
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · สมัยใหม่
183 Chs

Bringing Shame Upon Oneself.

In one sentence, Alice hit Jane where it hurts.

Alice saw the results of waking up early, smiled and left.

As soon as she left the hospital, she called to share the good news, "Mom, Jane found out about those rumors, and with her illness, it won't be long before John is mine."

When Jane called John, his assistant Brian answered and said John was always in meetings.

As they were in a secret marriage, they couldn't openly contact John according to their agreement.

On the day Jack was discharged from the hospital, Jane took him to the He family's residence.

When she got home, Jane's parents were not there, so she left Jack with Aunt Xia to take care of and went to find John.

John Building had created the building when Mrs. Land was young, and she loved luxury, so the John Building was located in a prime location in the city center. Two tall buildings surrounded the highest one in the middle, forming an arch with two sky bridges connecting them. It gave the illusion of a ladder when viewed from afar.

In recent years, the John Building had become a landmark in the city.

She waited all day before seeing John come out of the building. When he got into his car, she rushed over and sat next to him.

Brian, who was opening the car door, was taken aback. "Madam Jane," he said.

Jane sat still, steeling herself.

John gave Brian a look and he fell silent.

Inside the car, John flipped through documents, completely ignoring Jane's presence.

"For these past four years, you've deliberately ignored me and Jack, all because of baseless rumors?" Jane spoke up, her voice low.

John's knuckles turned white as he clenched the documents. He looked furious, but quickly regained his composure.

The car fell silent.

He seemed unwilling to say anything.

Jane was angry. She grabbed the documents in front of him and threw them aside, almost shouting at him. "How could you believe those lies? I've loved you since I was a child, always wanted to marry you. How could I, who loves you so much, ever...betray you?"


Perhaps her emotions were too intense, Jane suddenly felt a sharp pain in her throat, coughing violently.

She quickly covered her mouth with a tissue, finally stopping after a while.

When she took off the tissue, she saw blood stains on it.

She instinctively looked at John.

But John was looking out the window, not at her.

The pain in her throat began to spread.

"This is Jack's blood. Go do a paternity test with him now. I promise you, Jack is your flesh and blood."

With her left hand, she put the bloody tissue in her bag, and with her right hand, she pulled out a test tube she had asked a doctor to help her draw earlier today at the hospital.

John slowly turned his handsome face to look at Jane, his gaze ice-cold.

"You're digging your own grave."

Jane was shaken both physically and emotionally.

John was convinced that Jack was not his biological child and that she had betrayed him!

"The paternity test will prove my innocence, and you must come with me," John said, his face frosty, as if he wanted to personally expose Jane's lies and let her go to the testing center on her own.

Due to their status, John found his childhood friend Mark, whom Jane also knew.

As it was a matter of great importance, Jane stayed at the testing center to await the results.

John left a blood sample and departed.

Despite the best separation machine and technology, the results would not be available for 24 hours, and Jane stayed up all night with Mark.

The next morning, John arrived when the results were ready.

Jane was eager to use the test results to prove herself, and she walked up to John with the report and opened it for him to see.

But when they saw the results on the report, they were both dumbfounded.

The results showed that John was not Jack's biological father?!

"No, this cannot be!" Jane exclaimed, looking at John in disbelief.

Between his exquisitely sharp eyebrows and deep-set eyes, John's expression was one of coldness and ridicule, as if he were looking at a jumping clown.

It was as if he were waiting for her to finish her act.

The pain in her heart was like a tearing sensation.

She tried to explain, "There must be a mistake with this result. I have never betrayed you."

She then turned to Mark, "Mark, did you make a mistake somewhere?"

There must be a mistake somewhere!

For 25 years of her life, she had only been with John, and Jack was clearly John's child.

Mark glared unhappily and spoke in a harsh tone, "As a forensic expert with a PhD in criminal investigation, are you questioning my expertise? If you did something ugly, don't be afraid of the ugly results."

"John, why keep this woman who has no loyalty? Why not just divorce her?" Mark sympathized with John.

He remembered the grand wedding that John had given to Jane, which made all women envy her. But then it turned out that the twin children she gave birth to were not just his, and this became a scandal in the political and business circles.

No man could tolerate this.

But John had known the truth four years ago, yet he still didn't divorce her.

John lit a cigarette, and smoked it slowly. After a long pause, he slowly said, ""No one can betray me and still leave unscathed."

His tone was cold, as if he was using dense needles to poke into Jane's organs.