
Chapter 2

It all started with just a message 10 months back on this new app called Too-do-loo! Two random people, randomly getting connected on a sweet drizzling evening with a hot cup of coffee in their hands.

They had randomly downloaded this app called TooDooLoo and every time it rings, the app makes a chirpy bird sound.


App: TooDooLoo

CFab:- Hey

NJ:- Hey

CFab:- What are you doing????

NJ:- I am packing my luggage

CFab:- oh. Where are you going????

NJ:- Somewhere

CFab:- Somewhere? Where?

NJ:- Somewhere near you

CFab:- Somewhere near me? You are coming near me?

NJ:- .....

CFab:- Oh! Oh!! Do you mean?

You mean, o shit!

Omg! You are coming to Muvcai? Yes? Yes?

NJ:- :-)

CFab:- What? Please tell me!!

NJ:- Yup you got it right!

CFab:- Omg!

NJ:- Now can I go pack my stuff?

CFab:- What? Where? Why?

NJ:- What do you what where why?

CFab:- I mean where are you going?

NJ:- To pack!

CFab:- Oh right! But can't you pack later?

Chat with me for a while?

From morning I was waiting for you! Please??

NJ:- Ok! Say fast. I have to pack a lot.

CFab:- OK then tell me, When are you coming?

NJ:- Tomorrow afternoon

CFab:- Should I come to pick u up? How are you coming?

NJ:- By train. My mom is coming to drop me off.

Don't come to pick me up.

CFab:- Ohk, I'll not come to pick you up.

Until when is your mom staying?

NJ:- 2 days

CFab:- Can we meet after 2 days then?

NJ:- Sure, where do you stay?

CFab:- Right here..

NJ:- Wait! Don't send!

CFab:- Why? You don't wish to meet me?

NJ:- No no, I mean, I want to meet,

But why not leave it to destiny?

CFab:- Sure, we will meet soon. I promise.

NJ:- Thank you

CFab:- For?

NJ:- For respecting my wishes.

CFab:- What are you coming here for? To study?

To do job?

NJ:- To study Management studies

CFab:- Really!? I am also going to study the same!

Which college did you take the admission in?

NJ:- Find it out yourself?

CFab:- This is cheating!

We have been friends from past 10 months! Please tell me?

NJ:- Nope. See you later!

CFab:- Wait! Listen!

NJ:- Bye

CFab:- Wait!!! Ok Bye!

“Oh gosh this NJ makes me go all crazy for her. Oh, I just wish to meet her finally.” CFab exclaimed while he collapsed on his bed. He suddenly jolted up as if he remembered something huge.

“Shit, I absolutely forgot! New admission from day after tomorrow!”

“The new admissions are going to be fun.” He laughed out loud with an evil hint to it, all the while lying on his sponge brown king size bed in his luxurious bed clothes.