
chapter 1

" Okay I'm just going to go straight to my room when I get home so my parents don't see my bandages ..... Hopefully ". Ella started speed walking home so her parents couldn't find out she got bullied again. * BANG * Ella bumped into a tall man that has black clothes on and red hair. " I'm so sorry sir " Ella bowed while saying and ran home faster out of embarrassment. * eight minutes later * Ella is passed out in front of her front door. 2 hours later she wakes up at the hospital. " where am I " Ella asked herself "The hospital " someone said. Ella then slowly turned her head to the voice... it was the man she bumped into and he looked worried for some reason. Ella then asked " who are you " A long pause happened then he said ".... you will find out soon Ella " Ella then said "okay...why am I here" The man then said " you...you lost a lot of blood when you were bullied ". Then Ella fell unconscious before he left he put his jacket on her because you could tell it was a little chilly out.