
Alatar, the brother of Merlin

"Brother, Father is calling."



Stop shaking me, I want to sleep


"Argh, fine. I'm up"

The kid smiled as I got up

Wait, where was I

I was supposed to be in my room but all I could see was flowers around me

"Merlin, what did you do?"


Nothing huh, nothing you say.

I flicked his head and the place around us started to change


"I told you to not put me on one of your illusions, didn't I?"

This child, supposedly I'm the younger one then why am I acting like I'm the older one here?

"Hehe, sorry brother. But how did you find out this time?"

Duh, because I'm your brother

"That's something you should figure out."

"But brotherrrr, just a hint?"

Such a annoying kid

"Fine, fine. The scent was wrong"

What did you expect when making a flower garden that did not smell, my stupid brother. 


His shoulder went down. Yes, you should be disappointed in yourself

I went outside the room and went down to the kitchen. Merlin was following me

There I saw our father making food. He looked incredibly sick

"Oh you kids are finally awake. Come, come sit. We have your favorite Alatar, cheese and bread"

Yey, my favorite like every other day! To be honest inside the house I was the only one that really needed to eat.

Oh also my name is Alatar. Apparently it meant "Late Comer". I didn't mind it.

We sat and started to eat.

The house lately has been quieter and it was apparent why. Father was dying, we didn't know why. He had never told us.

Still even on his last days he was still teaching us, rather he was teaching Merlin. I had no talent for illusions and I stopped getting his help since Father was most skilled in illusions. 

At least he taught me more advanced stuff as well which was appreciated.

Merlin on the other hand already caught up to Father's skills and was getting even better than him but he often made stupid mistakes. 



I was about to get up but he stopped me.

"Haha, no need. You just eat Merlin, can you get a book from upstairs?"

He described the book to Merlin afterwards

"Okay, Father"

Merlin immediately got up and rushed

"Alatar, son."

"Yes, Father?"

"I fear that today is my last day so I wanted to ask you something son"

So it was time.

"Of course Father, ask me anything"

A smile crept up on his face

"Heh, you were always the mature one."

Rather he is the childish one

"Alatar, I want you to protect your brother. He.. he is going to die"

What? Merlin was.. what?

"You don't know it but Merlin possesses a powerful ability, foresight. Before you came he predicted future quite a few times"

..wait. Was that how he was always able to find me?

"I had to lock up some of those memories. Currently he knows that later on a red dragon and a white one will face. He will probably go there and help the red dragon but you don't really need to do anything about that."


"You remember what I told you when you came here first right? This place is the Garden of Avalon, a land not known. The reason I'm dying is also because of this"

So his body was not able to handle the mana in the air for such a long time.. Now it make sense

"Today I will remove his memory of this place"



"Because I don't want him to come here. In one of his foresight he dies here. Technically speaking he won't die but he won't be able to get out of here. To get out of this place.. one needs to be free of sins. Both of us know Merlin, he can't fulfill the conditions. Because of that I will transport the house on the reverse side of the world, where fairies and other mythical creatures reside. I'm going to die anyways"

Father is going to sacrifice his remaining life to get us out of here.

"I know that eventually he will come back here, it is something he can't escape from. So son, please look over your brother."

"You want me to lock him up?"

He shaked his head

"No, no. Like I said he will come here, it is inevitable. I just want you to make it so he doesn't regret his life much. There are some more I did not tell you about, for that he will need to be here."

I see. I understand you Father but

"I can not allow you to die like that, Father"

"Heh, son. It is the only way"

It was not, it definitely was not

"Father, If I can get us out of here then will you spend the last of your moments with him?"


Later that day Father and I were outside the house. Merlin was still sleeping inside

"Son, are you sure?"

"Of course Father, I just need you to show me the area"

He seemed worried but it didn't matter. I bet his worry was not as much as my regret of not saving him. If I knew it earlier than this wouldn't have happened from the start

A hand touched my face and closing my eyes I could see it, the place full of green

"I got it Father, you should remove his memories now"

He seemed like he was about to say something but stopping himself he went inside.

Right at the front of it I tried to focus.

I imagined the place, the greens were right in front of me and I imagined the roots.

A space cracked under the house, it was big enough to swallow it all and Alatar.


I was trying to breath as my body was currently lying on the ground

I was successful but it did take a toll on me. It was just too much

"Merlin, fuck you"


Years passed, I was getting older and older. Honestly it was a wonder how I was even alive. Avalon was quite useful but it was not the only reason I was still alive.

But I was getting bored, in the past years I had mastered only two magecraft.

I at first planned on studying some black magic or material transmutation but later on my eyes caught on another magecraft. It required an absurd understanding but thankfully I had a perfect understating of one thing I wanted to use it on.

My body

I sucked at offensive magic, I was just bad at it. I also wasn't that good at other types of stuff but this didn't require much, at least for me that is. Of course I couldn't use it perfectly so I changed my approach, I threw away things I didn't need. I didn't need to reinforce a stick, knife or anything. I only wanted to reinforce my body.

Now this new version couldn't reinforce anything other than the user's body. It was a bit hard to explain but basically my body was now strong. Still not as strong as I wanted it to be. Also I was still not sure about its limits and testing it was dangerous.

I didn't want to die randomly right now, I still had to check on Merlin…

Now that I think about it I wonder what he is doing. It has been around a hundred years now. Over the years I protected him and transported us constantly when something dangerous was happening but he shamelessly escaped to the human world. I was hurt honestly, among us I was the human so why do you want to go there more than me?

"That rascal should be in Britain now right?"

Was it time already? Well then let's take a look


In front of me a door opened, the inside was showing a grand palace.

I got inside and the door closed behind me. I had gotten better at it and now rather than space cracking open it was just a door frame appearing.

Now this place should be the castle right? I had come here before, to check on him but couldn't find him.

I was walking through the place as I was thinking on how to punish him but no matter what I couldn't sense him.

"That idiot already realized? He is way better now"

He was probably using an illusion to hide himself from me after seeing I had arrived.

"I will find you Merlin!"


Hah, I turned my head and saw a little girl. She looked incredibly cute

"Hello little miss, do you perhaps know Merlin?"

"Of course he is the court magician and my teacher!"

She seemed incredibly proud

"Ho? He has a student? That fool?"


What, the first time hearing it?

"Fool of course. He is incredibly stupid and probably the worst magus on the reverse side of the world"

OF course that was not true, he was incredibly talented but I'm doing a brothers job here

"Reverse side of the world.. sir, are you from there too?"


"Of course, what about it. Do you want to go there?"


Huh, I didn't expect an immediate answer

"But that place is dangerous, are you sure?"


"..Why do you want to go there?"

She seemed conflicted to answer for a second there but still did

"I just want to see the famous place where fairies come from?"

Such an obvious lie. Why are you asking as an answer?

"Don't lie to me little lady. Thankfully I'm not a monster, if I was I would had to eat you because you lied"

She seemed a little scared at that and finally shared her real reason

"I.. I feel like I don't belong here"

Aren't you too young for a phase?

"Now, now young lady. We all have that feeling, a sense to find yourself and stuff but don't you have a family here? If you go now they will miss you"

Aww look at her sad face. No, Alatar, no! But… NO! BUT!

"Ok, ok. I will show you for a second but you must never ever tell it to other and you will listen to me"


She came close to me. Man, children were total fools. If I was a bad guy she would be in a risk now

"Ouch, don't pull my beard though."

"Hehe, sorry"

Another rascal. My great beard was suffering now.

Anyways, I held her upwards and placed her on my shoulder. She was small enough to sit there.

The door opened once again and we entered inside. I specifically chose beautiful place with no danger so this should be fine.


Haha, it was indeed beautiful

"Hey kid, want to see some magic?"

"Like Merlins?"

"Hahaha, similar"

I cast a simple rune


A black and red orb shot through my fingers as I pointed it towards a tree near us


"Heh, you want to learn it, kid?"

"Can I ?"

"Of course, everyone can. This is a simple magic that even you can use"

Well, no not really but giving her hope was good

"Now, first aim towards that tree and repeat what I said"

She brought out her cute little arm and made a pistol with her hands. She was successfully copying me


Nothing came out


Once again nothing came out


She was adamantly trying to cast it and her expression was slowly getting worse.

"Well then let's stop here. No need to force yourself, kid. Practice makes-"


Contrary to my expectation a black and red orb that was the size of a pebble came out from her fingers. It failed to hit but I was still shocked

"it perfect…"

"Hahaha, look grandpa I did it!"

Her expression was getting even worse but her face was smiling. This kid.. I couldn't help but smile as well

"Good job, kid. Bad news, time is up. Now we need to go back"

The door once again opened in front of us and we entered inside.

Her eyes were about to close, her mana reserve was depleting. I looked right and left but failing to see a bedroom or anything I sighed and teleported to a bed next to us. Laying her down and casting a simple magic I whispered to her

"Now sleep, you are tired but don't forget to use what I thought you on Merlin understood?"


She smiled as her eyes shut down. I really am bad with kids

Before I went back I casted a simple bounded field around the bed. Considering Merlin was court mage here none would be able to open it except him. I even left a simple message for him. Haha this is the other magecraft I mastered for a reason after all.

The door opened and I went back completely forgetting the reason I even came here for

Shortly after I went back Merlin appeared and sounds of metals could be heard through the castle

The sound came closer and closer till it stopped. On the other side of the corridor stood a man occupied with few soldiers

"Merlin, so Morgan was with you"

Merlin stood silently as he stared on the kid sleeping

He touched the bounded field and only had one thing to say


"Merlin, what's wrong?"

Inside Merlins hand a note was staying as it read "Merlin, fuck you. Sincerely, Alatar"



Shit, my time was ending.

I honestly didn't reinforce myself or went to Avalon lately so my situation was getting worse quickly.

It was a decision I made a few years ago. Merlin visited me at that time and told me a vision.

He told me about a place on the opposite side of the world and how he was going to go there soon. After that I knew, time had come.

With him going there I no longer had anything left to do here, my promise would be fulfilled.

*Knock Knock*

Hmm who was it?

I went ahead and opened it. Ah my bones were hurting


Now, who was this girl

"Are you Alatar?"

Hmm a new face around here? Didn't I threatened the fairies enough that they would not come here

"Yes but who are you miss"

"I'm Vivian"

Vivian? Erhmm that sounds familiar…. nope got nothing

"I came here to ask some questions about your brother sir"

About Merlin? What did he do now

"Sure, come inside"

"No need for that, sir. I will keep it short"

"Then please ask"

"Sir, you probably don't know this but… I had a child Merlin"



I know he was Incubus but he had a child now of all times?

"But I can't keep the child nor will I want him to grow up with Merlin. Sir, you perhaps don't remember now be now but you are the only one I can trust right now"

Wait, miss. It is true I don't remember you but you want me to keep the child? Look at me I was dying

"Miss Vivian, I'm sorry about what that shithead did but you must have heard. I'm but a human, I don't have much left either"

Her face dropped afterwards but she still continued on

"I know what I'm asking is a lot but please. Just for 20 more years, that's all I ask. Afterwards I will be able to take him from you"

Maan, lady, miss or whatever. 20 years is still too much

"Can I ask why 20 years?"

"I.. Sir, I am not a pure fairie. I'm but a lost soul of a human with a soul that belongs to fairies. I managed to be separated from the original body but now after many years I am slowly disappearing. For some time I was planning on going inside a vessel I created but I will forget about everything when I go inside it and live the rest of my life as a simple human. I can make it so she remembers the child and takes care of it but it will take time and she is not ready for now. Ther-"

"Fine, fine. I will do it okay? You are giving me a headache"


"Thank you, sir. Really, thank you so much"

Just 20 years more, nothing else. But I can't stay here any longer then.

She quickly went away and came back with a child in her hands. He looked too small, not even a year old

"Thank you once again sir, his name is Aston"

A rather simple name

Afterwards she left me with him.

"Should I go to that place?"

It was risky, too much so but I really couldn't do this alone.

Legends do speak of her staying there, maybe if I talk with her I can convince her to help me grow the child for 20 years.

The question was can the child handle that place.. well I know what to do

He was still too young but later on he will not need my help but till then this will work


On a land that reeked of death Alatar was going around trying to find someone or something

"Come on, where could she be?"

Thousands of dead attacked them all day but thankfully Alatar was strong enough to deal with them.


Shit shit shit

"Hey, don't cry. I'm here"

I quickly casted bounded field around me, one which took the appearance of a child's room.

"Hey look, you like toys right?"


The cry was getting lower but it was still crying. Why? Why was it crying

"He need food"

Huh? I turned around and saw a purple haired woman moving closer

Still I listened to her and pulled out a food and tried to feed him

"That won't do, he can't eat it like that. Did you never take care of a baby?"

"Uhh, no"

I was kind of embarrassed. I had many experiences with childs but a baby? Not one I could remember

"Give it to me, I will do it"

She took the food from my hands and started to feed the baby. Hey, hey, hey why are you eating now?

"Cut that beard of yours, you look too scary for the baby. You are also forcing it too much, they can also understand how you feel to a certain degree."

My beard!? This was the first time I managed to grow it out this much though.

"Ehem, thank you"

He finally slept again.

"Now, tell me why are you here and how did you get here?"

Scary, her eyes lacked proper emotions and there was only coldness behind them

"I.. needed someone that knew how to take care of babies"

"And you came here because of that stupid reason? How did you even come here?"

"Haha, well no place is blocked for me. That is something I'm proud of but well.."

She remained silent and kept looking at me

"You are dying, 30, no not even that much"

So she figured it out

"..yes. That is also the reason I came here"


She kept looking at me before she brought out a spear and attacked me

I immediately reinforced my body and teleported away

"Miss, that's a bit too much isn't it?"

Who attacks an old man without a notice

"...that's not enough to convince me"

*hah* really? I need to prove myself or someshit? How was I even going to defeat her, she is supposedly immortal isn't she?

"Miss, please. I can't beat you but you can't land a hit on me as well."

She kept on trying to attack me but she constantly failed. She was fast, really fast. I wouldn't be able to follow her if not for the reinforcement

She kept trying to hit me for like good 3 hours before stopping


"Gae Bolg Alternative!!"

Huge amounts of mana started to gather around the spear and she threw it to me with such speed that I had never seen before.


Whew, so close. I honestly couldn't escape from the spear so I just opened a door right in front of me which caused the spear to disappear

"Hah.. Miss, now your spear is gone as well. Please just stop"

And she did, to my surprise.

"..you pass"

This really was a test!? Fucking psychopath, maybe I shouldn't have come here


Fuck the child is crying again


*Cough Cough*


Shit, I was dying. How long had passed again

"Are you fine, uncle?"

The child has grown up too much.. Has it been 20 years already?

"It is time"


Hahaha, Aunty. I'm glad I tough him to call her that


She was looking like she wanted to kill me. Sorry, I will let you do it after sending this kid.

"Aston, child. Come closer"

"Yes, Uncle?"

"Child, It is now time for you to meet your mother"

"Mother? But Uncle, I'm fine here"

God, please just leave. I really want to die

"Hahaha, sorry child but it is time. When you were a baby I made a promise to your mother and now the time to finish that promise has come."

"But Uncle!"


I hit his head and he was obviously hurt. Good!

I moved up a little and opened the door. Few years ago when I went back home to get something I saw a note from Vivian explaining where I should leave the kid and to whom. To choose a princess as a vessel..

"Now go Aston, you will meet your mother shortly afterwards."


"Kid, your Uncle can't keep it up for long. You should go and never forget to train."

"I- Understood. Don't worry Aunty, I will come and defeat you after I grow more!"

Aston then went through the door and I also closed it afterwards. I felt no more need to watch him meet with his mother, I-


"Your time has also come"

She was right

"Heh, I calculated it perfectly"

She just stared at me like she was happy that I was finally going. Was it so bad?

"Hey, Aunty"

"Do. Not. Ever. Call. Me. That"

She was scary even now. I was still not used to it.

"Heh, little Aunty"

[User died]

I was back to the library inside my middle aged body

[Mystery: 1,020,582]

An absurd amount of Mystery came in after just one life. I guess it's because of how long I had liven and went to such unique places.

I looked at the book that I had previously entered inside

The title was now visible and it read 'Magus of the Flowers'

Opening inside I skimmed through the contents

"Merlin from his childhood —- —---------- – —-------- but it all changed the moment something —- —-- he now had a human brother. His name was Alatar."

"Merlin grew up together with Alatar while playing pranks on him all day. His brother was able to see through all of his illusions. Weirdly enough Alatar was not talented at magecraft at all. He could only use two magecraft through all his life that could be called good even though he himselfs say he mastered them."

"Merlin left the house after much consideration. He had a purpose, the future he saw was waiting him"

"Merlin felt his brother's existence and immediately hid. He was now able to hide from him now that his illusions were better. He used —- to look at his brother but he saw how his brother took his student and went away to turn back later on. He did not know what he did with his student but after she had come back she kept attacking him with Gandr, something she didn't learn from him."

"Merlin was trapped inside Avalon. He— —-------- Sometimes he —------ as his brother was dying. His brother was killing himself.---------- – —--------------- - Vivian gave their child to his dying brother. He wanted to —-- but he —----- as his brother went away. —-"

It continued but that was enough for me.

I closed the book and placed it back, I was happy with it.

"Stupid Rascal"

It was now time for me to relax a bit, this one was way longer than others.

Finals, son! They harden in response to my mental trauma. I'm fucked, man.

FransizSefcreators' thoughts