
Chapter 13

As the end of the week approached, I found myself bracing for the inevitable—a random assignment to a patrol group for the weekly task of maintaining law and order in Ninjago. This routine, while necessary, often felt like an unwelcome intrusion into my already chaotic life. And true to form, luck seemed to have abandoned me once again as I received my assignment: I was to be paired with none other than Noah.

The mere thought of spending an entire patrol alongside Noah sent a ripple of irritation through me, but I forced myself to maintain a facade of indifference. Glancing at Noah, I could detect a similar sentiment reflected in his demeanor—displeasure simmering beneath a mask of stoicism. Despite our mutual discomfort, we both understood the importance of the task at hand and chose to keep our feelings in check.

Joining us were three other individuals, two from the Advanced class and one from the Common class. Their unease around me was palpable, their gazes shifting uncomfortably whenever our eyes met. It was clear that my presence in the group had disrupted the usual camaraderie, casting a shadow of uncertainty over our collaboration.

As we gathered to begin our patrol, I couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider among them. While Noah and I shared a common history fraught with animosity, the others seemed wary of my presence for entirely different reasons. Their guarded behavior only served to reinforce my isolation within the group, amplifying the weight of my solitude.

Nevertheless, I resolved to carry out our duties with diligence and professionalism, regardless of the awkward dynamics at play. As we set out into the streets of Ninjago, I braced myself for the challenges that lay ahead, determined to prove my worth despite the odds stacked against me.

As we embarked on our patrol through the bustling streets of Ninjago, the tension in our group was palpable. Noah's displeasure at being paired with me was evident, though he maintained a stoic demeanor, his jaw clenched with restrained frustration. The others, two from the Advanced class and one from the Common class, eyed me warily, as if unsure of what to make of my presence among them.

Despite the unease hanging in the air, I wasted no time in suggesting our course of action. Jamanakai Village, a humble community on the outskirts of the city, had been plagued by reports of criminal activity—specifically, the robbery of hardworking farmers struggling to make ends meet. It seemed like an opportune moment to make a difference, to prove that even amidst our differences, we could work together to uphold justice.

"Ladies and gentlemen, shall we make our way to Jamanakai Village?" I proposed, mustering a hint of enthusiasm in my voice. "It appears our services are needed to thwart the nefarious deeds of these criminals."

Noah's response was curt and to the point, his determination evident in his tone. "Agreed. Time is of the essence. Let's move."

With a collective nod, we set off towards our destination, the urgency of our mission lending an air of purpose to our strides. As we traversed the winding streets of Ninjago, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of anticipation mingled with apprehension. Would this patrol be the catalyst for a shift in the dynamic between Noah and me, or would our differences continue to drive a wedge between us?

Only time would tell as we ventured forth, our resolve unwavering and our determination unyielding in the face of adversity.

We arrived at Jamanakai Village after a three-hour journey, the sun casting its golden rays over the tranquil landscape. Despite the serene surroundings, tension lingered in the air as we prepared to confront the criminals plaguing the village. Noah took the lead, approaching a farmer who was diligently tending to his field.

"Good day, sir," Noah greeted the farmer with a respectful nod. "We've come to apprehend the criminals causing trouble in your village."

The farmer's weathered face lit up with relief, his voice heavy with gratitude. "Oh, bless you! Those scoundrels have been wreaking havoc almost every week, leaving destruction in their wake."

Noah exchanged a knowing glance with me, his expression laden with silent communication. But before he could respond, I couldn't resist the urge to interject with a sarcastic remark.

"Do you ever shut up?" I muttered under my breath, earning a sharp glare from Noah. Liam, one of our companions, quickly stepped in to diffuse the tension, urging us to focus on the task at hand.

"Let's focus on the task at hand," Liam urged, his tone firm. "We're here to catch criminals, not argue with each other."

"I suggest we scour the outskirts of the village," I proposed, gesturing towards the distant hills. "The terrain there could offer suitable hiding spots for the criminals."

Liam considered my suggestion for a moment before nodding in agreement. "That's a solid plan. Let's split up and search the area thoroughly."

With a decisive nod, I turned around, fully intending to depart. Today wasn't the day I had in mind for apprehending petty criminals. But just as I was about to make my exit, Noah intercepted me once more, a gesture that didn't sit well with me at all.

"How are you going to contact us if you find them?" Noah inquired, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"I don't have a phone," I admitted, causing my companions to exchange incredulous looks. After all, I was barely out of childhood, and the idea of possessing a phone seemed absurd. "I figure something out."

With a nod from Liam, we split up to cover more ground. As they headed towards the hills to investigate potential hiding spots, I quietly slipped away, my mind preoccupied with a different agenda. Catching criminals was the least of my concerns—I had a personal mission to fulfill, and nothing would distract me from it.

I trudged through the snowy terrain, the frigid air nipping at my cheeks as I ascended Glacier Barren. Time was of the essence; I needed to reach the summit before my classmates captured the criminals lurking nearby. Upon arriving at a particular vantage point, I constructed a snow golem, leveraging its icy form to ascend more swiftly. The golem carried me upward, its movements deliberate and steady.

Eventually, I called a halt to our ascent, disembarking from the makeshift creature. If my calculations were correct, I was in the vicinity of my target. Yet, despite my efforts to locate it, my search yielded no results. Frustration mounting, I abandoned my pursuit, opting instead to descend via an icy slide.

As I landed unceremoniously on the frozen ground, I winced and rubbed my sore rear. Nevertheless, determination still burned within me; I was certain my quarry was nearby. Suddenly, a sinister hissing sound reached my ears, prompting me to leap out of harm's way. I recognized the sound from my past encounters with General Slithraa, my former slave who had a tendency to inadvertently hypnotize himself.

"Snap out of it," I commanded, watching as Slithraa shook off his trance.

In a subservient tone, he responded, "Your wish is my command."

With a sense of urgency, I instructed him to retrieve the map of the four tombs. I knew better than to attempt to control the Hypnobrai again, as my previous endeavors had ended in disaster. As Slithraa slithered away to fulfill my request, I took a moment to reflect on the five Serpentine tribes: Anacondrai, Hypnobrai, Fangpyre, Constrictai, and Venomari. Among them, the Anacondrai were once the most formidable and feared, led by General Arcturus. However, their downfall came swiftly when they resorted to cannibalism, leaving only one survivor in their wake.

The Hypnobrai, inspired by the speckled cobra with a touch of rattlesnake influence, were renowned for their mastery of hypnosis. They were the first serpent tribe I managed to unlock from their tomb, their abilities proving both fascinating and treacherous.

Following them were the Fangpyre, known primarily for their provision of vehicular transport to the other serpentine tribes. However, my encounter with the Hypnobrai led to my betrayal, prompting me to unleash the Fangpyre in a bid to exact revenge upon their traitorous kin. Led by General Fangtom, who had formed a cordial relationship with the new Hypnobrai leader, General Skales, the Fangpyre posed a significant threat to their former allies.

The Constrictai, on the other hand, specialized in reconnaissance, utilizing their expertise in underground navigation to gather vital intelligence. Their signature ability to constrict and suffocate their enemies with their powerful tails made them formidable adversaries in combat.

Lastly, the Venomari, dwelling within the murky swamps, wielded their naturally occurring venom with lethal precision. Utilizing vials of their toxic secretion, they could poison their foes with ease, rendering them incapacitated or worse.

In addition to their unique abilities, the physical characteristics of each serpentine tribe, such as the shape and size of their heads, served as important indicators of their rank and status within their respective tribes. This intricate hierarchy added another layer of complexity to the dynamics between the serpentines, further emphasizing the importance of understanding their culture and behavior.

As I emerged from the serpentine tomb, General Slithraa obediently followed my orders to inform his fellow serpentines of their newfound freedom. With the map in hand, I made my way down the mountain atop my snow golem, my mind focused on the greater objective that lay within one of the serpentine tombs.

Upon returning to the village, I found the villagers jubilant, celebrating the successful capture of the criminals by Noah and his team. However, Noah's questioning gaze bore into me as he approached.

"I told you I was going to check around the mountain," I replied, irritation evident in my tone. Noah's persistent questioning grated on my nerves.

His skepticism persisted. "How did you know they were there? Don't tell me you knew the entire time?"

"I made an educated guess," I retorted, dismissing his inquiry with a wave of my hand. "But that's irrelevant now. The important thing is that the criminals are apprehended."

Noah's accusatory tone irked me further. "You're a hypocrite for throwing your little friends under the bus," he accused.

I couldn't contain my frustration any longer. With a swift flick of my hand, I delivered a sharp tap to his forehead, my retort dripping with disdain. "I'm not the type to betray my comrades," I snapped, turning away from him in dismissal. "Our assignment is over, so I have no further need to engage with you."

Heroes POV

The gang decided to spend the remainder of the afternoon at the monastery, each member recounting the events of their day in their own unique way.

"My group only arrested some lunatic who thought he was a real drag racer," Jay remarked casually, flopping down onto the couch with a sigh of exhaustion.

Cole, still energized from his day's activities, chimed in, "We just stopped a bank robbery. Pretty standard stuff."

"At least you caught some criminals," Kai grumbled good-naturedly. "We just rescued some poor guy who got stuck in a tree."

"We had to put out a fire at the fire department," Zane added, his tone calm and collected as always. "But I heard Noah's group stopped a group of thugs tormenting Jamanakai Village."

Noah's demeanor seemed distant, his thoughts elsewhere. Sensing his friend's unease, Kai approached Noah and ruffled his hair affectionately. "What's been bothering you lately?"

"Yeah, you seem out of it," Nya observed, concern evident in her voice. "Ever since we met Abaddon, you've seemed... different."

"I'm not insecure about myself," Noah retorted defensively, smoothing down his hair with a flick of his hand. "I just feel like I've hit a wall in my training. And these dreams..." He trailed off, his eyes growing bloodshot with frustration. "They won't stop. It's like the world is ending over and over again, and I don't know what to do."

A somber silence fell over the room as Noah's friends exchanged worried glances, understanding the weight of his burden.

"You don't have to face this alone," Kai reassured him, placing a comforting hand on Noah's shoulder. "Remember, we're all in this prophecy together."

"We'll stick by you no matter what," Cole promised, his voice steady and unwavering.

"You can always count on us," Jay added, a supportive smile on his face.

"We're a team, Noah," Zane affirmed, his tone gentle yet firm.

Tears welled up in Noah's eyes, his friends' words of encouragement touching him deeply. "Thanks, guys," he murmured, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm lucky to have friends like you."

Sensei Wu approached, offering his guidance and wisdom. "In your darkest moments, you will always find a light to guide you to safety. All you have to do is accept it."

With renewed determination, Noah wiped away his tears and stood up tall. "I can't believe I let myself get so caught up over someone like Abaddon. From now on, I'm going to focus on myself and our team."

"That's the spirit!" Nya exclaimed, her laughter breaking the tension in the room. "Welcome back, Noah."

"Let's celebrate our progress," Cole suggested with a grin. "We've come a long way, and we deserve to enjoy ourselves."

Noah smiled gratefully at his friends, a sense of relief washing over him. As his father prepared to leave the room, Noah's initial disappointment turned to trust. "Are you not staying with us?" he inquired.

"I'm going to seek guidance from a friend about your dreams," Sensei Wu explained, his voice calm and reassuring. "I'll be back soon."

With his friends by his side and his father's guidance, Noah felt a newfound sense of hope and determination. "What are we waiting for? Let's party!" Kai declared, prompting cheers and laughter from the group as they embraced the joy of the moment.

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