
SCP: Omen

[Based in the SCP universe] Anomalies, those that are despite the fact they shouldn't. Unexplainable phenomena, creatures, and locations with properties that normal science cannot explain. The SCP Foundation is an organization intended to capture and contain these anomalies. Dive into a world of those who explained the unexplainable, conquered the unconquerable, used the unusable, and killed the unkillable.

JustAPerson1010283 · อื่นๆ
5 Chs

Honesty isn't always the best policy

"It seems like you don't exactly know what to call it, that's ok, Instead, you are to describe your abilities to me in as much detail as you can manage."

With a deep breath, hoping to avoid some important bits, she began to speak, "Everything slows down."

The scientist wrote that down and said, "Tell me more."

Scratching her face, she says, "Uhh.... what else is there to really say? Everything slows down..."

The scientist then specified, "I guess I have to be more direct.... How exactly do you activate this power? We know you can do it at will."

Tapping the table nervously, Tess said, "Uhh it kinda just happens when I panic y'know? Can't really do it at will I'd say...."

The scientist looked at her, not fully believing her, then he mumbled quietly, "We'll see about that later..."

The scientist continued to ask various questions, like what she's done with her ability so far, if she knows the logic behind it, any experiments she's done with it, and more miscellaneous questions about her anomalous abilities.

Tess of course, wanting to leave the possibility of her breaking out, didn't answer everything in complete honesty. All she was hoping was for them to let her roam free or something so she could use that chance to run.

Before long, the guards opened the door once more. As if working by procedure, one blocked the exit as the other walked over to Tess. As the other moved closer, the door closed behind them, and the guards took ahold of her arms once more before cuffing her with zip ties again.

They led her out of the room and took her in a different direction then where they came from before. She was expecting the worst as she was forced through another air lock into a completely separate containment cell then before. This time, she noticed the outside of the cell was labelled "SCP-7383" with a picture of her and an object class of "Safe."

She, of course, took offense to the fact that they were once again objectifying and dehumanizing her. But before she could really think about any of that, she was forced into the room... well... rooms? There was a doorway, so she logically assumed it led somewhere.

After the guards followed her into the room, cut her zip-tie cuffs, and left, she was once again left to be with her own thoughts. But before that she wanted to look around the room. It looked pretty damn nice after all. Not that she'd let them convince her to stay cooped up in this room for the rest of her life.

The first thing she noticed was how her bed was more than just a cheap mattress, and how there was actually stuff to do in the room too. There was a TV, a couch in front of it, a cheap looking sound system, and a bookshelf full of books to read. It was like a living room and a bedroom combined.

She made her way over to the door she could actually open, and she went inside, seeing it was a full-fledged bathroom with a shower, multiple soaps, shampoos, other assorted products, and a sink and toilet.

She spoke to herself, "This is a big improvement from the previous room."

She scanned everywhere in the bathroom for any cameras and found none, but after she left the bathroom, she spent a total of 2 seconds before she found the camera in the corner of the room. This room was a lot more comfortable than the shitty box she was in before, but now she was in a slightly less shitty box.

She sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, the screen turned on with the logo "SCP" in the middle, Tess thought to herself, 'Did I get kidnapped by a tv brand? Why the hell do they have their own tvs...'

The screen, now turned on, displayed a general assortment of different movies and shows, but showed no connection to the internet or anything. She scrolled over to a movie called Lord of the Rings and turned it on.

It was an interesting story and all, which kept her distracted for hours, but she didn't feel like watching anything else at the moment. She aimlessly turned on a show called One Piece and stared to "watch it" while she practiced her ability.

Before, she could barely hold the ability up for 1-2 seconds, with a low chance of it actually happening. But her training seemed to have been paying off because she realized there was almost a 100% success rate now.

The time of course.... wasn't increasing. She assumed it took more than just a little bit of practice to increase the time, she thought of it kind of like holding up a very heavy weight above her head. It was very hard to do, the chance of success was just like her going over to the weight while the ability was picking up weight.

After "binging" (half focusing on while practicing her power) the first few episodes of One Piece, she found a movie about a prisoner. Nothing special with no notable title, but the one thing that caught her eye was how the prisoners always were... working out to pass the time?

Tess thought, 'That's a good idea! If I get strong... then maybe I could overpower a guard or two while escaping!'

And just like that, Tess began her daily life being trapped in a concrete and steel reinforced bunker room with nothing to do but watch shows and read books. She works out for most of the day now, while watching shows and whatnot.

She continues on with this monotonous cycle for 3-4 days straight. There are no noticeable changes in her body yet, nor in her powers. Plus, who's going to get ripped and powerful in less than a week? That would be absurd.

She was fighting with herself in her mind about this very topic, one side being completely illogical, arguing she should be super strong now with all that effort like some shonen anime or manga protagonist, and the other being logical, saying that's not how it works in real life.

Spending so much time alone was bound to have adverse effects on an individual, and it made her take on a slight habit of talking to herself and arguing with herself. While she was still debating if she should be strong by now, the speaker lit up, and the booming voice of the oh-so-serious scientist told her, "Hands on the wall."

Tess thought to herself, 'Eugh, what is it this time...."