
Secret Tail

What would you do if on your sixteenth birthday you found out you were something magical from a fairytale, the impossible suddenly became a reality. Chloe Blake woke up on her birthday thinking it was like every other day only to grow a tail. She discovered she had great powers but with it came great responsibilities, a family she never new she had, enemies trying to kill her so they could absorb her power and take her position. As if that was not hectic enough a soul mate she never expected or even thought existed popped in to lay his claim. All these in just an average day in Chloe Blakey’s life, only her courage, bravery and passion will give her the strength to face every challenge that she will encounter on her way to discovering her origins and finding happily ever after.

Jenssy1 · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs


Swimming as fast as she could and hoping that none of her pursuers had caught up with her, she used the last of her energy to swim to shore, dragging her body to the beach she placed her baby there. Taking a necklace that was around her neck, she placed it on her baby saying, 'My daughter, this necklace will lead you to your destiny when the time is right, it can not be separated from you for it will always find you. This memory will be sealed and locked away in the deepest part of your mind only to be revealed to you when the time is right.

Always know that I love you and I pray it shall give you the strength you need to live through the various challenges that will come your way. Stay safe.' Giving her child one last kiss she dived into the sea and was gone.

Mr and Mrs Blake walked into the orphanage home and went to the director's office. 'Please sit down.' The director welcomed them when they entered the office. She was the perfect example of a proper lady with no hair out of place, wearing a dark grey suit perfectly ironed with no crease to be found anywhere. 'So you want to adopt a baby girl? Do you have all the documents that show you are qualified and prove that you are able to take proper care of her? '

'Yes Ma, it's all here.' Mrs Blake replied while handing the documents to her. After looking through the documents to ensure everything was in order, she said to them, 'There was a baby that was found by the beach last week and after testing her we are sure that she is healthy and she is not more than a month old. Let me send for her so you can see her.' Picking up the phone on her desk she said 'Miss Esther please bring the baby that was found a week ago. Thank you.'

'Here she is Mr Blake.' As soon as the couple saw the baby, they fell in love with her and adopted her.

From then onwards she was known as Chloe Blake.