
seeing an angel

the room suddenly felt hot again and this time it was hotter than it was. lizzah felt her blood running fiery through her veins. the monster she tried so hard to tame all that time, ferociously unbraced from it's cage. all she did was to be loyal to pinnah but here she was ending up her own story. how she wished she was invisible right now.

" I was going to tell you about it after the meeting."

" what! so you were going to backstab me?" pinnah asked.

poor lizzah, she was no where to have a defender. she appeared the bad guy among the two sisters. little did she know, she wouldn't tell pinnah any of this from the beginning. her coming didn't solve anything instead turned everything worst.

molly's anger wasn't even at lizzah, she blamed herself for acting so careless on pinnah. if only she strongly opposed her relationship with that guy before, she wouldn't be worried as such this time. she took some few breaths and turned back to pinnah, whose eyes where still on lizzah.

" our agreement ended. you didn't keep what you promised to me first." molly told pinnah and her attention was back to her.

"ooh. so how did you find that out? you still were tracking on me and that wasn't our agreement." pinnah responded. it wasn't true after all, molly kept her promise of not tracking her ever again as long as she was assured that her safety was all guarded on her own hands(pinnah's hands).

But relatively new that morning molly procured such an inform about her sister arriving at the hotel last night in a not well condition. yes, pinnah wasn't famous, it's a few who could recognize her and the background of her family, and in that proportion someone consistently noticed her. well it didn't seem that person was so new or a stranger like because the details molly received were from that one exactly.

back to her question, of course pinnah knew her sister wasn't tracking her at all. considering the fact she didn't know anything concerning her longly back then when she promised not to ride along her matters without her will, unless it was so necessary for her to do it when she sneakily found out. molly didn't answer her because she never broke her promise and pinnah realized that. evidently the fact, that guy would have been long forgotten by pinnah if her sister were to invade his background earlier and found about his other relationship aside from that with pinnah. if molly still kept track on her all that could be revealed earlier because she did go through each and everything concerning her back then, that including her friends and anyone too close to her.

" okey, am fine and that is all that matters. infact, he is locked up so nothing hinders me again. I really don't need a bodyguard sister I can defend myself." pinnah said so persistently, explaining herself so hard just to make her understand what she ever needed in her life. she knows how much her sister loves her that she could nearly break off the metal chains tying around her arms if that ever meant to save her life. she ensured, not even a straind of her hair were to fall from her head protestingly as long as her guard was still on her (molly). she offered her freedom that nearly took off her breath. so no matter what, she wasn't going to risk that precious life of her little sister as lazily as that ever again.

"if your still hiring me a bodyguard! just know am leaving this country this now." pinnah uttered again, her voice was always extremely Normal levelling it so well to make sure it never went so high and turn it into a shout or a yell, but toned very demanding.

"you know what happens after that." molly said sounding aware of what was coming. pinnah would always threat her departure from their home to another country wherever a dispute occurred between them. she wanted to say that she was serious and that this time nothing would stop but thinking of how many times she said that to her, made her look so stupid. ooh dear God what would she ever do to that unchangeable sister of hers. she couldn't even shout or yell to the bottomless of her throat right now just utterly speechless and taking countless of sighs was an only choice left for her.

"don't make me tame it so harder on you if you persistent on being so stubborn pinnah." she uttered again and seeming to end the conversion. she didn't want to hear anything from her about it again, after all this should be the end of her restrains. she tried so hard to compose herself, what would happen if this news ever came to her on the exact day when the event took place.

she then trailed off her long legs out of the room and directed back to her office. the matter between her and her sibling was suspendly finished just yet to deal with lizzah who came slowly running behind her back like a puppy running to it's shelter after deeply soaking itself in cold water. she was scared what if she lost her job with that slight mistake she created. 'how foolish of her own acts' she blamed.

down to where chris still was, turned into a room of two again. just the case this time was someone else. the little sister that he intently wanted to know was in a contending conversation with her sister few seconds ago. he wasn't actually expecting her to be so young for a little kid's age, slightly a bit older or the exact of his young sister Chloe's age. and so there she was, the youngest daughter of the zhao's lineage standing right front of him looking so naughty and stubborn Infront of her sister. he had also stood up from his chair back ago and thrusted his hands inside the pockets of his trouser to unconsciously listen and watch the show that happened a while ago. with that, he was now ending up looking at a lady grabbing down the knitted hat that was on her head and traced her hand upward to catch up her hair and crazily brush them like mad woman, while angrily groaning deep down her throat.

on shaking her head side ways, pinnah impulsively caught the sight of chris who was standing manly on the other side of the room curious looking at her. "Damn! am I seeing an angel in form of a human?" she abruptly stroke a question inside her head. what a human torso she was facing, so handsome and brawny framed with that cool composed delivery. pinnah swallowed hard, astonished at the alluring appearance of that man who utterly turned to slaughter each channel of her mind right that time.

" what, is he the one supposed to be my bodyguard.?" she brought herself another question within her head and she desperately wanted an answer before her smile consumes her slender beautiful lips.

##helo dear readers,....please do comment, vote and review my book..it encourage me to keep plotting more chapters.#### thank you