
SCP - The Game Console

[This Fanfic goes over Game-Elements, Multiverse Traveling, and more. If that is not your cup of tea, then it's your choice in whether or not to read the novel] [Synapsis] From being run over to finding out that I am an SCP within a world full of beings that could end the world as we know it... Arc 1: The Beginning(Chapter 1-25) Arc 2: Multiversal Travel and Divine Energy Collecting(Chapter 25-?)

Unholy_Student · แฟนตาซี
77 Chs

025 - Tommy's Dimension Hop

Two days passed and I stood beside Tommy outside the farmhouse.

Currently, he was equipped with some durable leather armor, and on his side was a plain sword.

Most warriors can or will use shields but that is nearly optional, Tommy told me that he wants to go down the Swordsmen path, which I am perfectly fine with, in fact, I already have a good 'hidden class' in mind for him that he would have to find in the new 'Game World'.

Of course, he will have to work hard for the 'hidden class', and if he is successful his chances of surviving his Dimensional Travels will greatly increase, heck he might even get himself a good new sword from the quest!

Hmm...speaking of swords I will need to add all kinds of 'Life Skills' including crafting skills such as Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Woodworking and etc.

Sigh, I have a lot of work ahead of me...

[A/N: Tommy's power has upgraded, as for details to his upgrade I guess you will soon find out]


[A/N: Hmmm...Random thought, should I add some kind of Achievement System that will give rewards and/or titles? Let's be honest, there will always be achievement hunters in any game...]

I looked over towards Tommy and gazed at the timer above his head.

[3 Minutes and 23 seconds left]

"You ready?" I asked.

"Sigh, as ready as I will ever be...I just hope I will be in a nice place for a change..." He told me.

I stayed silent and soon only 30 seconds remained.

"Good luck, be safe, and make sure to plant that Beacon, the faster you set up the beacon the faster I can get you outta there," I told him just before he disappeared before my eyes.


[Tommy's POV]

One moment I was standing next to Zephyr and in the next, I found myself in a foreign environment...

I found myself bound and on a weird carriage surrounded by a few other bound people.

[A/N: Feel free to guess the world, it's pretty...Iconic]

"You there, you're finally awake!" a bound(tied up) man with blond hair wearing some kind of blue outfit shouted at Tommy.

"Huh...? What happened?" I asked with groggily eyes and a killer headache.

"You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into the Imperial Ambush, same as us, and that thief over there," The man asked.

"Huh? Border? What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Oh, that's bad...they must have hit you really hard..." The man said with pity.

"Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy," The thief cursed.

"If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and e halfway to Hammerfell. You there. You and Me - we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants." The horse thief told me.

"We are all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief." The man in blue told the thief.

'Fuck! Am I going to die?! I just got here!' I couldn't help but curse.

"What's wrong with him?" The horse thief asked while looking at a man wearing some fur clothing.

"Watch your tongue! You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King!" The man in blue told the thief.

'Is he supposed to be some bigshot?' I questioned.

"Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the rebellion...But if they have captured you...Oh Gods, where are they taking us?!" he panicked.

"I do not know where we are going, but Sovngarde awaits." The man in blue replied.

'Sovngard? What are they talking about?!'

As they talked to each other I noticed we were nearing some kind of fort.

"General Tullius, sir! The headsman is waiting!" a soldier shouted informed a man in luxurious armor...

The horse thief began praying to all kinds of gods that he called the 'Divines' and looked like he is going to have a heart attack...

Everyone stayed quiet as the carriage passed through the gates of the fort.

The man in blue soon began telling us of his childhood here and I heard he mentioned that this place was called 'Helgen'...

Soon they loaded us off the carriages and had us line up as they filled in papers with our information.

I could even hear some of my fellow prisoner's curse and say "The Empire loves their damned lists."

As they filled in the information about the horse thief in front of me he started shouting "You're making a mistake!"

Suddenly he bolted!

The female Capitan next to the man filling out papers shouted "Archers!"

The archers behind her raised their bows and fired!


Two arrows struck the Horse Thief's back as he slowed down and collapsed into a puddle of his own blood...

I paled and the two turned to me and the female commander commanded "Step forward!"

Word Count: 819

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