
Search & Rescue : A Romantic Series

The main character, Daemon, is a charismatic and successful criminal who is accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle. He is confident, self-assured, and has a strong bond with his four friends with whom he runs a criminal organization. He is also deeply in love with a woman who he sees as the love of his life. However, when his love is taken away by her father, a police official investigating him and his organization, Daemon's world is turned upside down. He is faced with the dilemma of saving his love and protecting his criminal enterprise from being exposed. Despite being pursued by his ex, who is also a member of his organization, Daemon remains focused on rescuing his love. He is determined to use his resources and connections to locate her, and is willing to take risks to do so.

Maxwell_Angelou · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

The Arrival Of Maya

The crew is waiting at the airport for Maya's arrival. They are all excited and nervous, wondering what kind of person she is and what she will bring to their organization.

Savage is the first one to spot Maya walking towards them, and he nudges Daemon, who nods in agreement. They both walk up to Maya, with Hailey trailing behind them.

"Maya, it's good to see you again," Daemon says with a smile, as he pulls her into a tight hug. Savage follows suit, giving her a warm embrace.

"It's been a while, guys," Maya replies, a small smile on her face. "Thanks for picking me up."

Babushka and Jake introduce themselves, and Maya greets them with a nod. Hailey stands back, observing the group.

"So, Hailey tells us you're a bit of a tech genius," Babushka says, as they all start to walk towards the car.

Maya chuckles. "I don't know about genius, but I do know my way around technology."

As they drive back to the house, the group starts to ask Maya about her experience in the tech world. She tells them about her work with various startups and how she became interested in cybersecurity.

Hailey can't help but feel a little intimidated by Maya's knowledge and experience. She starts to wonder if she's made the right decision in bringing Maya into the organization.

But as they all travel together, Maya starts to show her lighter side, telling jokes and laughing with the group. Hailey starts to relax, realizing that Maya is just another person, and she's glad she's here to help them.

As they are on the road , Babushka turns to Maya. "So, Maya, we're glad you're here to help us out. But I have to ask, why did you agree to come?"

Maya looks around at the group, a serious expression on her face. "I believe in what you're doing here. And I want to help in any way I can."

The group nods in agreement, grateful for Maya's support. As they all head off to the house , Hailey can't help but feel a little more at ease now that Maya is here.

As the crew arrived at the house from the airport, Hailey and Maya went straight to Maya's room to unpack her bags. They sat down on the bed, surrounded by suitcases, and Hailey couldn't help but ask the question that had been on her mind ever since she called Maya to come over.

"So, how do you feel about Daemon?" Hailey asked tentatively.

Maya looked up at Hailey, surprised by the question. "What do you mean?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, you know...you guys used to have a thing," Hailey replied, trying to sound casual.

Maya let out a small sigh. "Yeah, we did," she said, a hint of sadness in her voice. "But that was a long time ago. We were just kids back then."

Hailey nodded, understanding. "Yeah, I know. But things have changed a lot since then, and you're going to be living with us for a while."

Maya hesitated for a moment, then spoke up. "Look, Hailey, I know you like him. And I can see why. But I'm not going to get in the way. I'm here to help you guys out, and that's it."

Hailey looked relieved, but also a little disappointed. "Okay, I understand," she said. "But if you ever change your mind, you know he's still interested."

Maya smiled slightly. "Thanks, Hailey. But let's just focus on the job for now, okay?"

Hailey nodded, and they continued unpacking Maya's bags in silence. But as they folded clothes and sorted through toiletries, Hailey couldn't help but wonder what might have been if things had gone differently between Maya and Daemon all those years ago.

Maya and Hailey sit on Maya's bed, surrounded by her newly unpacked belongings. Hailey takes a deep breath and decides to confide in Maya about the drama in the house.

"Well, there's a bit of a love triangle going on," Hailey begins. "Daemon is in a relationship with Faith, but there are feelings between him and me as well."

Maya's eyes widen in surprise. "Wow, that's quite a situation," she says.

Hailey nods. "Yeah, it's been pretty tense around here lately. And to make matters worse, Faith's father is a police officer and he's been investigating our organization. We're all on edge about what he might find out."

Maya looks concerned. "That sounds really dangerous. Do you think you and Daemon should end things before they get even more complicated?"

Hailey considers the question for a moment before answering. "Honestly, I don't know. I care about him a lot, but I don't want to get in the way of his relationship with Faith. And with everything else going on, it might be for the best if we just focus on the job."

Maya nods in agreement. "That's probably a good idea. You don't want to risk your safety or the safety of the organization for a complicated relationship."

Hailey smiles gratefully at Maya. "Thanks for understanding. It's nice to have someone to talk to about all this."

"Of course," Maya says with a reassuring smile. "We're all in this together, and I'm here to support you guys however I can."

The girls changed, headed downstairs and started to prepare for dinner - Hailey and Maya were in the kitchen, chopping vegetables and preparing for dinner. Maya was excited to catch up with everyone and get to know Hailey better. She admired how strong and capable Hailey was, especially since she was one of the few women in the organization.

"So, what's the deal with Daemon and Faith?" Maya asked, trying to sound casual.

Hailey sighed, knowing she couldn't avoid the topic forever. "Well, Faith is his girlfriend, but they've been having problems lately. She got moved away by her dad, and they're not sure if they can make it work long-distance."

Maya nodded, sensing the tension in the room. "And what about you and Daemon? Is there anything going on there?"

Hailey blushed, looking down at the cutting board. "No, nothing like that. We're just friends and co-workers."

Maya raised an eyebrow, not convinced. "Really? Because you two seem pretty close."

Hailey shrugged, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. "We work together a lot, and we have each other's backs. It's just professional."

Meanwhile, outside, the guys were enjoying a few beers and cooking up a storm on the grill. Savage was cracking jokes, and Jake was telling stories about some of their past jobs.

Daemon was a little quieter than usual, lost in thought. He couldn't help but think about Faith and how much he missed her. He also couldn't shake the feeling that something was going on between Hailey and Maya. They seemed to be whispering and giggling a lot in the kitchen.

As the sun began to set, they all gathered around the table, enjoying the delicious meal and each other's company. Maya felt like she had found a second family with these people, even if they were a little rough around the edges.

But as the night wore on, the tension between Hailey and Daemon seemed to grow, and Maya couldn't help but feel like there was something they weren't telling her. She decided to keep her eyes and ears open and see if she could figure out what was really going on.

As the crew settled in for dinner, Savage couldn't help but steal glances at Maya. He admired her beauty and couldn't wait to get to know her better. As the night went on, he started asking her more and more questions.

"So, Maya, what do you do for a living?" Savage asked.

"I work in tech, mostly doing freelance work," Maya replied.

"Oh, that's interesting. What kind of projects have you worked on?" Savage inquired further.

Maya started talking about some of the projects she had worked on, including developing software for small businesses and building websites for clients. Savage listened intently, fascinated by her skills.

As dinner went on, Savage continued to ask Maya more and more questions, finding her intelligence and creativity alluring. But he couldn't help but wonder if he had any chance with her, considering the complicated dynamics within the crew.

Babushka leaned forward in his seat and fixed his sharp gaze on Maya. "So, tell us more about your background, Maya. What led you to specialize in technology?"

Maya swallowed a bite of food and wiped her mouth with a napkin before responding. "Well, I've always had an interest in technology since I was young. My parents were both engineers, and they encouraged my curiosity. I went to college for computer science and have been working in the field ever since."

Babushka nodded thoughtfully. "Impressive. And what sort of projects have you worked on?"

Maya took a sip of her wine and thought for a moment. "I've worked on a variety of projects, from creating websites for small businesses to developing software for large corporations. I've also done some freelance work for individuals."

Jake chimed in, "That's pretty diverse. How do you handle the different challenges that come with each project?"

Maya smiled. "I enjoy the challenge of taking on new projects and figuring out how to solve the unique problems that come with each one. I'm always learning and growing as a professional."

Savage grinned. "Sounds like you're a valuable addition to our team. Who knows, maybe we'll have you running the whole operation someday."

Maya laughed. "I don't know about that, but I'll certainly do my best to contribute."

The conversation turned to other topics, but Babushka continued to observe Maya closely. He was pleased with what he saw so far and made a mental note to keep an eye on her work in the coming days.

As the dinner progressed, Savage couldn't help but become more and more curious about Maya's love life. He had always been interested in her, but now that she was back in their lives, he felt an overwhelming desire to know more about her.

"So, Maya," he said, leaning forward in his chair. "Are you seeing anyone?"

Maya looked up from her plate, surprised by the sudden question. "Uh, no," she said, shaking her head. "I've been too busy with work to date anyone."

Savage raised his eyebrows. "Really? I find that hard to believe. A beautiful girl like you must have no shortage of suitors."

Maya laughed, feeling a little embarrassed. "Well, I guess I've just been focusing on my career for now."

Daemon, who had been quiet for most of the dinner, suddenly spoke up. "Actually, I was thinking of asking Maya to help me with a project I've been working on."

Everyone turned to look at him, curious.

"What kind of project?" Hailey asked.

Daemon hesitated for a moment before answering. "It's something I've been working on for a while now. It's a new system that will make our operations more efficient."

Savage whistled. "Sounds pretty high-tech. I'm sure Maya would be the perfect person to help you with that."

Maya nodded, intrigued. "I'd love to hear more about it."

As the conversation turned to business, Hailey couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. She had always been the one to help Daemon with his projects, and now Maya was taking her place. But she pushed those thoughts aside and tried to focus on enjoying the rest of the evening.

As the evening progresses , Maya asks Daemon if he is still a playboy, his love life and Faith.

Daemon looks at Maya, surprised by her directness. He takes a sip of his drink before answering her question.

Daemon: "No, I'm not a playboy anymore. Faith and I are together now."

Maya nods, taking in his answer.

Maya: "How's that going for you?"

Daemon: "It's good. She's amazing, and things have been going well between us."

Maya smiles, happy to hear that Daemon has found someone he cares about.

Maya: "That's great to hear. I'm happy for you."

Hailey looks at Daemon, feeling a twinge of jealousy. She had hoped that maybe there was still a chance for her and Daemon, but it seemed like he had moved on.

Hailey: "I'm glad things are going well for you, Daemon. You deserve to be happy."

Daemon looks at Hailey, sensing her sadness. He reaches over and places a comforting hand on hers.

Daemon: "Hey, everything okay?"

Hailey nods, trying to put on a brave face.

Hailey: "Yeah, everything's fine."

Maya looks at the two of them, sensing the tension in the air. She decides to change the subject.

Maya: "So, tell me more about this crew of yours. What kind of work do you guys do?"

The group spends the rest of the evening talking about their work and catching up with Maya. As the night winds down, they all say their goodbyes and head off to bed. But for Hailey, sleep doesn't come easily as she lays in bed, thinking about Daemon and the girl he had chosen over her.

As Daemon lies in bed, he can't help but think about Maya and his complicated love triangle with Hailey and Faith. He remembers the time when he and Maya were together and how he felt like he had it all figured out. But now, everything is so much more complicated.

He wonders if Maya's presence will make things easier or harder for him. He knows that he still has feelings for both Hailey and Faith, but he also can't deny that there's still a spark between him and Maya.

As he lays there lost in thought, he realizes that he needs to figure out what he wants and who he wants to be with. He can't keep leading them all on and causing more drama. He knows that he needs to make a decision soon before things get even more complicated.

With a heavy sigh, he rolls over and tries to push the thoughts from his mind. But deep down, he knows that he can't ignore his feelings forever.