

Ronie was thinking inwardly that who should he ask to go to the ballroom party with him. He was totally confused because it was his first time experiencing a ballroom party. He move his gaze to other classmates who are busy chatting with each other.

Amy's gaze fell on Ronnie was look rather confused, she walked towards and was about to ask Ronie to be her partner for the party but suddenly Rumi popped out behind Amy and asked Ronie with a little blush on her cute face, "Um.. Ronie?"

Ronie locked his gaze towards that voice and saw a familiar face, "Hey Rumi! What is it?"

She hesitated for a moment, "Um.. Ronie, would like to go to ballroom party as my partner?" Her cheeks were burning red but she somehow controlling herself. Her heart were beating rapidly and only one question is running through her head, 'Is he gonna accept to be my partner?!"

Ronie smiled lightly and said, "Yeah, lets go together! Actually I was rather confused about whom should I ask to go out with me and suddenly you asked, so I am really glad for it!"

Amy thought that Ronie should reject her offer but he said , "Ok, I will be your partner for today's ballroom party." Rumi hold his hand and said thank you. Amy was very jealous from Rumi, she was like burning in the fire.)

(A handsome boy came towards Amy and asked her to be his partner for today's ballroom party she immediately said, "yes why not." 😁😁)

In the evening....

Amy - Rumi please hurry up. I also have to be ready now, otherwise we both got late for the party.

Rumi - Only 5 minutes.

Amy - please hurry up

(After 5 minutes Rumi came out from the bathroom. She looks so hot in her black mini dress)

Amy - you are looking superb in this black dress. 😯😯

Rumi - thank you so much Amy.

(After half an hour they both went for the party, Ronie is already there. He is waiting for Rumi, when he saw Rumi, he said "you are so cute my princess." Actually he mostly loves Amy but he was making her jealous. 😜😜😜)

(A handsom boy move towards Amy)

Andy - You are looking so hot Amy. This pink gown suits you.

Ronie - who are you?

Andy - I am Andy. Amy is my partner for this party.

( suddenly Andy hold Amy's hand and kissed on her hand, Ronnie is filled with anger but he didn't express his anger on his face)

Rumi - Let's go to the party.

(Andy brought a cocktail drink for Amy, he got the drug of unconsciousness in that drink. Amy drank the cocktail and a few minutes later she became unconscious)

Ronie - let's go to our room. It's really late now.

Rumi - OK let's go.

(They both went to their rooms.)

(2 hours later, Rumi called Ronie)

Ronie - Hey Rumi why are you calling in mid-night. Anything urgent, because I feels so sleepy. 😴😴😴

Rumi - Hello Ronie, Amy didn't came to my room and she is also not picking her cellphone.

Ronie - What? are you kidding with me? where is he?

(where the hell are you Any)

To be continued :-

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Alone_writer_creators' thoughts