

There are two existed worlds, the first one is human world and the second is the magic world. Four years ago the tragedy of kyrie occured where the girl named Zen and the whole village swallowed by the abbyss but somehow she was rescued by the master of the red country, noa with blood tepes. After six years she awakened, some of masters in different country are disagreed to let a human like her to stay in magic world . Her memories were collected and remmember her first love, hydro and her twin sister, Zein but she was nowhere to found. Zen felt that she could find her in magic world because of what happen to them all. But needed some help from them, noa, assigned tepes to take care of her until she find her sister and her companions who experience the same tragedy. But it wasn't easy task to begin with. She have to learn what kind of world that is so much different from theirs. A unexpected happen to them both.

luciel_707 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs



Noa and the other four-element sages in the other country are present in the tension pressure inside the dark meeting room but despite that, noa is smiling as he rubbing the violet crystal ball in his scepter. One of the sages, Dan the wind scepter mage from gray country stands and glare at them all like he wants to kill them in one blow. He looked at noa and scoffs but the fire sage, noa is still smiling cheerfully and hum a song. Dan's voice echoed as he speaks.

"Since all sages are all here. And at last, noa you're here. Your presence isn't here most of the time like this. You are the one ruling the red country yet you're always missing in action, laziness are not in sages vocabulary you know?"- dan

"I apologize for that my dear childhood friend, you know what I'm doing when my presence isn't here right?"- noa

Noa laughed while he cheerfully says that to dan but his childhood friend crosses his arms and looking down at him disgustingly.

"Don't call me that way, it creeps me out you geezer. And yes I know, its either your in the usual fish lake, fishing or you guarding that human girl who is in the laboratory for her to live."- dan

He snapped his fingers and winked happily in dan.


Dan slammed the table down that almost break due to him. And angrily looking at noa.

"Don't 'correct' me! That human girl is different from all of us! She doesn't belong here because she is human! A human I tell you! And if she wakes up and knows that this is another world that exists aside from the human world. The worlds will lose its balance! "-dan

The cheerful noa began to look at him seriously as dan looking at noa same as before. But the other one of the sages, Ray the earth scepter mage from the brown country

"How she gets in this world? The barrier is strong and has illusional magic that surrounds our world to fool humans to enter. But she's here...What if... She's a scepter mage?"- ray

His twin brother, rai shoot a glare at him, a opposite image of ray that who is calm while rai is the type of short circuit man.

" Hmph, what you're saying is impossible. The situation six years ago is only an accident or the barrier just got weaker."- rai

Larry the water scepter mage from the blue country speaks as he looking at ray.

"Rai is right, ray. The only thing we can do is wait for her to wake up in a completely great state and bring her back to her own world with her memories erased about the existence of this world."-larry

The thunder scepter mage, sheina, a blonde with some black strands of hair raised her right hand and nods once, a sign of agreement.

Noa stands up in his seat and stomps his long scepter while looking at them all seriously looking at them all.

"We cannot bring her back to the human world! That will never happen on my sight!"- noa

A moment of silence occurred as his voice echoed in the whole room and they all answer in chorus with their shocked expression except ray who sighs in relief.


"Why noa?!"- larry

"Because its dark scepter magus fault why the tragedy happened in the human world."-noa

"Magus.."- dan

Rai glanced at noa.

"Did you find the identity of the magus?"-rai

"Not yet, but the security mages still investigating it. A dark magus is truly hard to trace, to begin with."-noa

Dan unleashes a strong wind that makes them all look at him, his face is full of anger and dan's forehead wrinkles began to visible in their eyes.

"How can you be so sure about this information?! it might a false and only a rumor!"-dan

Noa sighed and swayed his scepter above the table, a bluish thin screen appeared in the center of it and began to show what happened.

" This is the memories of the human girl when that tragedy occurred. In the sea of flames with so many people was killed because the dark mages want to conquer this place, but this is not the end. As you can see, a dark medium core surrounds the whole village---"- noa

" Wait. What? whole village? I thought the human world was supposed to vanish?"- rai

" I thought so too, but that's another mystery. The miracle happens that only vanish is the village called kyrie where the human girl lives, That's why the other places in the human world didn't disappear. Back to where I saying, that dark power surrounds the whole village and all people will be sunk down until they reach abyss, after that they'll die. But this human girl was found in the outside of the red country, Tepes and I bring her to the scientists. Until now she didn't wake up, She must remain here on this world even when the time she opens her eyes and lives here like us."-noa

"Are you crazy noa?! you'll let that human live in this world?! as if I'll agree with you!"-dan

Larry stands up while his both hands are inside to his long blue kimono.

"Dan is right! We have rules that we need to maintain, are you really sure breaking it is the right choice for the sake of that lowly creature?!"- larry

Rai stand up too and he heard ray saying his name as he protests about the situation.

"I agreed! What if that dark mages and magus knew when that girl is alive and unconscious staying in the red country and they'll attack the other villages because they knew we have an alliance treaty?! did you think how many mages here will die and war will occur?! They kill whoever with no hesitation! Please think about the peace and your decision noa!"- rai

This time ray slammed the table and gritted his teeth and anger while facing his twin brother.

"But she's a victim of dark magus! It is a miracle that she is the last survivor in her village! If we bring her back where she belongs that human girl will die because the dark magus plan to conquer the human world failed six years ago, there's no saying when they will be back and continue to kill them to get what they want right?!"-ray

The nerves of dan's forehead became more visible and open his clenched fist, a few blood was flowing into his right palm and a wind sword with an eagle pattern on the blade was formed due to his blood, he stands up and heading towards the door as he looking at Sebastian who is in the corner.

"Sebastian! Bring me to that human girl, im had enough in hearing this nonsense debate! I'm gonna kill her to end this problem!"-dan

Noa points his scepter into dan's direction and a red aura comes out into it.

" Flame, the fire scepter. I command you to become a chain and bind dan's body and prevent him to go outside of this room."-noa

A deep sound echoes out into his scepter.

" I understand, master. Your request will be granted." - flame

He let go of his scepter and it changes into fire chains, flame slithers fast like a snake that will corner his prey.