
Second Chance In An Apocalypse

In a mystical realm between life and death, Vincent, a young man on the brink of his demise, is granted a rare second chance at life. However, this opportunity comes with a unique condition – he must participate in the enigmatic Reincarnation Games to obtain his "starter pack" for the new life ahead.Thrown into a world where souls compete for a fresh beginning, Alex must navigate challenges that test not only his physical prowess but also his inner strength. As he forms alliances and confronts adversaries, the tournament unveils hidden aspects of his own past lives, each impacting his present and future

Kojobrako · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Chapter 26: Livestock

"Guru, enter I don't have all day," the tribal Chief spoke in a dissatisfied tone after seeing Vincent lost in thought.


Vincent took a deep breath, acknowledging the peculiar ritual of the tigerkin tribe. With a determined expression, he guided Jane and Jonah into the hut, their steps echoing the gravity of the encounter. Inside, the chief's presence loomed, and Vincent prepared for the audience that awaited them.

In the dimly lit hut, the tribal chief emerged from the shadows, revealing a majestic lion with a regal mane that seemed to radiate authority. His eyes, a piercing amber, held a wisdom that transcended the ages. His skin was chocolate carrying a dark hint as if being kept in a furnace. The luscious mane carried the same colour as his skin, with a battle scar in a form a Slash mark. The scar run from under the eyelid to his cheek. Dawning a robe he faced the visitors scrutinising the two kids that tried to hid behind Vincent's enormous frame.

The air in the room carried an aura of respect and fear, as if the very walls bore witness to the decisions made within."Guru, you bring newcomers to our sanctuary. Explain your purpose," the chief spoke with a voice that resonated like distant thunder, commanding attention.

Vincent, maintaining his composure, began to recount their journey through the enchanted forest and the agreement he had with Bagheera, the Vice-leader. He emphasised their desire to coexist peacefully and seek the protection of the tribe.

The chief listened intently, his gaze shifting between Vincent and the twins. As the tale unfolded, a hint of acknowledgment flickered in his eyes. Once Vincent finished, a profound silence enveloped the hut, amplifying the weight of their presence.After what felt like an eternity, the chief finally spoke, "Guru, your actions bear consequences for these outsiders. They will be allowed to stay under our protection, but they must abide by our laws and prove their worth."

A subtle nod from Vincent indicated his acceptance of the terms.

The chief continued, "In our tribe, strength is revered. If they wish to be embraced fully, they must undergo a trial to showcase their resilience and earn their place."

The twins exchanged uncertain glances, realising the gravity of the situation. Vincent, however, maintained a stoic demeanor, knowing that the tribal laws were an integral part of their survival in this mystical enclave, after acquiring the memories of his predecessors.

The chief's eyes locked onto Jane and Jonah, "Prepare yourselves for the trial, young ones. Survive, and you will be welcomed into the Tribe of Tigers with open arms."

With that, the atmosphere shifted, as if the very essence of the hut resonated with the weight of the impending trial. The journey through the enchanted forest had taken an unexpected turn, leading them deeper into the mysteries of the tigerkin tribe.

"Guru after their trial is over visit me I have some issues I want to confirm," the deep voice of the Chief resounded as a hidden glint flashed in his yes.

" I understand Chief," Vincent answered being non the wiser of what was about to go down.

Vincent, acting as their guide, led Jane and Jonah out of the chief's hut. The tigerkin tribe observed their every move, their eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. As they stepped outside, the lush surroundings seemed to hold an anticipatory hush, as if nature itself awaited the outcome of the trial.

Vincent turned to the twins with a stern expression, "Listen carefully. The trial will test your mettle, and you must prove your strength to be accepted by the tribe. Follow my lead, and remember the rules of survival in the jungle."

With that, they ventured into an open clearing, surrounded by towering trees. The air was charged with an electric tension as the tribe awaited the trial.

Suddenly, Bagheera, the Vice-leader, stepped forward, his blue-skinned, imposing figure casting a shadow over the gathering."Guru's emergency food source,this trial will ensure whether you remain as livestock or you become acknowledged recruits under Guru. Your trial begins," Bagheera declared, his voice echoing through the enclave.

Without warning, the ground beneath Jane and Jonah shifted as massive, striped figures emerged from the shadows. Tigers of various sizes and colors circled the trio, their eyes fixated on the newcomers. The tribal members watched with a mixture of expectation and curiosity.

Vincent whispered to the twins, "Stay close, and follow my lead. Show them you can adapt and survive."

The trial unfolded as the tigers circled, testing the trio's reactions. Vincent, with a calculated grace, demonstrated his familiarity with the jungle's ways, earning a nod of approval from Bagheera. The twins, initially tense, gradually started to mirror Vincent's movements, adapting to the unpredictable dance with nature's ultimate predators.

As the trial continued, the tigers lunged and feigned attacks, testing the newcomers' resilience.

The jungle itself seemed to assess their worthiness. Vincent's sharp instincts and combat skills were on full display, guiding the twins through the intricate dance of survival.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the tigers retreated into the shadows, and Bagheera's voice cut through the tension, "Enough."

The trial concluded, leaving the twins panting and Vincent standing resolute. Bagheera approached, his predatory gaze appraising the newcomers. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded, acknowledging their survival.

"You've proven your worth in the eyes of the tribe. Welcome to the Tribe of Tigers," Bagheera declared, a hint of respect in his voice.

The jungle tribe, with its mysterious ways, had tested and accepted Jane and Jonah, binding them to the enigmatic destiny of the tigerkin tribe.

"Is that it?" Jonah quietly questioned Jane in a whisper forgetting that all these behemoths had acute hearing.

Well who could blame them. These beast portrayed themselves as battle maniacs within their short period. So the twins were expecting a dance with death.

Vincent who heard Jonah's question decided to dispel their doubt.

"As manic as these people may seem does not mean they lack common sense.

First of all you guys are kids so there's no need to be harsh on you with the trial…..But…" Vincent paused with a mysterious smile plastered on his face.

Jonah who couldn't handle the suspense quickly questioned, "But what?"

Vincent smiled at the childlike curiosity of Jonah who momentarily forgot about their village's disaster. Not willing to keep the kids in suspense, he continued.

"But if you want to challenge the real trial that can be arranged." A sneaky smile on his face as he made this statement, having knowledge of the horror the actual trial contained.

Jane who saw Vincent's smile shivered as she covered her brother's mouth.


Preventing him from uttering any nonsense.

Seeing the two kids quiet, Vincent left them to their own affairs as he made his way to Bagheera's side.

"The Tribal Chief requires my presence can you guide these two to my hut?" Vincent requested.

"Ok, Guru don't keep the Chief waiting," Bagheera spoke in his usual masculine voice.

"Scrubs follow me to where you will be staying," Bagheera said but his next action was not in line with his statement. Since he scooped the two kids like an ice cream placing Jonah in his armpit and Jane on his shoulder.

"Let me go. Bad tiger didn't you say to follow you. Bully….Meanie…,"Jane screamed while kicking her feet in the air frustrated by her transportation.

Jonah on the other hand folded his arms not making any noise and curiously observing his surroundings unlike his sister.

Unknown whether he was being composed or too scared to make a sound.

Vincent seeing this shook his head while making his way the tribal Chief's abode.