catch you when you fall but this time you went overboard and now you will return home as soon as you are discharged and I will have that entire family thrown in jail for their crimes." Logan spoke as he held me gently against his chest as if he was scared he couldn't feel me breathing. <br/><br/><br/>"His mother drugged me, tried to beat me and only got me once the drug kicked in and I could see and hear their plan. I felt like I was about to die," I sobbed as I clutched his shirt so tight my hands were shaking, " I'm sorry Logan, so so sorry, I was wrong," I sputtered incoherently "Its going to be okay. You need to rest, I will handle the rest. Close your eyes and gain your strength," I spoke softly to her, as I gathered her entire frame against mine. All I could think of was that I nearly lost her today. <br/><br/><br/>Due to my carelessness she was almost eradicated from my life, without my knowledge at that. I had a stable investigator that I used to keep track of her, because of her stubbornness she had also blocked me out as well. I didn't take a closer look at her friends and their families all because I had hidden her identity from the public eye especially any association with me or my family. <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Now as I held a sobbing Rosie jane in my arms I knew that she had to return home with me as today proved how she was a danger to herself out in the real world. She graduates at the end of this semester, then she will work for the family business since she can't be trusted with her own devices.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Rosie Jane spent three days in the hospital before she was cleared to go home. As long as she kept to the diet she would be fine in the next few weeks. She had a few side effects from the drugs they had sedated her with and she knew it was a lethal dosage it took a little longer for it to all exit her body. <br/><br/><br/><br/>Logan and Rosie Jane were wearing disguises covering them from head to toe, as well as umbrellas blocking the public's view from either side of them as both were heavily sheltered as soon as they left the ward once she was discharged. <br/><br/><br/><br/>The drive home was a silent affair as Rosie was still so weak that she fell asleep as soon as she entered the vehicle. Without disturbing her, Logan placed a blanket over Rosie, tucking it around her in case she rolls off. <br/><br/><br/>"Sir, a woman claiming to be a relative of the young madam is causing a scene in the hospital foyer demanding to see the madam?," my assistant Kelvin stated from the front as we rounded the entrance of the hospital to see a crowd of people blocking the entrance "Call the police and have them all arrested," I stated as we continued passed the crowd and headed home.<br/><br/><br/><br/>"Sir, I have all the information about each member of the Reese family. They met young madam a year ago, while doing a clinical trial and found out that she has the same type of blood that Miss Kandi Ray had and that's when they befriended her from that day, claiming friendship. Kandi Rays mother is the youngest daughter of Archie Ray the founder of Reese Enterprise," Kelvin stated "The Mother is a stuck up wannabe, that after her father passed away a few years ago he relegated all his assets and properties too his eldest son and his family as they were a lot more prominent in the business world therefore all the other Reese siblings had to work underneath the eldest brother, that gave them too much entitlement." <br/><br/>Kelvin continued listing the fact that the youngest Ray of the family had a trust fund that is distributed evenly over the course of her life so that she will always be set in life and that is why she is so over the top, bad at micromanaging herself and it was entrusted to his eldest sons wife to ensure the youngest is well taken care of. <br/><br/><br/>"Seems like the three of the are about to get a visit from us as I will be laying formal charges against her for thinking that she could touch my Rosie Jane. Pull a meeting requesting the Reese family to attend and make sure you got all her misdemeanor as well as the son and his girlfriend.," I addressed as I made my way back into the office to arrange a few things. <br/><br/><br/><br/>Rosie Jane:<br/>As I lay in the room I have had for the past twelve years. I was always here when I was a child as both my family and Logan family were both wealthy. <br/><br/>Logan and Gavin were eighteen when they were both taught how to manage the family business as they were both taking them over when they turned twenty one.<br/><br/><br/>I had always admired Logan but as I was his best friend baby sister I knew I had a slim chance back then to even approach him so it took me years to move past him but I did. Jay was the first person I thought actually liked me for me and then he introduced me to Kandi Ray his girlfriend.<br/><br/><br/>The shock of lying there listening to the explanation made me realize the whole reason they befriended me. I was obviously starved of affection and it was used against me whenever I did not follow the rules. <br/><br/>How naive of me to not only leave home without permission but I cut my only family out due to trying to best him. I now realize the enormity of the situation and now starting to regret being stubborn.<br/><br/><br/>As I healed physically, my mind was another matter. I feel unsafe now, like my sense of security was taken away from me and I was just wondering about the earth. My purpose kind of shifted on its Axis, and here I was trying to chase something I couldn't see. <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Getting up out of the bed, I made my way to the bathroom and did my morning routine before I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen in search of food. I found the house keeper Mr Ryan who had been here since his family had first come to work for Logan's grandfather who they had always kept employed through family bonds from Mr Ryan's grandfather.<br/><br/><br/>Sitting at the table I just watched as they all shuffle around me producing my food and a glass of juice. I had been served all my life and knew that Mrs Ryan had taught me how to take care of myself since I was old enough to use the stove top. I had learned how to cook, clean, what products work best for laundry I had learnt it all. <br/><br/><br/>Logan never cared enough always stating that it's easier to let them do everything but I made it my mission to be able to help Mrs Ryan achieve all her chores so that she could rest in the evenings as she was getting older, while Mr Ryan had the hard task of catering to Logan and his parents whenever they were home.<br/><br/><br/>"Young Madam, Sir Logan wants you to meet him at the company in the conference room,' Mr Ryan broke through my thoughts as I focused back on him. "Of course Mr Ryan, Ile be ready in twenty minutes is that okay?," I asked as I took my dishes to the sink to wash and placed them away. <br/><br/><br/>I shot straight back up the stairs, back to my room to quickly hop in the shower. Once I was out, I changed into my white maxi dress matching that with white sandals, finishing with a white long sleeve coat. I was satisfied with my outfit, grabbing a white bag with a gold chain and headed out of my room to where Logan was. <br/><br/><br/>The trip there was something I had done countless times, like it was natural. I stepped out of the elevator and headed for the offices that Logan occupies, stepping into the foyer I spotted a young lady who was currently on the phone at present so I pulled my phone out and called Logan, when after two rings he answered "I'm in the foyer," I stated as soon as he picked up, "Good so am I," he spoke beside me, "I didn't hear your phone ring?," I questioned as I stared at his handsome face, "As always not taking any notice of your surroundings," he teased as he led me to the private elevator dedicated to him and his family. All our fingerprints had been programmed into it and had never changed as the only place no one can enter at will is Logan Offices due to the importance of the documents within the company. <br/><br/>Standing within his vicinity had always done something to my senses that I couldn't shake it off. My whole being had always been well away from him without much coaxing as I had always been drawn to him but since we were kids he never looked at me anyway other than his best friends little sister as he had done so many times. As an adult I stared at him openly as I couldn't really distinguish between the man I remembered as a child where I became infatuated with him but I was too stubborn to admit.<br/><br/>Then my life had drastically changed at eighteen. I never knew what had came over me in those days, what actually made me change but I did for a few strong years fighting against Logan because he let me. But the adult me just openly stared at him and before we reached the door to the conference I spin to face him.<br/><br/>"Thank you for arriving in time," I said as I breathe a big sigh before locking my brown orbs with his knowing I had his full attention "Marry me Logan,unless your scared," I teased him as I stepped towards him knowing I had denied the bond we shared since we were kids. <br/><br/><br/>"Don't tease me woman," he growled as he removed something from his chain he wore around his neck and grabbed my left hand staking his claim clearly. My eyes widened at his action that I think I stopped breathing as I stared back at him in shock and feeling emotional that I stared down at his beautiful gold ring with an amethyst in the middle surrounded by diamonds cut stones that a few tears slipped down my face at the beauty of the moment that we both embraced as he wrapped his arm around my waist as he drew me to him "Marry me Rosie Jane," he asked as he held me against him slipping my beautiful ring on my finger "Yes Logan," I breathed as i stared back at him. <br/><br/><br/>"Now you will returned home, no more roaming, no more friends, you will return to my side and run the company alongside me," he stated as I stared at him and nodded "Yes sir," I teased when he frowned at me, "Your due for your punishments, I will enjoy it," he teased me back when I felt my face flush as I walked straight passed the conference room and into his office, locking the door behind me. <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>.</p>