
Secretly Married To The Richest Family

AriiasKayze · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

Dealing with the problem

Walking into the conferenc

e room where Jay Reese sat with his eyes enlarged in his head as we're his two companions on either side of him as the three of them had seen Rosie walking behind me. Sitting in my chair I was handed the file that I had investigated. "Do you think you can touch us?," the elder of the three spoke. "Do you think it's wise to touch my family like you did?," I asked when my gaze turned to Jay Reese. "The fact that you drugged her and tried taking her organs while your living in my city," I spoke when a knock on the door came and Cameron my younger brother stepped in and I could tell he was angry and p from this life made my us all panic as she is the youngest in our circle. Her brother and her had lived next door to my grandparents house since her grandparents had purchased the house besides ours and were considered family.

"She is just an orphan child that I have cared for over the past year,"Mrs. Reese spat when Cameron turned in her direction and spoke "Who are they?," he spoke when they frowned in his direction "They are the Reese family and Kandi Ross. The family that tried to harvest the young madams organs a few days ago," Bryan explained when I saw Cameron's face change and I noticed his attention shift to the three people seated. "Your family isn't a match to us," Cameron growled when he leant forward grabbing Jay Reese by the throat and lifting him over the table. "You dare touch my sister, you worthless trash," Cameron snarled as he pummeled Jay Reese "Your going to jail," Mrs. Reese screeched as cameron dropped him to the floor unconscious, "Call the police, these three will be arrested, charged and thrown in jail."I spoke as I saw my brother turn on his heel and storm in the direction that rosie jane was currently waiting.

"As you know now that she is a very well loved family member of the Jacobs and is from a prominent family in the city. But the disregard that you all have shown Rosie will be adhere to the next steps in which we will be proceeding legal action against you three.'' Bryan spoke as Cameron left the meeting in a huff, slamming the door behind him. "He assaulted my son," Mrs Reese spoke as her face showed her anger, "You touched my family member first Mrs Reese, your son and his girlfriend conspired against her and you instigated it. With my proven evidence let's see if you can buy your way out of this," I spoke when Bryan escorted the police into the room.

These three people sat in front of me without a trace of remorse. They didn't even flinch until Cameron pulled Jay Reese across the table, both women became instantly concerned for his safety. They were going to stick to their story, so with their own testimony I was able to find out their connection to the unlawful handling of hospital procedures.The wait list for surgeries had tripled over the past few years and yet some of the critical patients that were high priority had not yet received their transplant operation so that had also been brought to my attention and since it was more Cameron's forte he was in charge of finding that out.

Stepping out of the conference room, I made my way back to my office to see that Cameron and Rosie Jane were both standing and facing the entire eastern side of the city. "We will always keep you safe," Cameron spoke as he stood shoulder to shoulder with Rosie. Her shoulder length jet black hair cascaded down her back, she adorned some high heels with her business attire she had on as she stands at 5 ft 5 next to Cameron, coming up just below his shoulder. Next to me she fits perfectly against me, her height and build fits perfectly against me and with me out in public.

The feeling of losing her had overwhelmed me as I steeped into the room closing and locking the door behind me. Stepping up beside them I stood on the other side of Rosie, as we all stood against the window silently "I am sorry for nearly injuring my self," Rosie Jane smooth voice echo around us, "I think Ile move home and continue my studies from there," Rosie Jane spoke again as I turned to look down at her and saw her taking in the city. "We have an apartment that we all occupy, you can move in there. Cameron will pick you up and drop you off until your certain you can do it on your own." I spoke to her while looking over at my brother who was looking at me too, "It will be my pleasure," he spoke gently to her as I saw her look at him and smile.

There was a knock at the door and the announcement of lunch being delivered when we all turned to see Bryan ushering in the food and setting it up on the table. "Will they be charged and will I have to testify against them?," Rosie's small voice grabs my attention as I feel her step towards me, "No you will not have to testify against them, the evidence is stacked against them. " Cameron answered as he read through the document that Bryan placed on the table, Rosie was still glued to the city, when I noticed tears on her face through the reflection of the glass, "Don't cry, your nearly finished your degree and then you will be moving home," I spoke to her gently as I Reached out and pulled her body against me "I'm sorry this happened to you, I am also sorry that he's still walking around and breathing," I spoke as I hugged her to me.

Three years I had let her drift away from me cause she was too young to be involved with me. Allow her to attend the university without much thought. "Trust is very important to me so I will go home for the week and return then. i am not running but I will continue my studies online during this week." Rosie Jane spoke as she wiped her tears and hugged me back. "We will leave tonight then," I said as I kissed the top of her head, turning my head towards Bryan "Book us a flight home," I spoke to him with a pointed look as I returned my attention back to the young women who is encased by entire being as she gazed sadly at the city below.

Bryan found us a flight within the next two hours as did Cameron and we all left for our home city. Rosie still hadn't said anything the entire time, she fell asleep mid flight and grumpily dragged herself off the plane into the car waiting outside for us. I forgot she hadn't been woken up by any means but she was aware we would be travelling tonight since she was adamant. She did it and we made it to the mansion about 2am in the morning. Only the butler was expecting us as he knew what time we would get in.

Rosie made her way up to her room, barely giving anyone a glance as she made it too her room. "Do you think she's going to be okay?," Cameron asked softly as I shrugged "She needs her comfort zone, so we will give her this," I said as I yawned, turned and left for my room. This has been a hectic few days that has me exhausted, in order to recoup I need sleep before the tyrant is up and causing a stir. Was the last thought I had before I drifted off to sleep.