
Death in Paradise: Chapter 14

Jack was woken up by Larry splashing an ice cold bucket of water on him.

The guy then asked him questions for 20 or so minutes and left. Larry would then torture him for the rest of the day.

This happened to him for two weeks and Larry would always be there without delay to make sure Jack was turned into a bloody mess by the end of the day.

They had only fed him once at the beginning of each week and he was given nothing else but water.

Jack finally was able to wiggle his way out of the restraints although he did have to dislocate his wrist to be able to do so. When he was finally out he ran to the door that the guy would always come out of. When he did though a large man had caught him and he was knocked out.

Jack then was woken up again but this time there was no Larry. Only the man and this time he had a sword on his waist.

Guy "You shouldn't have tried that kid. Nothing good will come from trying to get out of this place since you never will be able to get out anyway."

Jack "..."

Guy "Still not talking well, maybe this will get you to talk."

The guy then unsheathed his sword and slowly started to slice through Jack's arm making sure that Jack would be able to feel the most pain possible.

Guy "Well this is what happens when you mess with the church. Larry come clean him up, oh and make sure he survives. I wanna see his face when he realizes his arm is gone."

Jack couldn't hear anything as he had fallen unconscious but this would cause him to become a nightmare to people who caused him the mental and physical pain in the past two weeks.


Jack 'How could you be so dumb Jack.'

Jack was currently looking at the arm that was on the ground at his feet. He didn't want to believe that his arm was currently on the floor in front of him but whenever he looked to his right there would be nothing there to note of. He felt enraged at himself whenever he looked at it. He knew he could have avoided it but he just had to butt into others' business.

Jack 'They should be coming back soon.'

Jack had gotten used to the routine of the guy and Larry coming and asking him questions every other day. Everytime He didn't answer their questions Larry would then proceed to torture him for the rest of the day.

Jack felt that escape was impossible but he continued to think of ways to escape that god forsaken room. Last night Jack had managed to get out of the restraints and attempted to exit the basement but was met with a large burly man who was much stronger than him. That night the guy who was conducting the interrogation had cut his arm off for punishment due to him trying to escape.

Jack didn't scream or cry, he silently endured Larry's torturing this whole time. He knew that screaming and crying would only satisfy the sadistic bastards so he just glared at them vowing in his mind that if not today nor tomorrow, no matter how long even if it took months or years he would make sure to return the pain he was inflicted with 10 fold.


Larry "Well I guess we will continue in two days time then boy."

Jack had heard those words for the past two weeks but this time sadly Larry wouldn't be able to act on those words as Jack had planned his escape with perfection this time.

The moment Larry had left the room Jack looked at the shadowy ground below him with a smile on his face. Ever since a few days ago Jack had felt as if his mana was being interfered with but suddenly it was gone and he was now able to use it again.

Jack "Let's get out of here."

When Jack was free he made a break for the doorway that the interrogator had walked through when he first woke up.

Jack figured that there were more people stuck down here so he wanted to help them escape or end their suffering since he did not want anyone else to go through what he had. Jack then opened the door but when he did he saw nothing. He continued through the doors but there was nothing and he always ended up at the room with a chair that he was oh so familiar with and his arm on the ground.

Jack shook his head and headed towards the door to the stairway when he heard the rocks crumbling behind him. Jack turned around and saw an entrance way that he had never seen before. Jack looked between the doorway and the hole in the wall trying to decide which way to go when he felt a breeze coming from the hole. Jack knew what that breeze ment and quickly went to the hole and passed through it. He didn't forget to fix the wall up so that no one would follow him although his repair job was quite poor.

Jack looked back at the wall one last time.

Jack "I will be back."

Jack then turned around with eyes filled with rage and focus in them and walked down the tunnel that would lead him to freedom.


Jack was coming to the end of the tunnel after walking for what seemed to be hours if not days. He exited the tunnel and what came into his sight was a large field but everything in it was dead and there was a group of people fighting with a troll.

The group was quickly defeated and only three of them managed to escape although from what Jack had seen they were severely injured. He decided to follow the injured people since he did not feel like getting imprisoned again nor did it seem like a good idea to fight against the group of orcs and the troll. While the group of people were running Jack just leisurely followed behind them although he looked quite battered and malnourished due to not eating.

Jack had noticed that Ian was carrying the maid from Sicilia who looked like she was knocking on death's door. Although he wanted to go say hello to them he knew that he should just follow as he did not know who exactly was behind his abduction incident. One of the last people Jack had seen before returning to Haramark was Ian and he had seen what Jack was capable of so he did not trust him very much.

The group soon made it back to their home base and were put on carriages and shipped back to haramark. Jack just silently hopped onto the back of the last carriage so no one would notice him hitching a ride.


As soon as they made it back the three injured were taken to the temple of luxuria. Jack had left and found some of the gold he had stashed away and bought himself some new clothes, a tent, a bag, and a cloak so that he could cover his face as he didn't want to be found since his abductors were probably looking for him.

After he got what he needed he went to Eat, Drink, and Enjoy and bought some food to eat since he was starving. Jack wolfed his food down and choked a little bit but recovered. He then felt his stomach about to blow up so he quickly headed to the bathroom and puked his meal up.

Jack "Damn, shouldn't have eaten so fast."

Jack soon saw a group of 3 people walk in the bathroom. They saw Jack and reached for their weapons.

Jack 'Already!'

Jack had an Idea since he didn't have an arm what if he summoned an arm with his skill shadow armory. It did say weapons but an arm could be considered a weapon so he tried it. An arm that was almost Identical to his other one was created from shadows. The arm fit snugly onto his shoulder and it became one with him.

[New item created]

Death's Hand

Level ???

Developing Weapon (Grows with the user)


??? (Needs to grow more)

Can't be unsummoned

When Jack saw that he smiled. Jack cocked his new arm back and bashed the man on the right he was knocked unconscious.

Jack 'Bellivir.'

Bellivir rose from behind the man on the left and slashed his head from his shoulders.

Jack tried to grab the last man but he reacted faster attempting to stab Jack who dodged it swiftly. He then threw a punch at Jack who got hit but it did little to no damage.

Jack "You think that would hurt? After what I just went through, it feels like a pillow."

Jack then grabbed his face and smashed his head against the floor so hard it made the entire tremble slightly. Everyone inside was surprised but soon went back to drinking since they were all drunk anyway. Jack then took the first man he knocked out and took him out the bar and into the woods just outside. Jack tied him to a tree and set up a campsite for himself. An hour later the man woke up and Jack looked towards him.

Jack "What is your name."

Bob "My name is Bob."

Bob was shaking. He saw what had happened to his friends and felt how hard that punch was considering he had lost a few teeth in the process.

Jack "Well Bob, why did you attack me?"

Bob "..."

Jack " haaa, so it's either I let you live or I kill you."

Bob "..."

Jack summoned Samson to kill the man but bob shook his head when he saw Samson.

Bob "Wait, wait, we were given a picture of you and our boss said that if we found you to take you back to our base."

Jack "Who might your boss be?"

Bob "We don't know since he always wears a mask to cover up his identity."

Jack "Hm, ok then do you know someone named larry?"

Bob "That sadistic bastard! Of course everyone in our organization does who wouldn't."

Jack "Hm well how many people are there in your organization"

Bob "I would say roughly 300-1000."

Jack "Such a large difference."

Bob well "From all the people I know of in Haramark and two other cities it is 300 but from other cities I just made a rough guess."

Jack nodded his head thinking that he should begin getting rid of them fast.

Jack "Well then I guess I don't really need anything else from you, Samson."


Jack "Did I? I can't seem to recall"


Jack "Oh really… Who said I was by myself."

1848 words today. I was curious as to who you would like to be the romantic intrest since from where I am at I can pretty much make it anyone. I already have someone in mind, but who would you guys like most? Hope you enjoy and let me know if there is anything you would like me to change or fix.

TAKENcreators' thoughts