
Dungeon Planning

After having an enjoyable time the day before, Lucien woke up in his bed determined to have a good start to his Hunter career. He was going to make sure that the Dungeon he entered was one that him and Yui could venture into together, and clear together. 

As she had never been inside of a Dungeon before, he thought that a Circle Rank Dungeon of the Blue colour would probably suit them best, as he would not only be able to deal damage to the enemies, but he would also resist their attacks as well. The enemies would not be too strong, and it would give Yui a good taste of what it is like to be a Hunter.

He got out of bed, and started to get ready for the day. He grabbed his towel, and walked down the hallway to his shower. The house he lived in was quite big, so it took about fifteen seconds to walk to the bathroom from his bedroom.

The bathroom was white coloured, with neatly placed tiles that made it look very aesthetically pleasing. The shower was quite big and, although simple, it got the job done well. 

He picked up his shower gel, shampoo and conditioner before stepping into the shower. He only had a quick shower, but he cleaned his whole body, and exited the shower smelling fresh.

He wrapped his towel around his waist, and walked back to his room where he needed to pick out his outfit. He decided to put on some comfortable and movable black joggers, and a tight fitted t-shirt that wouldn't get in his way while fighting. As well as this, he put on his Dying Spider Silk Cloak which would let him do much more damage to some enemies, only if he was lucky though. He had a pair of trainers that fit his feet well, and this would make sure his movement was as clean as possible, as shoes that were too big would make it more difficult to move quickly and accurately.

Once he had finished getting ready, he walked down the stairs of his house, and entered his kitchen. He had woken up earlier than his mom, so he had to make his own breakfast. He decided on just having a glass of milk, as eating heavily before fighting in a Dungeon could lead to a Hunter's death, as they would be more sluggish and wouldn't be able to be on the top of their game.

Lucien walked over to his house's front door and unlocked it. He walked outside, locked the door behind him, and began to walk at a comfortable pace to Yui's house.

Her house was similar to his own, red brick exterior with white windows. The only difference was that Lucien's house had a porch whereas Yui's did not, and her house's door was white, and Lucien's was dark grey.

He approached her front door, and knocked on it. After a few seconds, a beautiful older lady opened the door, she had long black hair, and seemed to have a happy disposition.

"Hi Mrs Mori, how have you been?"

"I've been doing good thank you, I assume you're here for Yui. You better make sure she doesn't get hurt out there."

"I promise I'll make sure she's safe, don't worry about her while we're out."

"I'll put my trust in you then, do you want to come inside? Yui shouldn't be too long."


Lucien followed Yui's mom into the house, and she walked off into the kitchen, leaving him on his own.

The interior of the house was simple, but it looked nice, as the walls were painted a light grey colour, and the furniture was the same colour. The floor was wooden, and it looked as though it had been in the house for a great number of years.

Lucien didn't know what to do while waiting, so he stood awkwardly in the hall and, luckily for him, Yui didn't take too long to come downstairs.

She was wearing the outfit she had bought the day before, and was holding the orb in her left hand.

"I didn't know you were going to be here so soon, how long did you wait?"

"Not too long, don't worry about it. Your mom told me to look after you today."

"Too right, you better keep me safe, if I die I'll kill you."

"Sure you will. I was thinking, once you've got a bit of cash you should try and buy a storage accessory. It will probably get inconvenient to constantly be carrying around your orb with you in your hand."

"I hadn't thought of that, I was going to put it in a bag, but I was too worried it would break if I wasn't careful with it."

"You can get some storage equipment for quite cheap if you look in the right place, so just remember to buy something. Aside from that, are you ready for today?"

"Absolutely, I'm excited to go into a Dungeon."

"Good to hear, but remember that you could get injured in there so don't take it too lightly. Although you won't have to fight any monsters, you could still be in danger, so keep your guard up."

"Okay, I'll make sure to keep safe. Do you know what dungeon we're going to go into?"

"I was having a think, and it's definitely going to be a circular dungeon, and I want to make sure it's a blue dungeon."

"That's fine with me, how do you even find a dungeon to go into anyway?"

"Are you serious? You don't even know that much? There's two ways, we can go to an established dungeon which has been set as a permanent dungeon, or we could find a new dungeon that has recently appeared. It's better to go into an established dungeon, as randomly appearing dungeons aren't documented and we won't know what to expect. The only time you should ever really go into a new dungeon is if it has just appeared in front of you, or if it's green or gold, because they only appear once and then they're gone."

"Okay, I understand. I probably should've researched that for myself, my bad."

"It's fine, don't worry too much about it. We should stop wasting time and get going."

"Agreed, let's go."

Lucien and Yui left the house together, and they both immediately got on their phones, looking for dungeons that would be suitable for their needs.

It didn't take them that long to find a dungeon that they wanted to go to, and it wasn't that far away either. It was about a half an hour walk if they walked slowly, and it was perfect.

The dungeon was a Blue Circular one, and it was called The Gremlin's Cave. There was a clearing spot open as soon as possible, and Lucien booked it.

Lucien looked up from his phone and turned to Yui, "I found one, and I've booked it."

"That's good, where is it?"

"It's not far, it's down by the park we used to go to as kids, I know around where it is, so we don't need a map or anything."

"I know where you mean, I didn't realise there was a dungeon there though. Well, we better clear it make sure it doesn't break and let the monsters inside loose."

"You're absolutely right, let's get going."

Lucien and Yui walked at a comfortable pace in the direction that they needed to go. The walk wasn't long at all, but it was enjoyable, as they reminisced on memories from when they were younger and walked the same route with their parents, excited for a day out at the park. 

They walked past a cafe that they used to go into, and the smell of hot drinks and breakfast food was nostalgic. 

"Once we clear this dungeon, we have to go and get food in there." Yui remarked.

"Agreed, we haven't been there in ages."

They continued on their walk, and passed a lake full of ducks that were probably the children of the ducks that they used to feed when they were younger.

The pond was incredibly close to the dungeon, and they could immediately see it when they got close. The dungeon gate was large, at least as tall as a double decker bus, and it was about as wide too. It's blue colour was vibrant, and the darker and lighter blues swirled together to make a beautiful colour that didn't reflect the horrors that could be held inside.

There were people gathered around it, and there was what looked like a family of three crying next to it. These people were behind the gates that blocked off the dungeon, and armed guards were stood stopping them from entering. 

Lucien was confused, and approached the dungeon, pushing past the people who were gathered. He stood in front of one of the guards, and spoke to him, "I've booked this dungeon for clearance, what's happening here."

"A young boy slipped past us and ran into the dungeon, he's been in there about five minutes. The parents are trying to go in and save him, but legally we can't allow that. They would just get themselves killed."

"Well, we've booked to go in anyway, so we can look for him while we're in there."

When Lucien said this, he felt a pair of hands weakly grab onto his cloak. A crying man, who he assumed was the boy's father was kneeling on the ground, "Please, please save my son."

Lucien looked down at him, almost like a benevolent god would look down on their humble servants while offering them a minor blessing, "I'll try my best, if he's not dead by the time I get in there, then he'll come back alive."

"Thank you, thank you so much. I will repay you for the rest of my life if you save my son."

Lucien and Yui were let past the guards, and they entered the dungeon, and immediately the atmosphere changed.