
Scratch of a Woman

Zria has always had a normal life, until she met Celeste. With the murder of her friend, they now must both try and find a way to live life without someone believing it was them.

CrazyDraws_yt · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Today at school would have been great, but Zach wasn't there today. They were probably taking care of one of their sick siblings. Zria thought as she and Celeste were sitting under the tree, where she usually sits. They would sit up on the hill, but it was muddy due to the rain last night. Maybe I should bring some food when school is over. Her thoughts continued as she and the other looked at the kids still playing soccer.

"So," Zria started to talk. She knew it was awkward not having Zach here. They were the ice breaker of all of their conversations. Did she not learn anything from them? "Do you like your classes?" Honestly she expected a half-made answer, but proceeded to ask.

"Yeah," Celeste nodded and began to smile. What was with this girl? Was what Zria thought to herself. Why was she so easy to talk to? Zria mentally slaps herself to pay attention to what Celeste was saying. "I like every class except for Math."

"Really," Zria looked shocked. She has never met someone who didn't like math. Most people she knew either hated English or Social Studies. "I like Math really, I just don't like the teacher." They both laughed. Something about Celeste's laugh made Zria smile. The innocence of it, or the fact that she snorts between every giggle.

"Yeah, the teacher is pretty creepy." They both continued to talk about school and about their home life. Turns out, Celeste was sixteen and wanted to be a baker. She used to live in Savannah, Georgia and loved Rock. Zria confirmed her age to her. Telling her that she was sixteen and that Zach was seventeen, turning eighteen in a couple of months. She told her how her dream was to be an author, and how she loves different types of music.

"Hey," they both turn around to see Major May. She was considered "Top Dog" as the freshmen. Her mother worked overseas in the military, so she believes that she deserves all the respect, since one day she was going to be serving, even though she was fifteen. "What are y'all doing? Come over here and play with us!" Macy's voice echoed through the entire field. Zria could tell that Celeste was scared of being the odd one out, but the only thing she was worried about was how Macy was able to yell so much, she probably drinks a lot of water everyday. Macy began to make her way over to the two girls, with an entourage behind her.

"Did you guys not hear me?" Her round face started to turn red. To Zria it kinda reminded her of a Pitbull that always barked. "I said come play wi-"

"Gosh can you leave us alone? You're so annoying!" Zria's rage caused the Ginger headed girl to become even more red.

"Well," the girl looked around for something she could taunt, for a while nothing came to her mind until. "No matter how you try, you can't marry a girl."

Her group of friends began to laugh at the unfunny joke, causing Celeste's face to go from cheery and happy child to scared and upset one real fast. Zria wanted to say something. Anything, but nothing would come out. This is what she gets for trying to make a friend.

The bell rang for them to go back inside. Zria wanted to tell Celeste that she was sorry for what happened, but once again- nothing. She wished Zach was here. He would have made sure none of that happened. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. Considering that she and Celeste were not talking. It went pretty well. Zria went on the bus, aggravated by today's event. She could hear some of the kids laughing. May's friend was probably already spreading the rumor that me and Celeste are dating. Zria thought as she sat on her seat and played a game on the phone. Why did people care so much if we were anyway? Why did it matter so much to Celeste anyway? I know she didn't want to stand out, but she could have at least helped me. These thoughts of Zria continued throughout her mind the whole bus ride.

She got home pretty early. And began to walk to the store.

"Let's see here," Zria began to scan the shelves, collecting what she needed. "Two cans of his favorite soup, some blueberry muffins, saltine crackers, popcorn, and some soda so we can binge watch some movies together." She had begun to grab what she needed and made her way toward the counter to check out.