
Chapter 55

Heroes POV

As Sensei Garmadon made his way to Noah's room, his steps measured and deliberate, he couldn't shake the weight of his thoughts. Memories of the past intertwined with concerns for the future, a tangled web of familial ties and impending threats. He recalled vividly the conversation with his brother, the anguish in his voice as he recounted Noah's descent into a dream coma—a mysterious affliction that had gripped the young boy like a vise.

The revelation of a shadowy being destined to bring about the destruction of Ninjago had only added to Sensei Garmadon's unease. The notion of such a malevolent force lurking in the shadows unsettled him deeply, casting a pall over his thoughts. Yet, amidst the turmoil of uncertainty, he knew that dwelling on the past or fearing the future would serve no purpose. It was best to focus on the present, to address the challenges at hand with clarity and resolve.

With each step closer to Noah's room, Sensei Garmadon steeled himself for whatever he might find. He pushed aside the lingering doubts and fears, his mind sharpened by the urgency of the moment. Whatever awaited him behind that door, he was prepared to face it head-on, to offer his support and guidance to his troubled nephew. For in times of adversity, it was the strength of family and the bonds of kinship that provided solace and strength.

As the sharp sound of shattering glass pierced the air, Sensei Garmadon's instincts kicked into high gear, catapulting him into action. With a sense of urgency driving him forward, he sprinted down the hallway, his heart pounding in his chest like a relentless drumbeat. Each step brought him closer to Noah's room, his mind racing with a flurry of apprehension and concern.

Upon reaching Noah's door, Sensei Garmadon wasted no time. With a forceful push, he burst into the room, the door slamming against the wall with a resounding thud. His eyes immediately fell upon the scene before him, and a wave of disbelief washed over him like a tidal wave.

There, in the center of the room, stood Noah, surrounded by a sea of shattered glass. The fragments glittered like fallen stars, casting an eerie shimmer across the floor. Noah's expression was one of frustration and anger, his features contorted in a mix of emotions as he hurled yet another glass to the ground with a sharp curse.

Sensei Garmadon's gaze shifted from the scattered shards to his nephew, his heart heavy with concern. He couldn't fathom what could have led Noah to such a state of distress, but one thing was clear—his nephew was in turmoil, grappling with demons that threatened to consume him whole.

With a steady voice, Sensei Garmadon spoke, his tone laced with a mixture of compassion and firmness. "Noah, what's happened here?" he asked, his eyes searching Noah's for answers amidst the chaos of shattered glass.

Noah's breath caught in his throat as his uncle's figure loomed in the doorway, a mixture of surprise and embarrassment flooding his senses. His eyes darted nervously from the shattered glass to Sensei Garmadon's scrutinizing gaze, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks as a flush of embarrassment washed over him.

With a quick, almost reflexive motion, Noah's hands moved to conjure a broom, the familiar weight of his power materializing in his palms. He began sweeping the scattered glass, the sharp shards clinking against the bristles with each pass, a tangible reminder of his recent frustration.

"Nothing, I was just training," Noah blurted out, his words rushed and tinged with a hint of defensiveness. "I just got overwhelmed when things didn't go my way."

His explanation hung in the air, mingling with the faint scent of shattered glass and lingering tension. Noah's gaze remained fixed on his task, avoiding his uncle's probing stare as he sought to conceal the true depth of his emotions.

"Noah, I advise you not to train alone," Sensei Garmadon's voice carried a note of concern, his words a gentle reminder of the dangers lurking within the shadows. "If you need advice or assistance, you could have asked."

Noah's fingers tightened around the handle of the dustpan, a fleeting sense of guilt tugging at his conscience. He had always been fiercely independent, reluctant to burden others with his struggles. But now, faced with his uncle's unwavering gaze, he couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for his solitary endeavors.

"Of course, uncle," Noah replied, the words tumbling from his lips with a hint of sheepishness. "I was just trying to apply what you taught me."

Sensei Garmadon's nod was both approving and understanding, a silent acknowledgment of Noah's determination to forge his own path. Despite his reservations, he knew that his nephew possessed a resilience and determination that could not be easily swayed.

"Close your eyes, Noah," Sensei Garmadon instructed, his voice a steady anchor in the tumultuous sea of Noah's thoughts. "Listen to my voice."

Noah hesitated for a moment, uncertainty flickering in the depths of his gaze. But he knew that he couldn't refuse an opportunity to learn, to become stronger. With a resigned sigh, he closed his eyes, allowing himself to surrender to the guidance of his uncle's wisdom.

"Imagine yourself in a dark studio glassblowing," Sensei Garmadon's voice washed over Noah like a gentle breeze, coaxing him into a realm of imagination. "You spend hours working on making a single glass cup. As you hot sculpt it, it takes patience and skill to make it perfect. Remember, you are solo blowing."

Noah closed his eyes, allowing the vivid imagery to envelop his senses. In his mind's eye, he found himself transported to a dimly lit studio, the air thick with the heady scent of molten glass. He could almost feel the intense heat radiating from the furnace, the rhythmic hiss of the flame a constant companion to his thoughts.

As he immersed himself in the illusion, Noah's imagination conjured the sensation of sweat trickling down his brow, the weight of exhaustion settling in his muscles as he toiled tirelessly at his craft. He could envision himself clad in baggy clothes, streaked with grime and filth from the arduous labor of shaping the glass into perfection.

With a deep breath, Noah activated his ability, the familiar tingling sensation coursing through his veins as he willed the glass into existence. Despite his initial reluctance, he couldn't deny the power of his imagination to breathe life into the seemingly mundane task before him.

He glanced at the glass he had just created, noting a subtle difference in its essence compared to his previous works. As his uncle took it from him and tossed it to the ground, Noah braced himself for the inevitable shatter. Yet, to his astonishment, the glass rebounded off the floor, landing back in his uncle's hand unscathed. Noah's eyes widened in disbelief, his mind struggling to comprehend the inexplicable phenomenon before him.

"This is the real purpose of this entire lesson," his uncle explained, passing the glass back to Noah. "It helps open up your creativity and make your creations more enduring."

Noah turned the glass over in his hands, pondering his uncle's words. He had never considered the lasting resilience of his creations, always viewing them as fleeting manifestations of his ability. Now, with this newfound insight, he realized the potential for his creations to withstand the trials of time.

A flicker of determination ignited within Noah as he recalled his encounters with Abaddon, the memories of his destructive prowess lingering like a shadow. With his enhanced understanding of creativity and endurance, Noah envisioned a future where he could face his adversaries with unwavering resolve.

A flicker of determination ignited within Noah as he recalled his encounters with Abaddon, the memories of his destructive prowess lingering like a shadow. With his enhanced understanding of creativity and endurance, Noah envisioned a future where he could face his adversaries with unwavering resolve.


Noah's gaze lingered on the window, his mind still reeling from the intense training session with his uncle. Today marked the culmination of his lessons before he delved into the world of interviews and reporters, a prospect that both excited and daunted him. As he contemplated the challenges ahead, the classroom door creaked open, drawing his attention to their homeroom teacher, Ms. Asiya.

Her presence commanded the room's attention, and Noah watched intently as she surveyed the class, her eyes briefly flickering over Abaddon's vacant desk before addressing the students.

"A new student will be joining us following the internship," she announced, her tone carrying a hint of solemnity. "He will be taking Abaddon's place, as Abaddon will no longer be attending this school."

Ms. Asiya's words hung in the air, eliciting a mix of curiosity and concern among the students. Abaddon had been a formidable presence, his influence shaping perceptions and challenging norms. The notion of his abrupt departure left Noah puzzled, questioning the circumstances behind such a sudden change.

"He's not in good shape to continue attending this school, if any of you were wondering," Ms. Asiya continued, her explanation shedding some light on the situation. "Now that we've addressed that, let's proceed with today's lesson."

Noah's thoughts swirled with uncertainty as he absorbed Ms. Asiya's words. The absence of Abaddon, once a dominant figure in their midst, left a void that would undoubtedly alter the dynamics of their classroom. As the lesson began, Noah couldn't shake the lingering sense of intrigue surrounding Abaddon's departure, wondering what lay behind the enigmatic student's sudden exit from their lives.

Back in the Present

Noah's mind jolted back to the present as the memory faded, replaced by the chaos unfolding before him. With a sigh, he set the glass cup on his nightstand, a small token of his progress amidst the challenges he faced. Before he and his uncle could react, a deafening explosion rocked the room, sending them both hurtling through the air.

As Noah struggled to regain his senses, his ears ringing and vision blurred, he blinked rapidly to clear his vision. What had caused the explosion? Disoriented, he staggered to a sitting position, his head throbbing with confusion.

Slowly, his vision cleared, revealing a chilling sight outside the window—a colossal mechanical dragon, its metallic scales glinting menacingly in the sunlight. Noah's heart pounded in his chest as he watched in horror, realizing the imminent danger they faced.

His uncle sprang to his feet, his movements swift and purposeful as he prepared to evade the looming threat. Noah's mind raced, struggling to comprehend the surreal scene unfolding before him. What could possibly have summoned such a terrifying creature to their doorstep?

With each passing moment, the gravity of the situation sank in deeper, fueling Noah's sense of urgency. As the mechanical dragon began to charge another devastating attack, Noah knew they had little time to spare. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, he braced himself for whatever chaos awaited, determined to face it head-on.