
chapter 3


(Cercei POV)

Writing a letter to her father the lord paramount of the west she reminisces about her life for the past ten years and the title of queen she longed for as a child as usual her thoughts carried her to her to her second son and the reason for the letter, orys was born with purple eyes and black hair and looked more like a targaryen bastard as a baby than a baratheon at first she was scared of roberts reaction because even from her chamber she could hear him rage after receiving the news of his child features hearing him stomp towards her chambers she felt cold sweat down go down her neck only for orys to break out into giggling and laughter at the sight of his father stomping into the chamber breaking robert out of the funk he was in and reminding him he was of his blood despite his features, she was initially unsure about how to feel about orys considering he was not jaime's son and she also noticed the way jaime looked at him, he to was undecided on how to think about orys too, but she knew in her heart that despite the fact that he was not jaime's son he was hers and she would treat him as one of her pride and that was all she knew, it's been nine years since then and while her marriage with robert was not all she thought it would be at first it got better due to orys presence and his giddiness in the presence of his father even crying after not seeing him everyday causing the king to visit her chambers everyday smoothening and bettering her relationship with her husband and blessing her marriage with two more children myrcella and raymont bringing her sexual relationship with Jaime to a stop with him deciding to be more focused on being a kingsguard feeling betrayed at her for having a son for robert and her deciding on focusing more on her family.

Knocks at the door to her chambers drew her thoughts away from the past and brought her attention back to the present causing her to straightening her clothes where wrinkled and making sure she looked as regal as a queen should,she invited her guest in and gave a soft smile to her guest as soon as she saw him the source of her thoughts and the reason for her letter come in, " you called mother" orys looked just like how she imagined robert would have looked at his age being almost a head taller than even his elder brother and with striking purple eyes she would have expected to see if she wed rhaegar he was a beautiful child, "you called for me mother" she beckoned him forward into a hug as she stood from her sit bypassing her writing table with grace born of nobility looking at him again she saw what she didn't notice at first glance the mud streaked boot and the tunic slightly sweaty she decided he must have been in the training yard again with barristan selmy again one of the things that differentiated him from his brother his skill with the blade hearing robert and and gossips in the red keep talk about it he learnt the blade at a prodigious pace already beating young men four to five years his senior despite just starting to train a year ago and besting his brother just 4 months after he started practice,"you missed your lessons with the maester orys" she said with the same light smile on her face as she saw him look down in embarrassment ,"but he's so boring mother and he keeps on droning about the most boring things" she sighed he hated being still for more than a few minutes at most a trait she is sure he got from his father brushing off the entire matter with the maester she brought up the topic that made her summon him " i have been thinking of you my love and your fostering and thought about bringing the idea of you fostering in the westlands with your grandfather to the king, what do you think?" with a bright smile not out of place on a child his age he hugged her agreeing instantly after hearing tales about the westerland from jaime and her growing up, despite not liking the fact that he might come in contact with tyrion she was thinking about his future and the fact that tywin might agree to make him his heir considering their shared hatred for the imp she knew he was not going to give the lordship to tyrion she released him from their hug sending him away to wash up and also going back to her letter to complete it with a smile.