
Search & Rescue : A Romantic Series

The main character, Daemon, is a charismatic and successful criminal who is accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle. He is confident, self-assured, and has a strong bond with his four friends with whom he runs a criminal organization. He is also deeply in love with a woman who he sees as the love of his life. However, when his love is taken away by her father, a police official investigating him and his organization, Daemon's world is turned upside down. He is faced with the dilemma of saving his love and protecting his criminal enterprise from being exposed. Despite being pursued by his ex, who is also a member of his organization, Daemon remains focused on rescuing his love. He is determined to use his resources and connections to locate her, and is willing to take risks to do so.

Maxwell_Angelou · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Clarity & The Big Secret Pt.2

The heated back and forth between Faith and Hailey started to get out of hand and turned personal, officers tried to stop and intervene the cat-fight – then suddenly Hailey dropped a bomb, "Daemon called you a fucking liability", that's when Faith kept quiet, tearing up, it pierced through her heart, "What" – with a cracking voice , "Daemon" , she screamed. I was still in a state of confusion, still trying to piece everything together, I was puzzled, I could barely even see anything or comprehend anything that was going on, plus the weed that I had earlier on was still heavily on my system.

The comment made by Hailey was nasty and just so childish, I always knew that one day she would bring it up, and I remember I only said it in passing a few months back, jokingly. I was now wondering if she would bring up all the cheating that I have done that will confirm some of Faith's allegations, with the same girls that SHE introduced me to, my heart started to skip a beat, being the loud-mouth of the group, for once I had nothing to say.

Cops are all about the business, the way in how they just stood there and witnessed the whole ordeal was a sign that we really aren't that deep into trouble, they were just observing us at first hand, our behaviors, movements, voices, tones and attitudes. From there on you could tell that we have all just been profiled in real-time.

Now let me get back to the scene - luckily Mr. Baltimore intervened, so I gave her no response, I was also in a state of shock and disbelief so you cannot blame me. Mr. Baltimore possessed this magnificent aura, he oozed an "I am the boss, I run shit here, and you just live here" type of aura, he made everyone sit still – including his associates, and ordered us to stand up and sit in a perfect line. He ordered Faith to stand on the other side and said "Baby, you need to come back home" – I immediately turned my neck 360 degrees as they were behind me, I could not believe it, I tried to run up on them and was intercepted by one of the officers who threw me back on the ground and shoved a 9mm shot-gun at my face while two other officers reprimanded me.

As I was being held down, I became violent and tried to fight back – I was hurt, I quickly lost all the strength that I thought I had, within moments I started crying, I felt helpless, weak and broken by this whole encounter. My heart started racing, my mind started running, my whole world started spinning and I felt numb, that sativa that I had earlier on started wearing off, everything became less of a blur or a dream. As I slowly returned back to earth, all I needed was clarity to what the hell was going on.

Obviously we all had questions, we all had our own assumptions and conclusions – Who is Faith? And who the hell is this big guy? He looked like someone that just fell off a movie set. To me, the most important question was – Was this relationship real? Was she plotting against me? Was she part of the plan? Was I tricked to fall in love? Did it mean as much to her as much as it did to me? Am I the victim? Did I endanger my friends? Was she undercover? I had a million questions that I needed answers to, all I want was CLARITY.

The fact that the big guy called her "Baby" in between really threw me off, what if this is her husband, boyfriend, or worse, sugar daddy? Shit. Knowing my friends, I definitely knew what they were thinking, probably on some shit like "They fucking", she's a traitor, she used me etc. and I honestly didn't want to hear their thoughts, my main concern at this moment was me, my heart and well-being – nothing else mattered. I knew Faith, I knew the real her, I knew her through and through, in and out, I knew what she was capable of, and I knew that this, what was happening right now, IS NOT HER.

Finally, Faith said something, "Dad, no!" , I was shocked, I was in awe, I could not believe it. Faith calling Mr. Baltimore Dad was the last thing that we all expected, he responded "We're running out of time, pack what you need" , she resisted, screaming "I am not going anywhere" , "I am not leaving my boyfriend behind" . Right there and then my eyes teared up, she was actually fighting for us, for me, our future.

She really put on a strong resistance, I have never seen her out of character like that, Faith was sweet, down-to earth, warm hearted and a ray of sunshine. She was never the kind that you'd want see cry or get angry, such incidents ruined her face, I always made sure that I kept her pretty!

Mr. Baltimore tried so hard to belittle our relationship and downplayed the love we shared, referring to me as "Just a fucking boyfriend", cementing it with comments like "You'll find another one", I was pissed but I remained cool, calm & collected. During the whole argument with her dead-beat dad, she finally uttered the words that were only known to the two of us, and a cherry on top that I was not aware of – all of this is taking place while everybody is still trying to digest the fact that Mr. Baltimore is her father, "We're engaged to be married! ", the room turned cold and silent, I could hear Hailey with a soft voice in the background say "What's the rush on commitment" , I knew she'd be unhappy – I felt the jealousy in her tone. Another grenade dropped, " And I'm 6 weeks pregnant ".

The room was heated, everybody was sweating and grasping for air, the news sent a shockwave across everybody's body, Mr. Baltimore was worse – he turned red, the bald head turned red as well and sweat ran down his face as he tried to wipe it off with his big arm.

"I don't care " Mr. Baltimore responded, saying this while ordering his associates to grab some of Faith's stuff in my room, but she quickly told them that she can do it herself, by so doing – she was preventing the cops from going through our things and potentially finding something incriminating, this would put me, my crew and the whole operation at risk. " She's smart " - I told myself, with a smirk on my face. She was planning something, I know that look and I know what it meant, problem is when and how she'll be able to execute it. For now we're outnumbered, we had to let it go.

Mr. Baltimore grabbed her hand and forcefully walked her out of that door, she tried to argue and reason with him, he clearly did not care and was not having any of it, they just stormed out, while the rest of the officers watched us and made sure we do not try to retaliate or do anything funny. A few moments later we were all outside, Faith was seated at the backseat of a matte-black BMW X6, with flashing blue lights, I watched as it backed up, I watched as the other police cars backed up & drove away, disrespectfully. We were not aware that so many cars were parked outside, we watched as the convoy left. The whole neighborhood was awake – people were watching from their balconies and front gates, I doubt any of them were surprised though, they knew just how wild and rowdy we could get.

The mood was down as we walked back into the house, I felt some sense of relief, at least Faith & I were free – the blame was no longer on our shoulders. There was a moment of silence, nobody had the correct words to break the ice, everybody was tiptoeing around me and did not know what to say or do, they had questions obviously, but now's not the time and they can see it. I was deep in thought, contemplating, plotting and scheming.

I decided to head to my room, grabbed the last blunt I had and went out to the front, as I sat outside I found Babushka smoking a cigarette, he offered me a lighter and we shared a quiet and peaceful moment together – for once, he did not have any wisdom or knowledge to give, this situation was way above him, and he knew just how sensitive and emotional it was to me. One thing about him? He respected my relationship, he wanted what's best for us and always just wanted to see us happy and thriving, unlike Hailey and Savage, who were both against the relationship, Jake barely paid any attention to us as he had his own shit going on, the relationship he had with his baby mama was always rocky and on thin ice, he had enough problems already.

A few moments later they all came outside, behind Hailey, nobody had the heart to break the ice except her. "Guys, we need to talk" she said, we all kept quiet for a second, then Babushka finally said something, "I agree" – which was then seconded by Jake. Savage was still far away from us, physically he was here, but his mind was somewhere else. "Daemon, what's your story" , Babushka asked, "What story" I responded. "You and Faith" he said, "There's a lot of things that you guys kept away from us, as your brother's & sister we should've known, at the beginning we vowed to never keep secrets and always be transparent with each other, what happened in the early hours of this morning is unacceptable". I wasn't too sure which part he was referring to so I said "I had nothing to do with this! " in my defense, "The engagement, Daemon" Hailey responded.

I admit I was wrong for not mentioning the engagement, it was just something that we wanted to keep to ourselves for a little while, enjoy it without the pressures of the world – but mostly it was Faith's idea, she didn't want my friends to know just yet, I never really got to fully understand why though but I'm guessing it was due to the pregnancy and was probably waiting for the perfect time to break the news to me, and the perfect time to break the news to them. "Did you even know that she was pregnant" Hailey asked, I said "No". I knew she wasn't asking out of concern, she just didn't like the fact that it was happening, I knew she wasn't happy about the news and we could all see it.

"it's non of your business, and you better not be jealous, we know how you really feel about Daemon" said Savage. "What!" we all said, well this was new to me, I could see the embarrassment through Hailey's eyes as she tried to defend herself, Jake was laughing, and Babushka wasn't entertaining the idea and kept a straight face. We all knew the rules, no attachments and no feelings to one another, we're practically family. I was at a loss for words, things became awkward, and I could see Hailey avoiding eye contact with me. I'd be lying if I said that has never crossed my mind, on some days I could tell that she had feelings for me, I've been avoiding it for the longest time – We just never knew how to confront the situation, so we pretended it did not exist.

On this I day made so many shocking discoveries, I had finally gained clarity, I now knew what was going on. I wasn't entirely happy with the situation but I had to adapt or die, accept it as it is and take it how it's given. The Hailey situation was above us all, she was placed in a very uncomfortable position, so was I – but now is not the time, I cannot deal with this at the moment, I do not have to dwell on it either but I knew I had to sort it out, and quick!