
Second chance?! [Dropped! For now!]

(BE WARNED!!! THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL AND ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!) Alex Walsh was only a guy, which had an average life, and he like anime, manga, novel, etc. Yet, when he died at 18, he got an offer from God to be his entertainer, but got also the chance to become a God. Watch how his journey to Godhood. First World: Danmachi Second World: MHA 1 chapters/week This is a warning for those new readers that wants to read. This novel is a novel that is written FOR FUN and FOR ME TO IMPROVE MY WRITING SKILL. I was kind of astonished to see a progress in my writing skill, as I compared the very first chapters and the latest ones. So don't expect me to change the whole old chapters. Kind of dumb of me when I wrote the very first chapters. Good day for those who read this!

Mikejd · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
177 Chs

Chapter 128 New World

Days passed and the last day in MHA arrived. The new residents were already got used to living in the 'Soul World', as it was typically the same place as MHA world. But they were still felt weird, seeing there were no villains running around and doing crimes. Even the majority of the heroes decided to be normal civilians, as they refused to shed blood, but there some heroes decided to be 'adventurers'.

The Government and I decided that the 'adventurers' needs to graduate Senior high or High school first if they wanted to be 'adventurers'. The ones that wanted to become 'adventurers' will be given different lessons than the rest, the lessons will be similar to the Hero course. There would be time to delve into the dungeon accompanied by the military personnel, which replaced internships in a way, then there would be solo dungeon as well, but only in the first floors.

I made everyone quirkless, including Deku and Shoto, as quirks can't be strengthened as soon you got it, except for Nezu. You could improve your control and utilize your quirk, but it can't be strengthened anymore. The school will be teaching magics to the students and weapons as well.

The girls became quirkless as well, and they didn't mind it. Because they were already strong, so Mirko's rabbit ears, Jiro's earbuds, Momo's quirk that could create anything, Nana's float, and many more were all gone. But in the first place, they didn't rely on their quirk as they trained themselves to become stronger.

And the fact that the quirks would make things hard in the future worlds, as I intended to visit the worlds that only normal humans exist. The quirks made people appearance to change, which meant if I was in a normal human world, Mirko, Jiro, and the others will be called as freaks. And the government would surely try to catch them and experiment.

But I will only visit a world where goblins, orcs, elves, etc exist in the future, but only a world for now, at the very least.

Anyway, U.A. High and the rest of the schools will be integrated to be a school, so there would be no 'competition' among the schools but classes only. The hero course or the adventurer course immediately taught the students about magics, weapons, and much more. Shoto and Deku also started learning magic, Deku learned about Lightning Magic, while Shoto learned Ice and Fire Magic.

Most students' weapon choices were their fists or magics, as they were used to using their quirks. But I didn't give them the access to guns.

I was in the living room with the girls and Eri. I called out the panel system and pressed the 'Travel to another world' button.

[Are you sure?]

[Yes] [No]

I pressed yes and the system asked.

[What world you wish to travel to?]

"Highschool of the dead!"

[Do you have any request to make?]

"I want to enter the world a year before the plot starts,"

[Request accepted! Teleportation commences in... 3,2,1!]

Then, my vision went dark, I couldn't feel, smell, hear, nor touch anything. I wasn't panicking, as I already experienced this before. After a few seconds, I could feel that I was sitting on the ground. I opened my eyes, and I was at a building's rooftop. I looked up and the sun was right on top of me.

I stood up and walked to the edge of the rooftop, to find out where I'm at. The rooftop was barred with metal fences and there was a room that led into the building. I looked down from the edge of the rooftop.

There were people wearing P.E. clothes in the football field. From the look of it, it were a male teacher wearing a red tracksuit and students as well. The male students were wearing a white long-sleeved T-shirt, and blue track pants, while the female students were wearing a white long-sleeved T-shirt, and a blue very, very short pants that revealed all of their thighs.

'Looks like I'm at their school, Fujimi Academy, huh?' I said inwardly as I looked down at the football field. A girl with straight purple hair in a P.E. clothes looked around as if she knew I was looking at her, then she looked up at me with narrowed eyes.

'She really is sharp.' I nodded at her and teleported away from the rooftop. I arrived at an alley and teleported back home. The girls immediately surrounded me and asked many things about the current world.

"How's the world, Alex?" Renya asked.

"Nya~ Is there any fish there?" Chloe asked.

"Is the people have powers? Or, are robots occupying the world? Is it a medieval world? Does it have monsters?" Nejire asked.

"Is it a dangerous world?" Ryuu asked. I put my finger on my lips and shushed them. Then, all of them turned silent and all of us took a seat.

"First and foremost, the world is normal, no superpowers, no robots, nor aliens. Unto the second matter, zombies will appear in a year. Third matter, we need to start the plan right away." I said.

"Zombies are those walking deads, right? Like this, right?" Nejire asked. She leveled her hands straight to her chest and started acting like a zombie.

"Grrrahhh..." all of us chuckled at her as she continued to act like a zombie. I patted her head and nodded.

"Yes, Nejire, like that. But we have Garaki who can make the antidote for the virus, so we don't have to worry about that." This was the reason why I wanted Garaki on my side. He could make Nomu which was entirely impossible, the capability of such genius in this timeline would only create a dumb zombie at most. He could use a dead corpse to make a Higher-grade Nomu which had the same intellect as a human.

"You guys continue with your talk, I'll message the Intelligent Department." Utaha said as she took out her phone.

"Thanks, Utaha," I said.

"No big deal," I nodded and continued talking with the girls, which eventually, Eri woke up from her nap and joined us.

"Eh?! We're not going to use our fists?" Mirko asked as she was holding her carrot.

"We're going to use gun, but I don't know about Eri, she's too young to watch us killing zombies." I said. The girls and I would never leave Eri at the house if we're going anywhere, unless it were cases like this. But again, she's very, very matured compared to her peers, even though she's being a little girl now.

"I can guard her!" Kiko said as she pointed her thumb to her chest.

"All of us will guard her, that's for sure. But a young girl seeing 'dead humans' being killed, is the problem." I said. Eri was 7 years old now, and in this age that they were absorbing what they saw, heard, and many more. But she already learned too much about the world.

"I can do it, Alex!" Eri said as she looked up at me from Kiko's lap while clenching her fists on her dress. I looked at her and knew that she had gone far, far worse than a mere zombie apocalypse. And she already regarded the girls and I as her own family, her real family. That was why she wanted to be with us as much possible as she could.

"C'mon Alex, we can guard her easily nya~," Ryuko said as she grabbed my hand. The other girls were silent as they watched. I sighed and looked towards Eri.

"Eri, you can come with us, but you need to train yourself how to use magic and 9mm firearms, alright?" I said. Even though we could protect her easily, it will be beneficial if she learns how to use firearms as well. But she won't just carry the weapon everywhere, she could store the weapon at the space ring later that I will give her.

"Really?! Thank you so much, Alex!!" She said as she ran over to me and hugged me. I was in my 15 years old appearance, so she was hugging my chest as I was sitting on the ground. I patted her head and pushed her shoulder away from me.

"Just learn magics first, alright? So you can use the space ring." I said. She nodded eagerly and went to Kiko. She asked the girls regarding the magic. As the girls were busy with Eri, Utaha, Yanagi, and Rei approached me.

"What is Eri for you, Alex?" Rei asked as Utaha, Yanagi, Rei, and I watched the girls busied themselves with Eri.

"... A little sister... maybe? I don't know, but she's important to me." I said. She was like Kanna for me when Kanna was still a little girl. Utaha who knew about my thought immediately realized that she could do the same to Eri like to Kanna. She smirked widely and just kept quiet about it, as she knew I won't let her do that.

But I didn't know about this and if I knew about it, I would have let Eri decide it for herself.