
Second chance to love again

Calista was on top of the world when she married the love of her life and high school sweatheart only to be left shattered and heartbroken when he left her for another taking everything she had with him, but would life give her a second chance when she meets a sweet little angel and his father that changes her life forever. Will this encounter bring her trouble or the peace she longs for? Eric a playboy who thinks he has everything planned out until he was left with a day old baby abandoned by his mother but everything changes when he met the beautiful Cali that made his heart go ka boom ka boom Follow me through this sweet and intriguing story of second chances

estysimon · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Baby name

The morning sun filtered in through the window inside the ward waking up the sleeping beauty, she fluttered her long lashes before opening her eyes, telling herself it is going to be a beautiful day she went to wash up.

coming out a still wearing the same clothes from yesterday she cleaned up the little cupcake then fed him of course this time she took precautions by covering up herself properly, even though she acts like she forgot what happened yesterday she actually still traumatized by it not everybody likes the idea of being seen by their boss like that on the first day of work and this was the scene Eric saw when he came in if he did not know better he would think that he got the wrong ward.

Good morning he greeted, Calista looked at him and greeted back. he looked well rested and vibrant he was putting on a black suit even though he was dressed corporately he had this Aura on him that she can't just place her hands on he was very different from the man she met yesterday he seems a bit cold.

After the doctor came in and checked the baby and discharge them.

it was time to go, when they got to the entrance of the hospital there was already a car waiting for them she had to sit in the back with him because she was carrying the baby their first was her apartment because she has to get some of her things. it was a thirty minutes ride from the hospital. the drive there was awfully quiet except for the baby making sounds from time to time and Eric typing away on his laptop.

After arriving at her apartment she left to go bring her stuff but on getting back to the car she saw the door open when she came closer she saw the baby laughing and Eric looking helpless with despair and the whole car was smelly the baby had poop and it seems Eric did not know what to do it was such a funny sight that she could not help but burst laughing she only tried to hold it in when he glared at her to think he looked so adorable. after solving the problem they continued the journey back to the house. while he went back to working on his laptop she and the little cupcake was bonding then she remembered that she didn't know the name of the baby so she decided to ask.

Mr Eric she called

yes he answered without looking at her

what is the name of little cupcake

" - " oh shit he did not even have a name for the baby he thought inwardly. blinking he did not even know how to answer.

Seeing the confusion on his face she became more curious about the mother of the baby

just when she thought she wasn't going to get an answer she heard him say I left the naming for the mother so I haven't thought of it she could hear a disappointment from his tone. oh then you should name him then you would be needing it for the birth certificate and of course the baby needs a name, but I can't come up with any names right now, um what of Felix it is a good name Calista said after mulling over it he agreed with her. Felix it is then and that was how the little cupcake was named which all the more piqued her curiosity of the mother, she did not like poking her nose in other people business but curiosity they say kills the cat so she just asked.

Mr Eric what about the mother. the look he gave her was that of mind your own business and with that she shut up and they continued the journey in silence.

hello everyone

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