
School Of The Elite S Students

A child of a conglomerate who enters the most famous and prestigious school in the world, he becomes an ordinary person who is not tied to wealth there, with his intelligence he can make himself powerful without money.

T_Moriarty · สมจริง
14 Chs

9 #The Class Competition Part 3 (Special Chapter)

"True happiness can only be found in wisdom." - Epicurus

School Of the Elite S Students : Chapter 9, Part 10.

"Isn't that right?" Lee Chaeyeon was talking to Kim Yeona, the two of them seemed close tonight, I'm not sure what's wrong.

I just looked at my room on this cruise ship, my room was filled with Chaeyeon, Yeona, Tom and me.

I looked at the wall clock hanging on the front wall, it was exactly 20.54.

I returned quickly after observing Mizuha Chitose, I was just curious about her, seeing her reading a book in a dark and noisy place.

Whatever it is, he's not very dangerous, but I can't officially declare him harmless, humans won't know unless he experiences it himself.

And also Tom was willing to skip the party on the ship just to meet us, initially we wanted to talk about the competition

"Gray, why are you spacing out."

Kim Yeona looked at me, her lips curved, smiling slightly.

I didn't say anything in response, just that we'd been here for fifteen minutes, it should be over for now.

"Looks like Gray is tired, then let's stop playing here."

Tom said as he took several things and put them in his bag.

Kim Yeona finished her drink, placing her glass on the table nearby.

"Okay then, I'll go first."

Kim Yuna got up from her seat, prayed out with the team, leaving Chaeyeon still sitting casually.

"Good night Gray, Chaeyeon."

I deliberately let them out without saying anything, seeing Chaeyeon's face wanting to say something.

Tom and Yeona left my room. they closed the door and walked away from my room. Chaeyeon was left in my room.

"Just me, okay?"

Chaeyeon crossed her arms, closing her eyes with a small smile visible on her face.

I don't know what his purpose was, but he did say he wanted to talk to Ju before heading to my room earlier.

"What do you want?"

It's unusual for Chaeyeon to do this, she's usually not this confident.

"You're very close to Hashimoto Yukina, aren't you?"

He still had his arms crossed, I don't know where he knew this, I deliberately looked for a place where there wasn't much light and not many people passing by.

Is this a guess? No, even if it's a guess, it's impossible for the target to be Yukina, it doesn't matter if I talk to Yukina, after all we don't have anything, not even friends.

"He's My Enemy."

"Oh, I thought you would team up with him to destroy our class."

What is this thinking? I didn't have this plan from the start, after all we only met for useless chat.

"Of course not."

Chaeyeon stood up from her seat, walking towards my voice with her eyes closed, her curved mouth revealing an evil grin.

"Do you intend to get a good class?"

His body was very close to me, his eyes were open with an evil look, I looked at him as if this wasn't Chaeyeon.

"Of course."

He started to take steps back, his usual face had reappeared.

"Don't think that I have two faces, I was only interested in you earlier."

I didn't think about that, his voice was still the same, his face was still the same, even that didn't change.

But the aura that is given off is not that of Chaeyeon who is shy and insecure.

"Okay then, I want to go back."

What's wrong with him, is he abnormal? did he just drink alcohol earlier?

"Okay good night."

She came out of my room with a sweet smile, I don't know how else, but it looked very obsessed, it seemed like she was very obsessed with high class.

Chaeyeon, Yeona, Akane I don't know their potential yet but I'm very sure they will get the right position.

Yeona drives the girls in my class, Akane who is smart will also be difficult for other classes to manipulate, but Chaeyeon still has a gap, where I have just seen the true nature of her obsession.

[20.30] February 16 (24 Minutes ago, at the bar near the swimming pool.) Mizuha Kinoshita's view.

What's wrong with all of them, those who are still having fun when the competition is approaching, I'm not even sure they have prepared anything.

I was the second ranked student during the entrance exam here, below Yukina, I knew they were all smart and strong, but there was someone who was observing me from earlier.

Who will my class fight with tomorrow, we will be able to find out our opponents tomorrow, I don't know what the school's purpose is for giving it tomorrow.

With that we can all find out who the opponent is first, if I get Yukina's class I will definitely fight her.

I don't know for sure about the other classes, I'm just a loner who is lazy about looking for information, but I can ask other people.

Looks like I have to go back to finishing the book I'm reading, I'll go back to my room after I finish reading this.


[06.00] February 17 (Grey's View)

Kriiingg!!! Kriiingg!!! The sound of the alarm enveloped my ears, pulling my cellphone with my hand, now my cellphone was right in front of my face, I turned off the alarm by swiping the screen up.

It's now six in the morning, there are two messages that I haven't read, it seems like these were notifications sent yesterday.

*Two unread notifications from Lee Chaeyeon.

I opened my cellphone, looked for messages and opened a message from Chaeyeon.

Chaeyeon : Gray, I want you to see this.

Chaeyeon : *Photo.

He sent a photo, the photo shows a picture of his victory in chess, with the user name Chae showing his victory twelve times and losing 7 times.

I was typing to send him a reply message, I didn't expect him to want to play chess in his free time.

There was a strange feeling growing from me, with him sending this, his yesterday's self seemed to disappear, he became his shy self again with a big obsession.

Gray : Get ready, later ask Yeona which class we will fight against.

*Message successfully sent.

I turned off my cell phone, put it on the small table next to my bed, I got out of bed, walked towards the window to see the sunlight this morning.

I opened the curtains to the opposite side, making my previously dark room bright, with a view of the blue sea.

Ting!! *Phone notification sound.

My cell phone rang from behind me, I turned and walked slowly towards my cell phone.

I raised my cell phone in front of my face at a distance of thirty centimeters.

Kim Yeona sent a message.

He sent a message early in the morning, but it seemed very important.

I opened my cellphone and looked at the message, again sending a photo, but in the photo I saw the name with the words Yeona Class will fight Kinoshita Class.

Our class turns out to be fighting the person I observed last night, with this I have to change my plan to not relying on luck, because of the lack of information I have to dig up as much information as possible today about him.

Asking Yukina would have caused something else, I would have had to look for the information myself, but my face was too striking, with my golden eyes I was always the center of attention.

But no one should want to see me if I'm quiet and conspicuous, telling Chaeyeon too might be wrong.

Yeona might be the only way.

My opponent is the second ranked student in my class, Mizuha Kinoshita with a score of 91.78

If the commander was Chitose, my class would lose badly, but my class is not only about Yeona, Chaeyeon, Akane, and Tom, but there are thirty-six other students.

I was typing to reply to a message from Yeona, I wanted to ask something to reveal Chitose's personality.

Gray : Who is Mizuha Kinoshita?

Yeona : You don't know? he is the second ranked student, he is very famous for his dark playing strategy (behind the scenes)

He said a dark strategy, but why did he know that? Shouldn't his strategy not be exposed if he wasn't careless?

Gray : How do you know that?

Yeona : Rumors.

That's right, rumors spread very quickly, maybe because of his carelessness he became visible, but of the many rumors that spread about him, he only did it in middle school.

Gray : OK, but I'm not sure about that, can you find out? we will lose badly with all of our abilities in class if we compete against second place in the entrance exam.

Yeona : I will do it, but how?

Gray : Look for all the rumors spreading about him.

Being in the top rank is very difficult, where rumors about us will continue to come out because many people are jealous of their position, even Akane has also spread a lot of rumors about her.

But not with Yukina, she doesn't have any rumors spreading about her in this school, even though she occupies the highest place.

This makes me a little suspicious of Yukina, at least she put out strange rumors for herself if she was the one who did this.


[09.00] February 17.

As usual, this morning I intended to read a book alone, I was at the small bar which leads to the swimming pool.

I put my book on the table, opened it before I also observed my class members who were having fun.

With one more day left to prepare, they seemed to be having fun before facing the competition to calm their feelings and minds.

That way they will be calmer for one more day, but will they also hone their skills?

My prediction for now is that my class will lose, and occupy position 1-B, while Yukina will definitely get 1-S, Mizuha Kinoshita 1-A.

With his violence and intimidation, there is no doubt that the entire class led by Charles Smith will get 1-B or 1-C.

This test, which lasts for four weeks, will be tough for those who cannot adapt, those who are always like that will always be like that in the end.

And people who will adapt, they can change themselves to make themselves develop, in society, those who cannot adapt will be thrown away.

Krskk!! *Sound of chair being pulled.

I wasn't curious who was next to me, I turned my head slightly even though I wasn't curious who he was.

The girl with black hair and brown eyes was placing a book on the table, Mizuha Kinoshita, my target came by itself.

I'm sure this is the most comfortable place for him, that's why I'm sitting here to observe him closely.

Like the rumors, she is very cold and indifferent to her surroundings, her very sharp gaze makes her look like a rude girl.

But the aroma she gave off did not describe her as a strong and independent girl.

"Why were you looking at me earlier?"

Mizuha said, with her voice flat and her gaze not caring who she was talking to, she looked down at her book.

"Your hands look dirty, makes me wonder if you just took a mud bath."

Expressing shock, he took the bed on his left, and immediately cleaned his hands with the tissue.

He didn't answer anything, I thought he would thank me, it turned out he really didn't have the vocabulary.

Again, this bar is very quiet, even though it is very close to the swimming pool and other play areas, but it's just me and Mizuha Kinoshita here.

"Oi, Oi. Turns out you're the dark rose girl here."

The sound of greeting from behind, but not greeting me, accompanied by footsteps coming.

Mizuha turned her head, she closed her book.

"What do you want?"

Mizuha looked scared, from her hesitant and trembling words, she looked at the person.

I straightened my body a little, turned towards the man's voice, I saw a tall, burly man, it was Charles Smith.

That's why Mizuha was afraid, it turned out that Charles was approaching her.

"I don't want much, it's just that you're dating that guy makes me interested."

His red eyes with a strong aura of intimidation, who wouldn't bow before Charles Smith, in this crowded place I have to pretend to be stupid.

Mizuha looked at me to confirm, she looked back at Charles with a frightened look.

"I'm not dating him, I don't even know him."

Mizuha timidly answered in a messy tone, different from when she was talking to me.

Charles, he made everyone he approached afraid, he was someone who sought power through violence.

"So, is it okay for me to attack him?"

Charles looked at me with an intimidating pressure, I looked back at him with a flat look, it made him think that I wasn't afraid of him.

Charles grinned evilly, after seeing me who didn't react in any way towards him, I didn't show any fear, nor did I want to submit to him.

"Do it, surveillance cameras cannot be manipulated."

For some reason, he suddenly became a little brave to answer, before he answered with a little confidence, he looked at me to confirm once again.

"You right, then continue your dating."

Charles turned around, he stepped away while laughing evilly, I turned slightly to Mizuha, the calm and relieved expression on her face returned.

Mizuha turned to me, as seen from her slightly confused expression, I didn't know what I had done, but Charles' aim was to provoke me to fight him.

"How to?"

The method? did he see anything amazing? Maybe this was the first time he saw someone who wasn't afraid of Charles Smith's gaze.

Again, his expressionless face returned, he was just afraid of Charles, maybe if Charles pointed a knife at him and told him to jump off the ship he would do it.

"What way?"

"Forget it."


[19.00] February 18.

I'm preparing coffee for me to drink before preparing something for tomorrow, and another reason I'm at home tonight is, because there's a celestial phenomenon, in four hours there will be a shooting star, which will make the top floor of this ship almost full.

Ting! Nong! Ting! Nong!

The sound of my room bell rang, I don't know who was behind the door, I didn't have a schedule or appointment to meet.

I walked to open the door, saw in the door glass, it was Chaeyeon.

I opened the door to see Chaeyeon who was wearing a white shirt with a school jacket half open.

With a look of doubt on his face from his gaze.

<illustration > (at comment)

"H– Hi, do you want to accompany me to see shooting stars?"

Chaeyeon hesitantly looked at me, approaching.

There's no reason to refuse, I also want to see the shooting star, and I also happen to make friends.

"Okay, then I want to change clothes first."

Chaeyeon just nodded slowly to answer, she pulled the door and waited outside.






