

We were in third grade. It was the first day of school. Class teachers generally allowed the students to sit with their friends on the first day. Not having a best friend, I sat on the last empty bench ,thinking someone would sit by me.

It was not that I didn't have any friends. The truth was all of my classmates were my friends, but none of them were what I could call best friend.

Sighing heavily , I wished that mam would allot partners today , so that I won't have to sit alone.

Our Class teacher , Noah Andrew mam was teaching us mathematics.

She told us all our roll no.s

At the end of the class she asked us to form two lines ,boys and girls separate, height wise.

Being taller than my age group girls, without waiting I went and stood at the back of the line.

Mam allotted us our respective seats .

The taller students were made to sit at the far end of the class.

Being a eight year old I felt biased.

I - the tallest girl in my class - sat with the tallest boy.

Michael Stokes.

And that was the day everything changed.