
Chapter 14

Finally, Ava's lungs feel like they're getting some oxygen back, and she lets out a deep sigh of relief. Meanwhile, Calvin, the new English professor who has won over the majority of the pupils, yells, "You get up!" “What in the world are you doing?”

Getting to his feet, the boy who Calvin had pointed out cries, "Sorry sir, Actually, the trouble is, that I am..." Calvin cut him off, clearly irritated, asking, "I, Me, what, what is it boy? What is your name?" The horrified pupil muttered, "Sir, Sha, Sha, Sha, Shahid...sir.

Calvin, clearly dissatisfied with the response, declares, "Out." Shahid begs, "sorry sir, please sir," with trembling hands Calvin, plainly annoyed by the loss of time, shouted once more, "I said out. I need complete silence in the classroom when I am teaching.”

Shahid begged once more, "Sir, please. Before Shahid could finish his sentence, Prof. Calvin shouted, "O.U.T, Out. Now."

Shahid clearly manages to leave quietly, his head bowed in fear.