
Chapter 374. Non-standard Skills

Soundeffect made a sudden lunge at him, but Jack was ready now. He stored the Memory of Elding and took out his magic staff. He also did not forget to switch his title to Outworlder Slayer for a boost against players. As Jack was about to hit the approaching Soundeffect, he noticed a movement from above. A second Soundeffect had appeared above as he dived down.

Facing attacks from both sides, Jack decided to block both, his magic staff summoned Magic Shield to block the earth-bound Soundeffect while his sword parry the sky-bound one.

When the earth-bound Soundeffect touched Jack's magic shield, Jack felt no impact, it was just an image. While his sword that parried the diving Soundeffect made a loud clang. As Jack wanted to counterattack the sky-bound Soundeffect, the guy vanished into thin air.