
School Princess is a Mafia Leader

In a world of Mafia's, spirits and martial artist a young girl has secretly become the leader of one of the top five Mafias where does her fate lie.

OnikunStudios · แอคชั่น
9 Chs

Chapter 6: A Fool who Disturbs

Yuli was in the staff room as she was changing her clothes. She wore a light pink maid outfit with flower engravings around it that made it look cuter.

Without Yuli noticing a girl jumped from behind her and hugged her tightly.

"Welcome, Yuli. How was your date with that boy," Michaela asked as she grinned.

Michaela appeared as a girl around 17 years old. She had long purple hair with some in front of her face and purple-colored eyes. She had beautiful brown skin and a slim but slightly busty figure.

"I was just testing him out. He's just a weakling," Yuli said bluntly as she escaped from Michaela's grip. How could she tell Michaela about what happened on their fake date?

"What a pity, he was quite cute," Michaela sighed as she twirled her hair.

"Well if he's weak he doesn't deserve me," Yuli declared with determined eyes.

"I feel pain for your love life. My Yuli is gonna grow up alone," Michaela cried as she pretended to wipe some fake tears.

"What's going on?" A girl asked as she walked into the room.

"Yoka, My Yuli is going to die alone," Michaela cried as she hugged Yoka.

Yoka was a girl who also worked at Sana's Cafe. She had bright black hair and a pair of cyan eyes that complimented her fair skin. Although was a bit on the chubby side, she was still cute and adorable.

"Her date failed huh?" Yoka asked not even needing to confirm since she already knew the result.

"Yes, she said he was weak. Like all the other guys. My Yuli is going to die alone, may the Lord save her soul," Michaela cried dramatically.

"Hey hey hey, what do you mean by that? Stop cursing me. Who said I would die alone huh?" Yuli

'Well, I mistook him for that guy's brother. Once I get his younger brother he'll be forced to reveal himself,' Yuli thought as a sinister smile was plastered across her face but quickly disappeared.

"Well this is no time to fool around, let's dress up and get to work," Yoka clapped as Michaela stopped hugging her and crying. And Yuli was in the kitchen as she began to prepare various desserts at an amazing speed.

In less than forty minutes Yuli was done preparing the waffles, brewed 20 types of tea brands, some donuts, miniature pizza, some noodles, and cupcakes.

"You've done well Yuli, the cafe will open in five minutes,'' Sana complimented as she smiled at Yuli, impressed by her quick preparation of the desserts.

"It's no problem at all aunt Sana," Yuli smiled, satisfied by the compliment.

When the shop finally opened it received several customers who always visited regularly.

"We have a lot of customers today," Sana said, surprised since not more than 40 minutes has passed and there were already thirty people present.

"That's not shocking, madam Sana, your cafe is the best in town," an old man in his 60s laughed as he looked at the menu before him.

"I'm glad you like it," Sana replied with a warm smile.

As it was evening time Yuli decided to prepare some extra side dishes like dumplings, corn dogs, steak, apple pie, and hot chicken soup with rice. With Jae Yung, a normal Korean guy who helps in the kitchen, preparing these dishes was an easy matter.

This was also one of the reasons why many customers came in the evening, to enjoy these dishes.

"Please I would like some dumplings," a young man with brown hair, chocolate skin, and green eyes ordered.

"Coming up sir," Yoka responded with a smile before walking away.

"Yuli, are the dumplings ready!!" Yoka asked as she yelled towards the kitchen.

"Yes they are, let me bring them right away," Yuli answered as she carried two trays full of dumplings and set them on the arranging table whereas Jae Yung helped set the food up.

Once he was done Yoka took the plates of dumplings as she served them to the various customers who ordered some.

"Here's your order sir," Yoka smiled as laid down a plate of dumplings.

"It's delicious as the rumors said they were," the middle-aged man complimented after he took a bite of the dumplings.

"I'm glad you're satisfied sir," Yoka responded happily before she skipped away to the next customer.

All of a sudden a handsome man in luxurious clothes walked into the cafe as he surveyed around before sitting down.

Sandy a male worker who worked in the cafe as a butler, walked up to the man and asked, "May I have your order, sir?"

"Why's a man serving me?" The man snapped displeased about the fact he was attended to by a guy as the others had beautiful ladies serving them.

"Michaela please go and take his order then," Sana said kindly and Michaela nodded and headed towards his table.

"Sir, please what would you like to order?" Michaela asked kindly with a sweet smile as usual.

"My.. doesn't this cafe have wonderful women," effused the man as he sized up Michaela's body.

"I hope Michaela will be fine, that guy looks sketchy," Yuli pointed out as she looked at the man who had a foolish expression on his face. He had short blue hair combed neatly and dark cool blue eyes. His toned body could be seen as he wore the suit, but that didn't impress Yuli in any way.

"Yeah since she's shy," Jae Yung sighed as he continued to sort out the dishes.

"Arghh!!" A sudden scream was heard as Sana yelled at Michaela and everyone in the shop turned in the direction of the scream and watched the scene unfolding before them.

Michaela was at the other table crying as she glared at the man.

"What happened to Michaela?" Yuli asked as she rushed to her side.

"He groped my butt!!" Michaela cried with a hoarse voice, her hand touching her delicate maid dress.

"You bastard," Sandy seethed as he glared at the man who just smirked

"Isn't this a maid cafe where customers like me are given special service?" The man chuckled as he glanced at the beautiful ladies who were glaring at him causing him to feel a sudden rush.

"But sir, what you did was rude. Please apologize and leave," Sandy claimed as she tried her best to handle the situation before it got out of hand.

"No, I'll rather take this girl to be my woman," the man stated as we walked to Michaela and grabbed her hand.

"Stop, let go!!" Michaela protested.

"Stop playing hard to get, weren't you the one trying to seduce me a moment ago?" the man claimed with a smirk.

"No, I was not," Michaela objected, "You rather touched me when I asked for your order and you were using that cheesy line 'Can I order you,' who the fuck says that these days."

The other customer got up from their seats as they glared at the man causing him to shudder but he quickly gained his composure.

"Sir, it's better you let the lady go before things get ugly," a young guy with get black hair with a pair of black eyes, and fair skin said as he tightened his fist.

"Shaun," Michaela yelped, which caused Shaun to glare at the man more.

"What can poor people like you do?" The man snarled.

"If she becomes my mistress she'll have a better life than staying here, girl you should be glad I took a fancy to you," the man said to Michaela which caused everyone else to feel disgusted by him.

"You disgusting man," Yuli frowned as she stared coldly at the man which made him shudder.

"Wow another dainty girl I'm liking here," the man snickered as he sized up Yuli before licking his lips.

"Sir, please I ask that you leave, you're disturbing the other customers," Sana said calmly, her face relaxed, but one could still see around her eyebrows as her mouth began to twitch uncontrollably.

"Yes, leave you ass hole!!" A customer yelled.

"How dare you talk to these young nice ladies like that?!!" Another customer yelled as he glared at the man. Many of them have been regular customers and they know all the ladies here were humble, modest, and honorable ladies who worked here. How can some dude from nowhere just come and insult their precious cafe maids like this? They devote their time and energy to always bless their day. They can't bear to watch and do nothing.

"Leave before I beat you up!" A middle-aged man yelled as he flexed his muscles.

"Leave your piece of shit!!" A woman yelled as she held up her heels ready to strike.

"Who are you calling a piece of shit? Do you know who I am?" The man hissed as he stared at the crowd in slight terror.

"Like we fucking care, let go of goddess Michaela or lose your hand," a guy yelled as a good of his friends followed him from behind and glared at the man. They come here every day to gaze at their goddess and all of a sudden some snobbish guy comes and tells her to be a mistress cause what? He said so, who does he think he is?' If their Goddess quits their hearts would be empty so they have to defend her at all costs!!

"Tch, I bet these girls have already warmed the beds of a lot of men so why can't I also join in for the fun," the man chuckled sarcastically.

"Why don't we check into a hotel little girl? the man smirked as he let go of Michaela's hand and grabbed Yuli's hand. Shaun quickly pulled Yuli to the side as he calmed her down and stroked her hair which caused the man to grit his teeth in anger but he didn't care he found a much hotter girl in this small store.

In everybody's head, "Where did he get such confidence from, well no need to worry since he's a dead man provoking her."

'She definitely wouldn't refuse. I heard most girls like dominating men who act with confidence,' the man thought as he stared down at Yuli who didn't give a reaction, making him think he has won himself a babe for the night.

However, before he could think about the illicit stuff he could do with Yuli in a hotel he felt a strong force on his stomach as he coughed up some blood before landing on the wall.

Yuli then held his head quickly as she smashed it into the wall which caused it to crack with his head inside.

"Disgusting bastards like you are the ones I love to kick their asses," Yuli said with a threatening voice before staring at the crowd.

'What a fierce girl,' everyone in the cafe shuddered as they sat down on their seats and enjoyed their meal quietly. They didn't want to be the next one kissing the wall.

"Thank you Yuli," Michaela smiled as she still felt awkward about what currently happened.

"No worries, we're friends right?"

"Well I better call the ambulance before he comes and sue us," Sana sighed as she stared at the man stuck to the wall and shook her head.

"He should dare, next time he won't have a voice to speak," Yuli declared as she watched the man's body twitch so she kicked his ass a few times to release her anger.

Some minutes later ambulance sirens could be heard along with the police who came and asked some few questions about what happened. Everyone testified against the man's rude behavior as they asked that he should give compensation to the cafe.

The police took note of the evidence as they followed the man on a stretcher who was bleeding profoundly from his head. And his but was bigger than normal.

'Amongst all other ladies he had to provoke the little titan. Poor man with such injuries would he even wake up to pay for damages?' the police men thought as they sighed before entering the cars and following the man to the hospital.