
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

Whadyamean · วิดีโอเกม
50 Chs

The Plan In Action

Step one went on without a hitch I'm pretty sure I heard an agent swear at the driver of the van when I gave them the slip. Well after informing George and David the plan they, as expected freaked out. That was until I told them what we were gonna do. Surprisingly they listened well and calmed down quickly, that has to be some system interference.

But when I went back from my spot in the forest I found myself being tailed on foot this time it was fine by me, I had expected this. When I went back home I grabbed my suitcase full of survival items and medical supplys and put it in my inventory. When the next day came I went to the now desserted spot in the woods and while walking gave the agent trailing me the slip, again. Man I love probablility projection, but anyway after doing so I met up with George and David and put their bags in my inventory to prevent the Taxi driver from thinking we were running away from home.

They unsurprisingly questioned me about it and I explained it away through an anamalous item I had on me. When asked about it I said it was SCP-1688 and its infinite potato dimension which I knew raised more questions. When the Taxi Driver came after hailing it over I hypnotised them with my pocketwatch and made them think he had to drive us to the Canadian Rockies. Upon driving like his life depended on it he got us there. When we got there his hypnotization started wearing off so knowing what would become of me if I got caught. I stabbed the man with SCP-063 through the eye. Which prompted the system to respond with

[Lvl1-2] [Gained:100 points, SCP-Finder (cooldown 1 month)]

He couldn't even process the pain before his life ended. His body sunk no blood coming though the hole as 063 had cleaned it on the way in and out. So driving the car in the woods and dragging his body out and leaving it to the bears me George and David made our way up the mountain. Both of which looking at me the whole way as if I was a monster.


-Davids Loyalty -5 ,Intimidation +10

-Georges Loyalty -5, Intimidation +10

I knew explaining my reasoning would only bring their opinion of my further down so we walked in silence. Upon reaching the base of the mountain I equipped my (Trenchcoat) and started climbing up. I morphed the (Trenchcoat's) sleeves into an Ice-Axe and willed the axe's to scale the mountain with George and David grabbing onto me for dear life. Upon reaching the 3 quarters mark of the mountain I set site-19 right in front of us. A helipad with a helicopter situated upon willed itself infront of us. George and David scared for their lives due to both falling off and forcing me to will my (Veterans Trench-coat) to save them. Unsurprisingly they got off me shuffled 5ft away from the ledge and collapsed.

As I climbed over the ledge I watched as a guard walked towards me and saluting. To which I was then greeted with.

(Quest Complete:The Supicions)

Your father has gotten rather curious on how you've seemingly gotten more knowledgable. First believing it to be him misjudging you. This was due to your exemplary acting skills. To then be your downfall as he grew suspicicious on how you are able to hide facts from a seasoned Foundation Chief Researcher. Either escape before you're contained or somehow have your father call off the investigation.

(Rewards: 5 Years of guranteed undiscovery from the Foundation, 500 points)

Accepting the rewards I watched as the points value went from 100-600 and brought me satifaction gesturing the guard to show me facility made me realize why the site was on a discount. The halls had seemingly no floor plan the cells for the supposed SCP's were downright stupid. Who puts light containment before heavy containment? After my impromptu tour I got a squad of 30 guards in groups of 10 to have them map out the floors.

After having a guard show me the overseer office I had a look around, and noticed the cabinets still had files in them. Going through them provided me with some crucial information. Mainly the SCP's stored in the site and un-redacted files of where they came from. The cabinet to which was rigged with 12 thermite grenades all of which were connected to sensors detecting if the cabinet was moved or opened. Thankfully before doing so I calculated the probability of it being boobytrapped and came up with a whopping 99.81% chance. Unfortunetly most of the files were of Keter and until we had more guards and MTF I wouldn't be drawing attention to myself. The Foundation wouldn't learn of me but that didn't mean other couldn't.

What did catch my attention was SCP-248 (110% Stickers), SCP-269 (Filtering Bracelet), SCP-348 (healing soup), SCP-657 (The Prophet), SCP-832 (Every cent counts), SCP-1360 (Escape Obsessed Android), SCP-1376 (The Nature Documentary), SCP-1394 (Self curing syringe), SCP-2291 (Playful Scarf), SCP-2900 (Self Replicating Awards), SCP-4711 (Mans Best Deceased Friend. All of these objects would be helpfull if used/recreated or used. The system everpresent decided to hook onto my thoughts.

(Quest:Secure Contain Use)

Most think anomalies need to be contained,destroyed or freed. You on the other hand believe in using those objects for your own gain.So go out there and "retrieve" some SCP's

(Rewards:Serpent's hand contacts, 500 points)

At this point I had been throughly drained from reading all the reports. As even though the sites floor plan was shit they were still one of the biggest, and as such housed hundreds of SCP's. After using my (SCP-Finder) to SCP-269 it reported its location at the John Hopkins Hospital in Maryland. Seeing this I realized I didn't have anyone to go get this SCP and perused the (Store) for a suitable amount of field agents. I eventaully decided on

(Level 2 Infiltrators:Suitable for infiltration into Non-Secure Institutions.)

Those brought me down 600-350 points. Seeing the squad of seemingly regular people materialise infront of me made me feel a little underwhelmed. Which is why I was happy that I got them they shouldn't stand out and instead nick the bracelet after getting a doctors appointment. After sending the squad of infiltrators with a main goal of getting the bracelet. But also to start making underworld contacts to get a semblance of funds.

The whole reason I even wanted SCP-269 was it's ability to filter incurable diseases and possibly anomalous pathogens through the bloodstream. Unfortunetly it has a huge downside as after 1-3 weeks it will instead start filtering out your immune system. Then your red blood cells and platels ending in the person who's wearing it an untimely demise. And as if on cue the system assigned me a (Quest.)

(Quest:Purify Yourself)

An examplary person shouldn't have a subpar body. The only reason you even made it up this mountain was through manipulating your coat. Find a way to alter SCP-269 to cure youreelf of lead poisoning and abestos inhalation.

(Rewards:Small insight into how SCP-500 works)

My eyes widened in shock at the rewards. SCP-500 would be amazing to fully understand. And if used in combat would be able to reduce casualtys and keep soldiers fighting for longer. I stopped myself before I ended up thinking over things wouldn't be able to get until I completed my current (Quest.)