
Sealed omnipotency

Takudzwa_Muperi1 · อื่นๆ
12 Chs

Chapter 5

"Little girl, you must have gotten the wrong person. My name is JADEN. J-A-D-E-N"Jaden corrected the girl .

"No!, there is no way I would mistaken master for someone else"stubbornly shaking her head.

"you a....."

Just as Jaden was about to say something, the system lady interrupted him..

[You're forgetting something pal] it's tone was sarcastic and Jaden got irritated.

"if you have something to say just say it" Jaden told the system to get straight to the point.

[You are in another world in someone else's body dummy. The poor girl must be thinking that you are the same person]


Everything started making sense in his mind after hearing the words of the annoying system. Although he did not believe in reincarnation he couldn't ignore the recent fantastical events that had occurred

Moreover, the system inside him is proof enough that everything had happened.

[I think its best if you pretend to have lost your memories, that way your weird actions will be justified.]

"Bad idea, how will I explain the 'name' Jaden?" Jaden remembered that he had told the girl that his name was Jaden.

"I have a feeling that the girl won't ask about it. Just use your brains a little."


While Jaden was busy talking to the system inside his head, Lily was looking at his expression which kept on changing every 20 seconds. She blinked her eyes a few times and started thinking...

"What could have happened to master while I was away?. He has changed and he doesn't remember Lily. Perhaps a monster hurt him."


"A-Are you okay master?"

Jaden snapped back to reality when he heard Lily's worried voice.

"h-huh, I'm good."Scratching the back of his head.

"You don't have to push yourself too much. Perhaps a monster hurt you while I was away which might have caused you to lose your memories."

When Jaden saw the expression of sadness on the beautiful young maid's face, his heart squeezed a little. 'she must be feeling guilty for not being able to protect me or so I think' thought Jaden.

He decided to go with the System's idea of pretending to have lost his memories. As much as he hates telling lies, he knew that it was important given the situation.

Jaden raised his hand to pat to pat the dejected Lily.


When Lily felt Jaden's hand patting her, her gloomy mood vanished and was replaced by happiness.

"I lost my memories"He blatantly said.

[You brainless idiot!, you shouldn't be so stiff with your words. Now she'll be suspicious.]

"What!!! (surprised). Don't worry master, i will get your memories back for you" Lily said brimming with determination.

Contrary to the system's expectations, little Lily didn't even show a hint of suspicion surprising both Mike and the system.

[Umm, why don't you check her status.]

"hmm, why?." Jaden asked confused by wondering why the annoying system wanted to see her stats.

[i want to see her intelligence stat.]

"ok" He then understood why she wanted to see Lily's stats. She must've thought Lily was a dumb girl.

*Lily's status*






TITLE :Beautiful devil of the east

ELEMENTS:water, wind, space manipulation



SKILLS: violent tsunami, chaotic space, slashing winds etc (40 in total)

HATERS: 5.5Billion




Jaden and the system :She's a f**cking monster!!!.

Lily saw the weird look on her master's face and started to get worried .

"Are okay master. Your mouth is open, bugs might enter which is very bad for your health."

"I'm okay hahaha...." Laughing awkwardly while avoiding eye contact .

"Are you sure? "Lily asked while suspiciously looking at him.

"yes I'm sure. Why don't you tell me about the world and my identity hahaha...."Jaden gave confirmation of how fine he was and immediately changed the topic.

Lily was still suspicious but in the end, she decided to let it slip. He was her 'master' after all. She didn't want him to feel uncomfortable.

"Let's talk while walking home. Everyone is worried about you especially your grandfather, he won't calm down knowing that his grandson is in a dangerous forest."

Jaden nodded in understanding and the two teenagers started leaving the forest.

"wow. So this is a magical world huh? " he couldn't help but comment seeing the unfamiliar yet beautiful vegetation in the forest. All the trees, rocks, grasses, and even animals looked magical thanks to strange small light particles surrounding them.

"Master, where should I start? "

"Just the important stuff." Jaden replied still looking around.

Soon Lily started telling Jaden about the world, where he belongs in the world, his family etc.

Based on what Lily had told him, This world is called Brixton. It consists of 4 continents ruled by emperors who are respected as the strongest in their respective continents. As for them, they come from a kingdom called Helgum kingdom located in the Eastern continent. She couldn't tell him any further due to her limited knowledge on the subject.

Lily told him that his full name is Alexander Von Geistar. He lives in the Geistar family household with the family of his unknown father. She also told him how kind the family is despite being a fallen noble house. No one abandons nor blames the other, they are a harmonious family .

She also told him the reason why they had come ro to the forest. Apparently, Alexander was a powerless person who had awakened with a small low level core of pink color thus was despised and laughed at everywhere in the Helgum kingdom. Although his family loved him despite being weak and lacking in talent, he felt like a disgrace and almost killed himself by using a forbidden spell to destroy his core.

Since that day, his grandfather and the rest of the family became overprotective of him especially his grandfather. Lily was a slave he had bought in the slave market because he pitied her. He had come to the forest because he wanted a certain delicious fruit called black peach.

A/N: we'll be changing the mc's name from Jaden to Alexander. Alex in short from now on.

The system also hearing the story from Lily couldn't help but comment [What a life]}

"Tell me about it."


After an hour of walking with Lily fighting beasts along the way, they finally arrived

at a big silver gate.



Author: I'm sure you guys noticed the differences between the status panels. The reason Alex's status panel is different is because, he is no ordinary person.

Others may be saying 'his English is so bad".

The reason:I'm not good at speaking or writing in English so please bear with me😅.

Some might be asking "why hasn't his power been revealed". The answer will be found in chapter 10-13.