
Second Chances Are Earned

A tale which peers through the perspectives of a group of reincarnates who are born into a world where though they previously excelled greatly in their past worlds, they will have to make the climb once more, developing entirely new skills or honing the ones that they already have. The world is known to house multiple powerhouses who may have gone through the same situation. The world of Sai Kido is filled with mystery and adventure so grab hold of your life and Earn this second chance.

SSK_Writes · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs


The Blessing, Weapon Master. The base level of this ability is to immediately gain proficiency of any weapon that the user wields, while getting better at that weapon until mastery. At first glance, the blessing sounds good, while not being great since there could be issues with the growth of the individual, however, the story is different once muscle memory is involved as when the user truly understands the weapon they are wielding, it becomes more apparent that this blessing holds incredible potential.

Wazuki, who was a Weapon Master himself in his past life, reminisces on the days that have long been lost.

Bladebringer Vanitas, one of the 4 Cardinal Saints, was both praised and feared for his skills on the battlefield. He was known to single handedly turn the battle between Ataraxia and Rubios in the favor of Ataraxia by summoning multiple weapons from the sky and utilizing them with what could only be described as sheer mastery of the art of weapons to wipe out an entire army on his own. He was the reason for both countries uniting under one flag. Vanitas was feared by every warring state, ultimately stopping the war temporarily. He was ultimately killed when they lured him into a forest, heading to a small town when he was ambushed by 3 different armies, including the one which he normally led to battle. He claimed to have heard the giggling of a young girl before he died.

Wazuki blocks the attack from the dragon and raises the blade to slash at it, chipping its nose but breaking the greatsword by snapping it into pieces.

"We need to leave right now."

"I am aware but we need a distraction."

As soon as Marlin utters those words, a white beam flies overhead and the dragon begins to flail about from the bright light that it was just hit with. In the distance, Kibe is seen with his mouth, releasing vapor and smiling from ear to ear.

"That's the power of a real dragon, you popsicle bastard!"

The dragon became briefly blinded by the light. Using this chance, both Wazuki and Marlin use Chi Stride to try to escape while Kibe continues with a string of light beams to blind the dragon. They both run past Kibe, who picks up Shinji and Ruka and begins to take off along with them, successfully surviving the encounter with the dragon. The group begins to collect their thoughts and rest while ensuring their safety. Ruka and Shinji wake up after leaving the mist.

"What happened?"

Marlin jumps down from the tree he was resting in.

"You fell asleep, we had to fight a dragon-"

Kibe cuts him off.

"No, I'm a dragon. That's a Quetzalcoatl."

"Who cares!"

Marlin walks off, seemingly annoyed. Seeing this, Shinji inquires.

"What is wrong with him? You have known him the longest, Kibe."

"Eh? I don't know. He was always like that but he is reliable so I tend to look past it haha…"

Wazuki stands up and walks in the same direction, leaving the group confused about his actions as well but ultimately letting it go. He jumps up to a tree and begins to tail Marlin. He watches as Marlin unsheaths Excalibur and cuts down a tree.

"Disgraceful! A dragon should not be a problem for the son of the great Arthur Pendragon!"

Wazuki's eyes widened as a result of being surprised. He regains his composure almost immediately and thinks to himself.

(Son of King Arthur? I can see why he is so stressed.)

This is known by most people in the world of Sai Kido. King Arthur, the heroic king of Camelot craves perfection. He will disown a child who does not show results and many people believe that he has done this before. In his own words, "Strength is Perfection. It is the very thing that is able to breed perfection by overshadowing imperfection. My goal is to achieve that perfection so that I may erase all things that are imperfect."

Wazuki attempts to try to go talk to him but remembers his training as well as practices.

(It is not my place to interfere with a man's problems. He has to overcome this on his own.)

With that, Wazuki heads back to the group.

Marlin holds his sword, staring at it and after a while, he sheathes it.

"When did I become so deprived of power?..."

(Was it when I reincarnated into a new world, into a new family? This is just a cycle of reincarnation which is so long that I have forgotten the previous regressions. Yet even in dreams, they haunt me. Once I get to the peak, I will finish this, once and for all.)

Marlin sheaths his sword and turns towards the direction where the group is located. While walking back, he hears a growl to the left of him and stops, staring at a bush. He peers into it but it stares back and eventually, it jumps out at him but he uses Chi Stride to dodge. It was a wolf with black fur and red eyes. It was bigger than normal wolves but smaller than Mikoto's wolf by a considerable margin.

Marlin looks at the wolf and sits on the floor, staring at it while reaching into his spatial ring.

"I will not be fighting you. If you are hungry then eat this."

The wolf, who seems to understand Marlin, initially growls and snarls at Marlin, biting at him but throughout all this, he does not flinch. He simply pulls out some rations from his spatial ring and places it in front of him. Eventually, the wolf succumbs to his hunger and begins to eat the rations that were provided. While eating, Marlin notices that the wolf has become more docile while eating and begins to pet it which startles the wolf at first, but it allows Marlin to continue.

Marlin smiles.

"You, who were once a wild beast, are now eating from the palm of a stranger who you have just met haha. I think it would be beneficial for beings like us to stick together. You could help me find what I am looking for. So what will it be?"

The wolf finishes the rations and stares intently at Marlin and after a while, nods in approval. Marlin is surprised at the level of understanding that this creature has and smiles before standing up.

"The fact that you understand me means that you are no ordinary wolf. I wonder what secrets you hold."

Marlin and the wolf walk back to the camp that had been set up.

Everyone stares at the two and Wazuki speaks first.

"Did you find what you were looking for?"

Marlin, confused at the question, sighs and begins to pack the stuff from the camp away.

"We will see when we get to D'elsin."


Everyone helps to get ready for the trip with some people getting food, others getting drinkable water from a large river. During this entire period, Kibe crafts a carriage which he instructs that all the boys will pull it to the next town, taking turns. Ruka intervenes and states that she will help to pull it as well and they eventually let her help. The group now heads to D'elsin with Wazuki thinking to himself.

"I guess it all worked out in the end."