
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · สมัยใหม่
183 Chs

Tears were hanging in the eyes(2)

Elizabeth lightly patted Alice Garcia's hand and said, "Why do you keep staring at her all the time? Why not spend your time focusing on John instead?"

Alice Garcia playfully stuck out her tongue and said, "I know, Mom."

Half an hour before the afternoon meeting, Jane sent an email to all the top executives of the company, leaving Elizabeth completely in the dark.

When the meeting time arrived, everyone entered the conference room on time.

Carl Edwards swaggered behind Elizabeth with a hint of challenge in his eyes as he saw Jane. It was as if he was saying, "So what if you don't like me? I'll still stay in the company and become the broker for Oliver Ford and Kevin Flores, and you'll come to value me."

Jane looked at his smug expression and felt disgusted.

"Last-minute meeting to inform everyone that Carl Edwards will be the broker for Oliver Ford and Kevin Flores from now on. Please cooperate with him in terms of resources." Elizabeth sat in the position of the general manager and spoke in a firm tone. This meeting was not for discussion among the top executives, but rather a unilateral decision made by her.

Upon hearing this, the top executives looked at each other in confusion. Mr. Green then spoke, sounding unhappy, "Are you sure you want Carl Edwards to be Oliver Ford's broker?"

Oliver Ford was a child star who had gained a large number of fans. He was young and had unlimited potential. It was clear that he was a cash cow for Starlight. However, if the wrong person were to cultivate and water this tree, the company might not make money and might even lose money. As a shareholder, Mr. Green cared most about his own interests.

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow and asked, "Is there a problem?"

Mr. Green looked at Jane, who handed out the files that had already been prepared to all the executives to review. Only after everyone had read them did they pass the files to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth looked closely and turned green. The files contained records of various funds transferred, all of which were transferred without authorization by Carl Edwards during his time as Jane's broker. There were also several large sums of money that were intended for charity but were embezzled by him, totaling over fifty million. All of this money was used for gambling, and in the end, he not only had nothing left but also owed over five million to others.

Carl Edwards looked at the faces of all the senior executives, feeling nervous as he glanced at the circulated document. He saw Elizabeth's expression turning increasingly sour, so he immediately reached out to grab the document and read it. As he read the contents, he slumped onto the chair, his eyes flickering with anxiety. After a few seconds, he suddenly looked up at Jane and said, "All this money was voluntarily given to me by Jane. I didn't take a penny from her."

As soon as he spoke, everyone's eyes turned to Jane.

Jane laughed.

She was laughing with anger.

When she was framed in the United States, she began to suspect Carl Edwards and Stella Ford. After returning to S City, she had George Hayes investigate them. When she received the results, she was shattered. She did not expect that her manager, who she had been working closely with, had colluded with her assistant behind her back, and had taken her money from her album sales for themselves. What was even more hateful was that they had also taken the money she had set aside for charity.

And all the money had been lost in gambling.

He had done something wrong, violating professional rules, but was he really trying to play the victim?

Looking at Elizabeth's expression, was she still planning to believe him?

With anger surging in her heart, she stood up from the conference table, leaning on it with both hands and staring at Carl Edwards with a cold gaze. "If you think you're innocent, go tell the police."

As she finished speaking, the tightly closed conference room door was pushed open, and three plainclothes policemen walked over to Carl Edwards with an imposing manner.