
Second Chance as a Ninja

harukazuchi · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

18. Prison

Next morning, we woke up early because we needed to prepare to go to school. Fortunately, the girls already woke up earlier than us. They prepare some breakfast for us.

After eating breakfast, we go to school together. When we arrived at school, Iruka-sensei was already standing in front of the school gate.

Everyone: "Good morning!"

Iruka: "Good morning. Sasuke, please come with me. *smile*"

Sasuke: "What is it, sensei? *surprise*"

Iruka: "The principal called you."

Sasuke: "*fidgeting* But it's not just me! They also escaped from school yesterday!"

Naruto: "Ah, Sasuke! Why did you sell us!!"

Inuzuka: "But you were our leader yesterday! So you need to take the responsibility!"

Choji: "Yes! I even gave you many snacks yesterday!"

Sasuke: "You!! *angry*"

Sakura: "I-I will go with Sasuke!"

Ino: "(Sakura! Fight!) *thumbs up*"

Hinata: "(Sakura, I wish you good luck!) *smile"

Shikamaru]: "*low voice* It sounds suspicious.."

Aburame: "*low voice* I will try to gather information. *release bugs secretly*"

Yuuki: "*low voice* Yes, Iruka-sensei looks like hiding something."

At the end Iruka only took Sasuke with him. Shikamaru, Shino and I felt something was not right but we could only go to the class for now. We will wait for Shino.

The class is starting but Sasuke still hasn't come back. Now we feel really worried. Naruto and the others also started to feel something was not right.

In the afternoon, Shino gathered us on the school rooftop. It looks like he already found information.

We were surprised when we heard that Sasuke's father massacred his own clan members last night. He was already caught by anbu and confined in the prison now while waiting for the trial.

Meanwhile, Sasuke has been brought back by his brother this morning. He stayed at home now.

Uchiha's clan also is on high security alert now. No one was permitted to enter the Uchiha clan's residence.

Sakura was crying when she heard about Uchiha's clan incident. She really cared for Sasuke. Ino and Hinata brought her to infirmary and stay with her now. Naruto, Choji and Inuzuka also accompany them.

Shikamaru: "Shino, are you sure that Sasuke's father is the murderer?"

Aburame: "I heard from the anbu who caught uncle Fuugaku last night. I am still gathering more information now. I will tell you as soon as possible after I get some new information."

Shikamaru: "Uncle Fuugaku is Uchiha patriarch. It's really hard to believe it."

Yuuki: "Shino, can you infiltrate into Sasuke's house?"

Aburame: "*shake his head* Sorry, I couldn't. There are my clan members and Yamanaka clan members among the anbu who guard the Uchiha's residence now. *helpless*"

Shikamaru: "Rather than uncle Fuugaku, I really worry about Sasuke.."

Yuuki: "At least he stays at home now. He will be safe."

Shikamaru: "Yes, as long as he does not do something outrageous.. (He really admired Yuuki's action at Hinata's incident before. I am afraid that he will do reckless thing now..)"

Yuuki: "I see.. Then I will go to the Baba shop with Shino. Baba's shop is near Sasuke's house. I hope that we can find a way to meet Sasuke."

Shikamaru: "It's really risky but I agree with you now. Yuuki, don't be reckless! Please discuss it with Shino before you take action!"

Yuuki: "I know. Don't worry, I am not a reckless kid. *sigh*"

Shikamaru: "(I really want to hit him now to wake him up!) Shino, I leave Yuuki to you. Don't forget to tell us if you get the news."

Aburame: "Okay, leave it to me."

Shikamaru: "Then I will stay with Naruto and the others. I need to restrain them for now."

We left school secretly after leaving our Shadow clone. When we arrive at Baba's shop, the street is very quiet. It seems that last night's incident scared civilians too.

We enter the shop and greet grandma Keiko. We usually visit this shop to buy some snacks and Choji is grandma Keiko's favorite 'grandkid'.

Grandma Keiko didn't look surprised when she saw us. It seems that she already predicted our visit.

We bought some snacks and ate together inside her shop while asking some questions. Grandma Keiko explains everything about the massacred rumor. It seems that the civilians still don't know about the truth yet.

Suddenly, Shino grabbed my hand and tried to get out of the shop quickly. But two masked men stopped us.

Anbu 1: "Shirasaki, Shino, come with us now!"

Yuuki: "Sorry, but can you let me finish eating my snack first?"

Anbu 2: "Shirasaki, don't try to oppose us! We will break your leg if you don't obediently come with us! *hidden killing intent*"

Yuuki: "(This guy really isn't lying. I can feel his killing intent.)"

Aburame: "*low voice* Yuuki, they are not normal anbu. They are from the root. Just follow them for now."

Yuuki: "Root?"

I don't understand 'root' but I sensed Shino's fear when he talked to me. I followed Shino's advice to follow them obediently but suddenly someone else arrived.

Itachi: "Sorry, but I can't let you touch them. *sharingan active*"

Anbu 1, 2: "*surprised* Itachi!"

I lost consciousness when I saw his red eyes. When I woke up, I found myself in a wide room. I also see Shino is still sleeping beside me.

*door sound*

Sasuke: "Yuuki, why did you come here?!"

Yuuki: "*dizzy* Because we are worried about you.. Sakura even stays at the infirmary now.. What happened to us? I remember that I was still at Baba shop before passing out.."

Sasuke: "I see.. *warm* Ah, my brother brought you here."

Yuuki: "You mean, Itachi-nii?"

Itachi: "(*surprised* He already broke my genjutsu. He really has a 'strong' mind.) Yuuki, tell me what are you planning?"

Yuuki: "Shino and I were planning to find a way to meet Sasuke before. But we were caught by 'root' when we were trying to get information."

Itachi: "Then?"

Yuuki: "Then? *confuse* We want to stay with Sasuke for a while now, to make sure he is okay."

Itachi: "(Only that? It seems that he is just a normal kid.) Okay, then you can stay here for a while. I will send you back later."

Yuuki: "Okay, thank you, Itachi-nii. *bow*"

Itachi: "(He is kind and polite. But I don't see anything else.) *leave*"

Although I can see his red eyes, Sasuke looks fine. I wake Shino up and start asking about Sasuke's condition before asking about uncle Fuugaku's matter.

Sasuke explained everything to us while holding his tears. Although it's hard to believe it, uncle Fuugaku really killed many people yesterday. According to Sasuke, Itachi didn't explain much so he wants to meet his father to ask him directly.

Aburame: "Sasuke, I understand your feelings. My bugs are already trying to enter the prison. But they couldn't even come closer to the prison main gate."

Sasuke: "I know it's not easy! But please help me!"

Yuuki: "Sasuke, we are your friend. Of course we will help you. But please calm down. Let's think carefully about how to infiltrate the prison now. Shino, can you contact Shikamaru and the others?"

Aburame: "After I woke up. I couldn't feel my bugs anymore. It seems that they were killed. *anger*"

Yuuki: "*surprised* Someone could recognize your bugs?!"

Aburame: "It's not really hard to detect them for sensor-type shinobi. But I don't think someone will kill them all."

Sasuke: "Did Anbu kill them?"

Aburame: "Maybe, but rather than anbu, it's root! Normal anbu won't do something merciless like these because they know that those bugs are from the Aburame clan."

Yuuki: "Shino, can you tell me about the root? *curious*"

Shino explains everything he knows about 'root'. I am not really surprised about the special force's existence. But the one that surprised me was their leader, Danzo.

According to Shino, Danzo is the 'root' leader and holds a high authority. His authority is almost the same as Hokage. It's really hard to understand. How could two supreme leaders exist in Konoha? Maybe it's just a time problem before a 'coup d'état' happens.

Aburame: "We really need to be careful with 'root'. Because they can kill their own family if it's an order!"

Yuuki: "I see.. (What a fearsome loyalty..)"

Sasuke: "Then what can we do now? *anxious*"

Yuuki: "*thinking* Sasuke. Do you have 'onmyouji' seals?"

Sasuke: "Of course I have. But for what? Do you want to blow up the prison? *sparkling eyes*"

Yuuki: "Of course not! Uncle Fuugaku is there, so we can do that now!"

Aburame: "Please don't blow up the prison even if uncle Fuugaku is not there.. *sigh*"

Sasuke: "Then what is your plan?"

Yuuki: "*smile* Let's play a drama!"

Aburame, Sasuke: "*confuse* Drama?"

I am thinking about making a ruckus inside Uchiha's residence with Shino. I will use the Shadow clan to fight Itachi along with Shino. With Shino's bug ability, they won't detect my shadow clone easily. I will also ask Itachi to make sure that the anbu don't catch us.

Sasuke called Itachi and explained my plan to him. He was surprised and felt reluctant at first, but when he saw Sasuke's plea, he finally approved our plan. Unexpectedly Itachi also said that he will help us infiltrate the prison.


*explosion sound*

Yuuki: "Itachi-nii, please let us meet Sasuke!"

Itachi: "Sasuke is taking a rest now, so just come back later."

Yuuki: "Do you think you can deceive us!"

Aburame: "Yuuki, don't rush and stay close to my bugs! I couldn't support you if you move recklessly!"

Meanwhile the anbu who is guarding outside Uchiha's residence wants to enter and stop them. But Shisui and Uchiha's police members stop them. They didn't permit anyone to enter the Uchiha's.

Anbu 1: "Shisui! Let us catch Shirasaki and Aburame kid! We promise to leave quickly after catching them!"

Shisui: "Sorry, but I couldn't let anyone trespass our clan anymore! Just stay there and wait for our patriarch to punish them. Don't worry we will give them back to you later! *mischievous smile*"

Anbu 1: "Shisui, you really dare to hurt kids?!"

The Uchiha clan is in chaos now. Meanwhile, Itachi brought me and Sasuke to the Konoha prison. Itachi's genjutsu is really strong, he could knock off the prison guard easily.

Itachi: "Now go! I will wait outside. Remember that you only have 15 minutes so come back quickly!"

Sasuke, Yuuki: "Yes! *running*"

Itachi: "(So, this is Shirasaki Yuuki. It seems that my father really is not wrong.. *smile*)"