
Scourge Valley

From the beginnings of this story, A boy named Nathan is just living his normal life until he met a girl that he knew not so long before, she enlighten him with a game that everyone played during this time of year, knowing that it's new and hasn't been played by many but left with a lot of good views. With the Information that he got, Nathan began to play the game, It went good for a while and now he end up in a world that's simpler to the game as he thought, Right now he has to continue down his path and dream to make it come truth as he's willing to make it happen, but as the day goes by, someone will make it to be true, but for now Nathan will have to learn which side to pick.

Neisan_Forgotten · เกม
14 Chs

Chapter 10 Arc 1- The leaders of Rai-on

??: "This meeting shall begans in a few minutes, please take your time to move aside from your mission and place to be," She would turn around to slowly bow her heads as the Kings and Queens enters right by her to take there sits,

13th Queen: "Is this the time to talk reasoning with these men around the same room as I," she would fold her legs when she stare at them, "They'll make a mess as soon as theyhear the word, food."

12th King: "With all due repeat, for all of the guys, who's here or absent, we don't need a women to give us the advice, rather or not we could stay or leave, we're here on the behalf of our siblings to talk about something that's family to all of us," The guy would grin at the 13th as the women turn her face away and flip him off, "Right back at you too. Anyways we're going by name or title? I want to get this show on the going so I won't be late for my daily walk,"

10th Queen: "Number 13 and 12, you two need to get along with each other now or after this meeting, I'm stick and very sleepy about the last group meeting,"

12th King: "I'm very sorry for my rude behaviour but being a little childish, she's the one that begin the aggressive act," The 13th would swiftly shift her head towards him with a deadly stare as the 10th just tap on the desk for them to stop,

10th Queen: "Both of you acting like children, It's no wonder why I have to be the mother to most of you," she carefully started to yawn and then rest her head down on the table.

9th King: "If I have to say something about-" from a glance, he quickly quiet down when The 10th turn towards him, he would clear his throat, "So when is this meeting going to start, I can't wait to run out of here."

12 & 13th: ("Talk about scary,") they would get a sudden chill when The 10th turn to face them as well, "Can't wait to begin it," they can't do nothing other than to turn their eye away from her,

10th Queen: "You four been quiet for the past few minutes, you could tell me if those two been bothering you three that much," the pum of her hands would glow as the 13th and 12th was slowly trying to escape, "Don't think that you'll get away from me,"

??: "Sorry to cut it short but please stand to show repeat for the top leaders," The 10th would stop herself to be the first to stand as the rest follow in as the women then bow her head when they enter the room, "Welcome home from your safe journey, I hope you enjoy your time with this meeting,"

5th King: "It's better if you be less annoying with that bullcrap, people have things to do in this time and you want to hold a meeting Number 4," He would caught the knife with his fingers and break it, "Is that the way we say hello now? I going to love it if so," He dust his hand and taken a seat,

4th king: "You should be careful with the words that you choose, If you hadn't catch this knife, we all be lucky to have some quiet time without you," The 5th would rub his head and look directly at him,

5th king: "I should count down the days carefully when I'm around you, but soon the day will be right for that title to become mine," The atmosphere shaken heavily and slowly darken as both kings continuously staring and waiting for the other to make a move, "So what will it be, brother?"

4th King: "Just say a word and you'll be 6ft under in the matter of seconds," with an inch as both move there finger, The kings would swiftly sits down from the 10th magic,

3rd King: "I thought this was going to the other direction, It's best to leave those children to fight, they'll be back to normal as soon as possible," The 10th would sigh and move around the table.

10th Queen: "Listen, I may understand that yall want to go down like this, just for one day we could have a normal meeting at least for now until we go back to this wild behaviour," she released her magic as everyone calm themselves down,

4th king: "You have a point, lets just call it a draw and put aside to this fight for now," he put out his hand as the 5th move his own and shake it, "So why are we doing in a place like this?"

2nd Queen: She would enter the room to look around slowly as everyone swiftly gotten up and bow there heads, "You could rest yourself for now, the first king hasn't arrive to chat about this meeting but I'll start with the basics," everyone follow the order as the 2th Queen walk around the table, "I need to know why they couldn't arrive early to this meeting? Have anyone came across and spoken to them about this meeting and I don't mean our assistance,"

10th Queen: She stand up from her seat and look at the 2th "I could speak for everyone here and say that none of us know the location to find 14th and 15th kings, I spoke to the assistance about them but as she told most of us that the 15th is refusing to co-operative with this," She give a little yawn and rest herself down.

2nd Queen: She continue to walk across the room and look out of the window, "We'll deal with him later, what about the 14th? You hasn't continue explaining about their absent," her focus was only direct to 10th as she gotten up from her seat again,

10th Queen: "For the pass months it came to say that the 14th kings went out of his way and came to be missing, following on the days, I came to know that the 14th die in a battle with a neighboring country," Everyone bow there heads except the 5th to 2nd that look away from the 10th.

3rd King: "It was a matter of time that he would die to them," he put up his feet and lay back,

4th King: "To think that they could celebrate the accomplishment for killing off an easy target, It makes me laugh that they have a chance to take us down," he slowly tap on the table, "I want to laugh but I also want to go and shake there hands for finishing off my useless sibling, Please continue with the information that you got, I won't bother you."

10th Queen: "As I was saying again, he's now dead and we are down to 14, I wonder who'll be the next to die? I know I have my zone in check and enslaved, What any of you have to show off?" She took a seat as everyone look around at each other,

3rd King: "You're asking a question that's a cakewalk for the top 5, the best I'll say, everyone here have it in a easy and great time to keep it in check," he'd laugh a bit and signal the assistant to grab something to drink for him,

6th King: "To the agreement, we all have our location in a lockdown, No one can't get in or out," he clear his throat, "How about we forget about this for now and began the information that we came for," Everyone in the room shake there head and just before they begin the meeting,

Alex: "Are you going to start the meeting without me again," He entered the meeting room to calmly look and count the number of kings to Queens, "We're missing 2? Give me the run down about their absent and try to not disappointed me,"

2nd Queen: "You always know how to make something so serious, first of all you should start coming here more early instead of sleeping with your wifes, you know damn well of how much I hate repeating myself when they couldn't make it in time," she stare directly at him as Alex turn away,

Alex: "Come on sis, you know you still-" a knife would grace his cheek as he didn't say another word, "I'm sorry for what I did, I won't do it again," she became irritated and slowly walk towards him as the 10th stop right in front. "Thanks for the sacrifice little sis,"

10th Queen: "I'm not doing it for you, I just don't want to be in your mess like last time," The 2nd would grab her head and threw her through a wall as the 2nd undraw her blade and rush towards him,

Everyone expect the 10th: ("Here we go again...")

The fight lasted for about 10 mins as both siblings was weary to continue on,

10th Queen: she slowly exit out of the other room to see the meeting room was in a mess and everyone was hiding behind something to keep them safe, "I knew this was going to happen..," she limp over to a near by chair to rest herself down and watch,

Alex: "It's been so long since you have ever tried to keep up and you still couldn't beat me," He kept his stance as the 2nd walk around him, "Lets put this aside and try to talk it out huh?" She stop right in front of him and sigh,

2nd Queen: "Your head will be mines but for now lets put it aside and call it a draw," she draw in her weapon as Alex didn't believe that she was serious about it, he took the chance and attack her head on as the 2nd counter and flip him onto the ground to swiftly stab the sword next to his head, "Its look like I won this round, give it up and accept defeat!" He lift up his hand and accept defeat, "Good,"

Alex: "For your information, I wasn't together with my wifes at this point of moment, I was paying a visit to our god for a little advice,"

10nd Queen: "You should've said that before you end up fighting with her," blood would came down from her head as the 7th heal her, "Thank you,"

2nd Queen: "We'll deal with this conflict later, for right now it's very sad to tell you that the 14th was reported dead by the neighbouring countries,"

Alex: "It's about that time they did something with us, but I didn't know anything on how did he fall by their hands, It's no surprise that they went for the weakest, Now thinking about it why didn't I knew that 14th would be the first to go,"

4th King: "We all could say that we did made a bet, to who will die first in a big battle just then," he put up his hand, "Show of hand if everyone in this room thinks, that 15th would be the first and kept it down on who knew that 14th would go down first," everyone show up their hands and put it right back down, "So I guess both then, I can't judge if those two don't have to say anything,"

Alex: "I think it's best to ask him directly," he took his seat as everyone gather around and use their magic to refix the room, "Lets begin the meeting,"

Before the meeting begins, The 15th king would continue following the path with his first Commander,

First commander: "Do you know where you're going? Forgive my rude behaviour but why are we walking along an empty road? It'll be safe if we gather more of our army to protect your royalty," he look around the field and stay behind him, "My 15th king-"

15th King: "You don't need to say anything else, we're just walk along the path to find a village that's hiding from us," he would stop for a bit to wonder around. "Since from that last attack on the village, my clone give some memories to bring some light to this, As it been that the princess is on the move of rebelling," He walk away from a dead body, "For every village that I just visit been destroyed or burn down, It'll be a surprise if I see a person survive this ambush,"

First commander: "I think there's a surviver underneath this building, he's barely holding up himself," He would remove the debris as the king saw him breathing slowly, "Should I heal him with my magic? Or I should kill him right where he is,"

15th King: "That's not the way to threat him like that, heal and then questions, I'll deal with the-" Within a second to blink, Jin would appear to be in a room with the other kings, "Is there something that you have to forcefully interrupt my travel, what is there that you want from me?" The atmosphere thickens for Jin to be forcefully kneeing on his feet from the deadly stares,

2nd Queen: "You dare bring your rude behaviour in front of your eldest sister," the pressure would harded heavily as his knee was hammering on the ground, "Not only you didn't make yourself present but gather the confidents to speak up when you're not supposed to!" His bones would slowly become broken as the 15th King continue to stare directly into her eyes

15th King: "Do you think that I give a damn about what you feel! Just because of what I did, It's better to show you what I am and who you're dealing with!" He would shift to his demi-humen form and tried to stand on his feets, The 2nd Queen would use a bit more of her magic as he knee back down, "You can't keep me down here for long! I'll make sure that you'll regret from doing that,"

2nd Queen: She slowly move as Alex came along and stop her, "What's the meaning of this brother? Can't you see I'm teaching him some repeat," she move away her arm and look at him,

Alex: "I don't care about him but if you going to do that, let me be the one who did it first," Vines would be showing on Jin head when Alex turn to face him, "Is there a problem with this attitude that you have proven to this family that you see?" He snap his hand as Jin was free from kneeling,

15th King: "If you have a problem with the way I have been then you won't mind coming here to-" he suddenly gone quiet when Alex lift a finger,

Alex: "Why have you gone quiet all of a sudden, It's okay to tell me everything that you want to deal with this situation, or is it something that you want to share with us?"

15th King: "I have nothing to share with the likes of you, It's best to kill me now and then leave me suffering!" He would move freely as Alex and the 2nd Queen look at him,

Alex: "Where's the fun in that? You could have it your way for now but since I'm here, we could continue on what we left to talk about and you'll stay right here to listen number 15,"

15th King: "Tch...." he would forcefully taken a seat and listen to there meeting, "Where did you left off?"

2nd Queen: "We're talking about the count with the village in slavery, we keeping the number in check to see how they turn out to be," she sat down and fold her legs, "Give me the information about how you kept your village in place,"

15th King: "The village has been attack by a rebellion, if you are not happy with what I said then I should leave this meeting," whispered began grew as the 15th tap on his legs, "I await your answer,"

Alex: "For everyone here, the answer you wish for won't be given, you made yourself to be ashamed and dishonor to this family and we all know you don't care about it," he look around and breathe in, "Please tell us if you have some new information at all, It's already a wast of time to hear anything else on what you have to fix,"

15th King: "That I won't tell you, what I find, I just wanna say that I know little about someone being alive,"

Alex: "Continued"

15th King: "You know what our father used to told us," he clear his throat and sit back, "If you find the Queen, you'll get the idea to unluck your true potential,"

Alex: "You dare brought the reminder from the dead princess, have you gone mad or stupid,"

15th King: "Only you could call yourself those names, I did my journey and found out by one of my clone that the princess is alive and well,"

2nd Queen: "I don't want to hear anymore of your bullshit, if you so believe that she's alive and well then bring her over to this location and show me her head or just her whole body, Alive or dead,"

15th King: "I didn't ask for whether or not that I should do it or not, You two waste my time and place to deal with some problem, but I'm going to let it slide because we all are family at the end of it," The room would stay silent as jin got up and began to walk away, "If you need me, I want you to gwt on ur knees and beg for my time," just before 2nd could lift a inch of her nail, the 15th woukd already disappeared,

Alex: "For a king, he's too restless just like our father, if he got himself kill, I don't want none of you to seek for no Revenge or any pity," he would turn around and slowly exit out of the room, "You continue the meeting without me, I'll be off dealing with business," everyone would look at each other to continue the request,

Meanwhile with the 15th King,

15th king: "What am I going to?" He look at the person that was barley breathing, "Oh right! I need to speak with you," he look around for a bit, "Why isn't he heal?"

First commander: "Sorry sir, I try to heal him but some magic kept me out for the full heal, I could say that the only way for that is aunti Magic?" He continues to heal him, "all to say is just talk with this waste of time and then we should be off,"

15th king: "I could have say it better myself," he look at the man and slap him, "I command to tell me everything about this place, how did it end up like this?"

He began to explain everything for what has happen, every word that he share made the 15th more irritated as he took his anger and crush his head like a balloon, The 15th King got up and walk away from him as the other solider follow behind,

15th King: "This is news to hear! What a great find I brought myself too," he began to whistle as a devils monster appear next to him, "Be a great pet and remove the bodies, when ur done with my cleaning, follow the smell and he'll be yours to have for lunch," he pet the creature as it went away and ate the body whole as the king sat near to a tree anf wait, "I shall wait to meet you soon, my queen," he held his chest and look away, "I forgot that this will be a problem if she tried to do anything," he snap to let the first commander to heal him, "Let the game... begins,"

I'll continue this to the very next chapter as...