
Second Life: Second Chance

Ian Lionheart,  a royal knight from a little kingdom, has feelings for the princess of that kingdom.  They are both madly in love with each other, but one day, while the princess was on a brief excursion, the princes of the Empire suddenly assaulted them, and both the princess and Ian died in the attack. However, after Ian passed away, he was left in a dark place and was given a second chance to exact revenge on his love by obtaining a "curse system."  Will he be able to exact justice on those who wronged his love, or will the evil system eat him up?

BLACK_HORNS · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter 7 ( Youngest son)

"No, I don't want to believe what you are saying, Arman."

"My son....my son....can't die". A tear fell from Gael's eye.

Looking at his father's condition, Cristo walks toward his father's side and gives him a tight hug.

"Lord Arman  "How can you be sure that my brother is dead?" Cristo asked while putting his father slowly on the couch.

"Cristo, I'm sure, because I sent my son to look for Zack as Gael requested me to do, and if my son came back now without Zack, that means Zack died or he doesn't want to come back.

"But still, we can't be sure if Zack is dead or if something happened that made my son come back and for Marco to say something like that about Zack."

"We will find out soon!"

When Arman said that the door of the hall opened, a young man who looked to be in his late 25s entered the hall.

"Falkor!!!" The man who just entered the hall has the same horns as Arman. and he is the first son of Arman.

"Looking at you guys, it looks like you guys heard about Zack, huh?" Falkor said.

"Yeah!!  "We heard it, so it must be true that Zack is really..."

"Yes!!  The news is true... "When I arrived there, he was already captured by them.

"And I wasn't able to help him... those people are strong, as the rumor has it about them!"

"Is Zack's child here? Falkor ask.

"Yeah, he is here!" Arman shows Zen, who was on Leia's Arm to Falkor.

"But why?" Arman asked again.

"I have some promises to fulfill, Father!"


"Yeah!!  promise that I made to Zack," while saying that Falkor walks towards Zen.

"Zack was held in a prison at that time when I arrived... "I snuck in at nighttime to bring Zack out of prison."

"He was in a really bad condition at that time. He wasn't even able to speak properly."

"Those bastards tortured him for years!" 

"They broke every single bone in his body and cut off his one arm and leg."

"When I met him, he said he wanted to die peacefully and gave me this ring. He wants to give this ring to his child, so I bring this ring with me." while saying that Falkor put the ring on Zen's finger and the big ring was searing in small size and fit perfectly in Zen's small finger.

[The host has obtained the item.]

When the dragon king's son put the ring on my finger, a notification popped up in front of me.

[Name: Spirit Ring.]

[Details: A ring that has a spirit sealed inside.]

[That is all I can say about this ring, Host.]

"What, is that all you can tell me about?"

[Yes host  I don't know any details about this ring because it's an ancient ring.]

[But maybe when I upgrade then I can tell more about this ring.]

"Huh??  "Is that so?"

"Who was the one that killed him, Falkor?" Gael finally spoke after a while.

"The Four Families!"


"Those bastards?? I gonna slaughter every single one of them". 


A crack appears on the floor.

"Seventh clan head, make preparation. We are going on a war. Summon every clan head right now."

"As your wish, Lord!


(Inside the meeting hall)

"Is everyone here?" Gael asked, sitting in the middle chair of the meeting hall.

"Yes!!  Everyone is here as you requested! Aslan said.


"As you guys may have already guessed, why I summoned everyone here out of nowhere."

"The news that you guys brought today was true. My son. Zack is dead."

"And the one who killed him was none other than the Four Families, our sworn enemy."

"So without wasting time, I will come to the point... we Whitlock family and all the 7 clan heads will be going on a war."


"A war??".

"With the four families?"


All the clan heads started talking with each other.

"I know this day will eventually come one day. Now I'm all fired up." A muscular man with dark green eyes and black hair was excited when he heard what Gael said.

He is none other than the second clan head, "Carter Macil."

"Are you out of your mind, Carter? How can you be so excited?" The third clan head, Mordesh Celeb, asked.

"3rd clan head Mordesh, you know how he is... he is a fighting maniac!" 4th clan head Alston Turma said.

"But, Lord Gael "I don't think this is the right decision!"

"And why is that first clan head, Rex?" 

"To be honest, we know how strong the Four Families are, and if they join forces together, then we can't win against them."

"They have more manpower than us, so it will be our loss if we go to the war against them."

"But I'm not saying we will let them have their peace after what they have done to Young Master Zack."

"What are you getting at Rex?"

"Before we go to war against them, we have to increase our manpower and be stronger ourselves too."

"That way, even if we went to war, we had a slight chance of winning."

"But it will take a year to increase our manpower," Gael said.

"Yeah, you're right, Lord Gael, but that's the only option we have right now."

"If you still want to go to the war, then I don't have any objections; we are all seven clan heads, and our members will be on your side in the war."

"Gael, the first clan head, is right; we can't win against them all... even if I and my whole dragon kingdom came to your side, they would still overcome us."

"So think carefully. If anything happened to the Whitlock family, then who will take care of your grandson? He is just a newborn baby."

*Sigh*Gael sighed.

"I think you guys are right!"

"Fine, let's increase our manpower, and I hereby announce that all the clan heads will have to train their members and upcoming members too by themselves."

"I will give you guys ten years, and in these ten years, you guys have to increase our manpower and be strong yourself too."

"I'm giving you guys lots of time to grow, so don't let me down."

"Thank you, my lord."

"Now dismiss!" when Gael said that everyone walked out of the meeting hall.


*Sigh*Gael sighed again.

"Cristo sent a letter to Marco." 

"Tell him to gather all the information about four families and about Zack's death too."

"Okay, Father!" After saying that, Cristo also walks away from the meeting hall.

"Gael, don't you think ten years is a lot of time? Can you hold your anger for that long?"

"No, I can't hold it!"

"Then why did you give them that much time? I guess 2 or 3 years will be enough to increase manpower."

"I know that... but do you know why I gave them that much time?"


"Because they will be busy recruiting new members and training them..so in that main time I will go to the central continent."


"Are you out of your mind?"

"No, I'm in my right mind."

"Don't worry, Arman." "I will not go alone; I will go with him."


"Yeah, the man who was feared by the whole world even though he is young... he is still the strongest man in our family."

"Are you talking about him?"

"Yeah, my youngest son, Ian Whitlock."

To be continued