
Chapter 73

Heroes POV

Noah stood before Lloyd's door, his hand hesitating just inches away from knocking. Was he here out of genuine concern for Lloyd, or was it merely at the behest of his uncle, who had been urging him or mend fences with his fellow contestant?

Taking a deep breath, Noah finally summoned the courage to rap his knuckles against the door. From within, he could hear the faint sound of movement, like someone shuffling around. Moments later, the door swung open, revealing Lloyd on the other side.

But what Noah before him was a far cry from the confident, composed Lloyd he was used to. The usually sleek stands of hair were now disheveled and greasy, clinging to his forehead in damp strands. His skin, normally vibrant with life, had taken on a sickly, bluish hue, evidence of his recent brush with drowning.

For a moment, Noah was taken aback, his concern for Lloyd's well-being overshadowing any other thoughts. Seeing Lloyd in such a state was disconcerting, to say the least. He had heard about the harrowing challenges they had faced, but seeing the toll it had taken on Lloyd firsthand was a sobering experience.

"Lloyd," Noah began, his voice laced with genuine concern. "Are you okay? You don't look so good."

Lloyd didn't immediately respond to Noah's inquiry, his voice sluggish and his movement slow as he processed the question. "What do you want from me?" he finally managed to ask, his words trailing off as if he couldn't find the energy to complete the sentence.

Before Noah could offer a reply, Lloyd abruptly turned away and stumbled towards a nearby trash can, his face contorted in discomfort. Noah watched in concern as Lloyd emptied his stomach into the bin, the sound of retching echoing through the room.

The sight tugged at Noah's heartstrings, stirring a mix of emotions within him. Despite any lingering resentment, he may have harbored towards Lloyd for his past actions, seeing him in such a vulnerable state evoked feelings of pity and compassion. Perhaps, Noah realized, he couldn't bring himself to be angry with Lloyd, especially not now.

As Lloyd's heaving subsided, Noah stepped forward, his gentle yet firm. "You don't have to push yourself like this," he said, his tone tinged with genuine concern. "You could take some time off from the tournament to properly recover. Your health comes first."

Noah couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling as Lloyd's gaze bore into him with an intensity he had never witnessed before. His instincts urged him to take a step back, a reflexive response to the unexpected hostility radiating from Lloyd. This wasn't the carefree and relaxed Lloyd he was accustomed to; something had rattled him, likely the harrowing experience of nearly drowning in the chamber.

Feeling like an intruder in Lloyd's private turmoil, Noah remained rooted to the spot, at a loss for words. Despite their shared history through the tournament, Lloyd still felt like a stranger to him, a puzzle with too many missing pieces to decipher.

Lloyd's voice cut through the tense silence, low and hoarse with emotion. "I can't leave, not yet," he muttered, his movements sluggish as he made his way to the bed, his exhaustion evident. "There's something I need to take care of first."

Noah's gaze swept over Lloyd, taking in the disheveled appearance and the fatigue etched into his features. Concern gnawed at him, urging him to press further, to understand what could be driving Lloyd to prioritize something over his health and safety.

"Why?" Noah's voice was gentle yet insistent, a reflection of his genuine worry. "What do you have to do that's so important?"

Lloyd met Noah's gaze for a fleeting moment before his expression tightened as if he had just caught himself revealing too much. With a sudden reticence, he clamped his mouth shut, a defensive barrier rising between them.

"It's none of your business," Lloyd responded tersely, his tone a clear indication that the conversation was over before it had even truly begun.

Noah's voice resonated with a mixture of frustration and yearning as he broached the topic, aching to bridge the chasm that seemed to separate them. "Lloyd, we're supposed to be brothers, but lately, it feels like we're strangers, or worse, enemies. Tell me, what's driving you to push yourself like this?"

Lloyd's reaction was immediate, his features contorting with a blend of anger and hurt as Noah invoked the term 'brothers.' "We're not brothers," he snapped, rising from the bed with sluggish movements. Each step he took toward Noah seemed heavy with the weight of his emotional turmoil. "I've been alone my whole life, abandoned, and you only show up when you need something from me…"

Noah's silence hung heavy in the air, a tacit acknowledgment of Lloyd's painful truth. Lloyd's words cut deep, echoing the harsh reality of his abandonment and isolation. Noah couldn't deny that he had played a part in Lloyd's feeling of rejection and neglect, brought on by their mother's revelation and his status as the chosen one. While Lloyd did have Koko by his side, he was left to navigate the treacherous waters of Darkly alone, surrounded by those who sought to exploit and harm him. It was no wonder that Lloyd harbored resentment towards him; after all, their mother had cast Lloyd aside while keeping him close.

 "Lloyd, I don't expect you to like me," Noah began, his tone gentle yet firm as he attempted to reason with his estranged brother. "But you need help. You're exhibiting symptoms of someone who's suffered a near-drowning. You need to see a doctor, and get proper treatment before it's too late."

"I think it's too late to back down now," Lloyd's voice was strained, his tone tinged with a mixture of exhaustion and determination, "So don't worry about me. Focus on keeping a leash on your friends."

Lloyd's words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of his determination and resolve despite his precarious condition. The intensity in his gaze as he locked eyes with Noah spoke volumes, reflecting a sense of stubbornness and defiance that Noah had seldom witnessed before.

Before Noah could react, Lloyd's sudden shove propelled him backward, catching him off guard. With a resounding slam, the door to Lloyd's room shut firmly, leaving Noah standing alone in the hallway, bewildered and uncertain. As he turned away, Noah couldn't shake the feeling of futility that washed over him, a sense of resignation creeping into his thoughts. Despite his best intentions, it seemed that reaching out to Lloyd was a futile endeavor, leaving Noah to ponder the complexities of their fractured relationship as he walked away.

Lloyd POV

The sound of the intercom jolted me awake from my restless slumber, my rest already marred by the aftermath of my near-drowning ordeal and the unsetting exchange with Noah. Despite the fatigue weighing heavily on my eyelids, I forced myself to sit up, feeling the persistent ache in my muscles and the queasiness in my stomach. My mind raced with thoughts of how I would fare in today's challenge, grappling with the uncertainty of my physical condition.

As Master Chen's voice echoed through the room, I strained to listen to the details of the upcoming challenge, my attention drawn to the ominous description unfolding over the intercom.

"Contestants must face off against a series of monstrous creatures summoned by Clouse," his words reverberated through the chamber, each syllable laden with foreboding. "Each contestant must defeat a certain number of monsters to advance to the next round. Those who are unable to defeat the creatures are eliminated, while those who succeed continue to the next challenge."

"Are you a loser or a winner?" Master Chen's taunting question reverberated in my ears, stirring a sense of defiance within me. Despite the odds stacked against me, I refused to accept defeat.