

One day I woke up and felt different. Around my body was a blue see through liquid. And when went to open the door I felt it before I touched it. I tried to move it and it moved to my will. But after a second or two I felt tired. And got more tired as time went by. Even when I wasn't moving it. So I thought about pulling it in my body. A second later it was in me.

/ system activated functions: stats and skills /

I have read novels which people get a system and become op. I said in my mind 'stats'.

/ stats

Soul power: 1.5 note to increase you need to 1 use it or 2 kill something and eat there soul. Number 2 is recommended.

Power: 1.2 work out or push sp ( soul power ) in your body. ( note he is stronger because of his soul power )

Skills: soul manipulation lv1: can manipulate your soul to attack and form stuff. Calm mind: in most situations you are calm. Emotionless: no emotions, soul eat get the power of what you eat/

Ok not as op as I thought but I could still get stronger. I looked at the ground and saw my cat. I petted it and made my way to the kitchen and got a knife. Made my way outside and saw a cat walking up to me. I usual feed it but this time I bent over and stabbed it. It howled and died after another stab to the head.

/ killed cat got: 0.5 sp /

I felt the see through liquid get stronger and bigger. I looked at the cats dead body and grabbed it and put it in the freezer. I went upstairs and started practicing. After a minute.

/ +0.2 soul power. /

I thought of a new way to use my power. I made it push my body down and.

/ skill soul manipulation lv 2: can move and use it easer. /

It is a good idea because it trains soul power and power at the same time. After a 2 minutes I was so tired I could barley move.

/ +0.4 in both soul power and power /

I sat down in a mediation position and cleared my mind and moved my soul power around my body.

/ new skill mediation lv1: can recover soul power and heal faster /

After a little while I checked the time and it was 7:30. I had to get to school. ( note he is 15 so he is in high school ) after taking a quick shower I went to school. It took me 10 minutes running when I got there it was 7:50.

/ power +1 /

Class started it 10 minutes. When I got in class there was kids waiting for me. I looked at them they were bully's.

/ human

Soul power: 1

Power: 0.5 /

They called me a Emotionless freak and spilled my stuff on the ground. I picked up my stuff and went to my desk. They ignored me. Out of school they would beat me up and sometimes throw me in a ally.

After school they split up and I followed one back to his house with his parents. I knocked on the door with a knife in my hand and someone answered. I pushed them down with my soul power and stabbed them in the eyes killing him instantly.

I killed his mom, dad, brother and him

/ 4 soul power and 3 power /

I left no evidence by pulling the blood back in the body and started a fire with the stove. I did the same with the other 2. They both had a brother or sister.

/ 8 soul and 6 power /

A regular grown up human is 1 soul and 1 power. After that some other kids tried to blame it on me because I was being bulled but there was no evidence. When I got home a tried compressing my soul power into a blade it worked but I could only do it for 10 seconds.

/ 2.4 in soul and 1.9 in power. Skill soul manipulation is now level 3. Makes it easier to compress soul power. /

I made a thin bubble of soul power around me.

/ new skill soul bubble: makes a defensive bubble /

/ stats

Soul power: 18

Power: 14

Skills: soul manipulation lv3, Calm mind lv max, Emotionless lv max. Soul eat lv max, mediation lv1, soul bubble /