
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

Whadyamean · Video Games
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The End of the Facade

After gaining the system back I had done a few things. First was to learn as much as I could from SCP-5097, and boy did I underestimate it. Not only did it help you learn at an extremely fast pace and schedule lessons around the times your avaliable. It also has knowledge of its subjects from when it was taken by the system. This not only made me a certified genius on anything I wanted but also has me learn subjects with advanced lnowledge 80 years into the future.

After five months I had learned about every subject that I could find about science. I was able to surprisingly learn about anomalys and better deduce what drives them and the rules that govern them.Math to the point that I was able to get the uncanny ability to roughly predict what would happen to me. This was especially usefull when I looked at a trucked barreling towards the sidewalk and was able to tell which way it was gonna swerve.

I took so much English that I could adopt the writing style of anyone just by looking at anything they've written. As well as enough psychology and societal based courses to be able to change my maneurisms on the fly to get along better with people, or impersonate them through their speach patterns.

I used it once when I was getting scolded by my teacher for not paying attention in class. But had a change in heart afterwards when I talked aboht cats and how to tell when one was poisoned. The only reason I talked to her about this was because throughout the day I could pick out she was stressed, and my deduction told me she had a sick pet due to not having any children.

Overall I was getting by fine I had checked the (Store) and (Quest) tabs out but couldn't do anything without any points, and no quests decided to annoubce themselves. So I kept learning with Miss. Joy slowly drifting away from all the usefull courses to ones that seemed enticing. Afterall you run out of your targeted topics to learn eventually when you can learn them in the span of 15 hours each.

Eventually I decided to take a risk. I needed people to help me discern "what I couldn't see." So I decided to bring my two friends into the fold. Inviting Goege and David to hang out at the park was the beginning of my payoff. Despite using normalcy to blend in didn't mean I was lazy I slowly moulded their views to question everythin, this if course was just the beginning. as they questioned reality I brought them conspiracys of a secret organization preventing us from seeing these reality breaking aliens.

It originally started off as a joke until I started bringing up events that didn't quite make sense. A disipearence of a town that isn't there despite books saying otherwise. Murders with apparent criminals that had no reason to do so. These events allowed me to make them think 'were does it lead?'

And it paid off as when I was walking to the park to meet up with George and David I got a

(Quest:No man rules alone)

You can't do anything, be everywhere at once so you've decided to enlist help through your friends George and David. Help them become worthy of being Chief Researchers and loyal to yourself.

(Reward:Faction Tab, Loyalty System, +80 loyalty from David and George)

So when I asked them to meat me at the park and ushered them into the woods when they got there. All they had were astounded faces when I brought out SCP-5097 it spoke.

"Murrey you brought me new students! I can't wait to teach them! Though do make sure you don't forget to revise what I've taught you."

George and David looked shocked and yelled


Miss. Joy responded "How else am I supposed to teach students if I don't speak hehe."

"This here guys is all the proof we needed. These things that don't make sense they're real" I calmly explained.

David and George looked at each other then to me with George saying " What do we do now? If we bring this to the goverment they'll take it then call us crazy or wipe our minds."

Running a quick calculation I needed to sell them on the idea on research ASAP and ti make sure the Foundation dosen't get to them so I set the hook.

"Well we could research them purselves just imagine what we could do with all of these things. We could give ourselves superpowers." I baited them with.

"How will we be able to research these we're in 10th grade not some state funded researcher in a private lab."David pointed out.

"Thats were Miss. Joy comes in she's able to teach advanced subjects in a really short period of time all you have to do is learn. We'll come out everyday and learn how to be researchers."

"Where would we research these things, and what if they're dangerous?" George warilly eyed me while replying.

"I have a place of my own, and who said we would research the dangerous stuff right away?"I replied.

"What do you mean you have a place? We're 16 how would you have a lab?" David questioned.

"Unfortunately I won't be able to tell you unless you help me on this." I answered

"Fuck it, we got a portabble miniterized TV thats able to apparently teach us anything we want to know. Why not study everything else I wanna get some sort of super serum." George agreed.With David silently nodding his head in agreement.

"Great we'll meet here on the weekdays and weekends same time and you two can learn with Miss. Joy as I set some things up."