
A Student

"Good sir although I find your clothing fashionable I believe I came here to see you produce the Pancea." The Doctor reminded me.

And then I had to wonder what does Infinity do? It is infinite and would encapsulate the other attunements, but what effect does that hold. It was at this point I was reminded the system does exist.

(Quest Complete:Utility of an Affinity)

You need to attune to your affinity if you wish to use higher tiers of Reality Bending. Fortunetly your predecessor thought the same and has stored their "Seeing Stone" in a safehouse outlined in what was their journal.

Collect the "Seeing Stone" and attune to your affinitys.


-Attunement(s) Time,Infinity

-500 points,

-(Unlocked: Skill Inspection)

(System Function Gained:Evolution)

Things must evolve grow beyond their perameters it just happens your attunement has passed this threshold.


Strength:Above Average

Dexterity:Above Average

Endurance:Peak (+SCP-269)

Wisdom:Too High

——> Way too High

Intelligence:Way Too High

——> Downright Anamalous


-Bloodborne Diseases



(The Numbers 4/5)

——>(Prescience 1/5)

(Prescience 1/5)

Originally a way to calculate possibilitys of a situation has evolved into an ability that allows you to know future events. The first step of being able to understand time is finding out how it affects you, and how to break out of it.

-Allows the user to have full understanding of what will come into contact with their body 10 seconds ahead of time. (Counts as Reality Bending)

-Through the concept of Infinity and Time you may peer into the possibilities of any situation

(Realitys viewed increase with level)

(The Laws 4/5)

——>(Understandment of Totality 1/5)

(Understandment of Totality 1/5)

Infinity garners totality and you must be one able to understand it if you have even a hope of encapsilating its powers. The first step to understanding your powers has granted you with the ability of drawing knowledge from the infinite spanning network that is the multiverse.

(Note: User will forget the knowledge they draw upon until they advance the skill.)

(The Liquidator 4/5)

—>(Guardian of The Wanderes Library 5/5)

(Guardian of The Wanderes Library 5/5)

You have garnered the favour of the Wanderer's Library and through your connection to the Way has designated you as its keeper.

-You are alerted when an intruder enters the Wanderers Library

-You have the ability to call upon the Librarys knowledge wheb in battler (Combat Techniques)

-You may designate entitys as your student who will gain Favour with the Library

I don't know if it's possible to adopt an interdimensional Library, but I think I've done it. The Library of course sent posotive feelings through my connection to the Way to show its….. support? But one thing made me wonder. That being the student ability. Having the Library as an ally is powerfull as shown by how it influnced my attunements.

But then came the question of who? It wouldn't be George or David they were better off being researching anoumaly's. I wouldn't take a student as an MTF member as the squad wouldn't be inproved as a whole but instead a member. Then my gaze landed on the Doctor. It would be beneficial if he was in my employ, and his attunements into purification and fleshcrafting would be perfect for altering my body. But to be on the safe side I peered into the realitys were I did take the Doctor as a student. And was dissapointed when I found that in almost all realitys he would use his connection to the Library to find a way to exterminate the "Pestilence" through murdering those with it.

So with my choice made I asked the Doctor about becoming a student, but not using my ability. "Since you seem to be a novice when it comes to the esoteric and your enthusiasm towards it I wish to take you as a student."

"Would being under your tutelage aid me in my quest against the Pestilence." He asked for confirmation. "Yes" was all I said in response.

"Then I hope you will be a man of your word." He said with a veiled threat.

"Then we shall begin with review of basic medical practices. I began to which the Doctor politely said "I am well versed in the humours and all me- Sorry did you just say humours" I interupted

"Yes I had been a practitioner of the humours since I can remember." The Doctor said with pride.

"Well the hunours have been proven to be wrong centurys ago." I replied

"S-s-i-r you don't mean to tell me that the foundation that I base my medical practices are flawed?" The Doctor nervously asked. While I supplied his requested information, "

"The humours theory have been found out to be harmfull instead of helpfull. And do to this have been banned in all medical communitys for centurys."

It was at this the Doctor broke down crying and I started reading the last of my book stack. He took according to my pocketwatch 5 hours and 37 minuites to collect himself. I had finished the last of my books and was reading the creatir of SCP-500s journal. And found out that it isn't that complicated to make and just required the knowledge of concepts, Reality Bending and a catalyst in the form of a pill to make. I waited for the Doctor to collect himself before I commited to creating a pill of SCP-500.

"Im sorry for my outburst I pledge off my honour and practiotiober of medicine to you. That I will learn all I can under your tutelage." The Doctor pledged to me.

I knew that I could teach the Doctor everything I could about medicine through Miss. Joy. But at that point we wouldn't have any sort of bond. Its like on how parents sometimes dump there kids off at daycares for the entire day. They never bond or share experiences with each other. And if I wanted to keep the Doctor ubder my employ I would need to fester some relationship.

"Very well" I said as a basic biology textbook from grade 6 formed in my hand. "In this book there is information on animals and plants. For your art in Purification and Fleshcrafting to advance further you must understand the creatures and things you inflict your will upon." I continued, "although you may never interact with these creauture when using your Reality Bending you will have a deeper understanding. And therefore have a more established art." I provided the reasoning for handing the Doctor such a juvenile book.

"But first we may observe my first attempt at creating the Pancea." And so I started I started the process of making a miracle pill.

(We reached 100 Power Stones. When we reach 200 I'll release another bonus chapter.)