

Skylers on a blink of war within their own city against their arch nemesis Mountainers they have come in need of attaining their most ulterior superficial weapon the scepter of lineage, The only instrument which can be held and activated on the hands of emperors descendants of the throne, true rulers. Problem arises to find that scepter which as myth of ages have it, of it being lost years back after unfriendly encounter with People on earth. Irina Kishov rising of age elemental appointed with the task of finding their city’s lost treasure, with a minimum ultimatum and vague details of its information’s, will she be able to push the odds to her favour and saving the city from fighting a gruesome war??

ANOLD_C · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Part 6:

A man was sitting behind a glass desk passing through papers on a folder. Office was cozy and air condition kept the room temperature moderate, it was on top floor of the building and surrounded by glass full three sixty. You could see the view of half the city, from buildings other skyscrapers and even the movement of people and cars down below but couldn't hear a thing.

The man had jet black hair and clean shaven jaw, he wore dark blue shirt showing clearly his portend muscles biceps, down he wore black trouser and had on black brogues. There was his name bolded on White letters on a small black board in front of his desk written "MR.BLACK".

Office door was opened and another man entered, he was bald headed and his skin tone was light dark on his hand he carried a tablet.

"Mr. Black I have got something for you." his voice was deep and set. He stopped in front of Mr. Black desk the name tag on his chest was written security.

Mr. Black stopped passing through papers on the folder,

"It better be important." his voice was hoarse then raised his head and looked at security, his eye color were deep grey and had hard looking face which only spoke business.

The man just handed him the tablet Mr. Black took it and played the video displayed on the screen, it was from CCTV footage. The video had no sound, the footage showed a girl in hospital gown getting out of her hospital room then walking down the corridor stumbling as she walked holding on to the wall for support, a police officer appeared from far end waving his hand as if calling her, the girl stopped abruptly then turned around she watched the police officer intently then her hands went in motion as if pushing an invisible barrier, the police officer was thrown backward landing on a trolley carrying hospital utensils, the girl started running in opposite direction as she passed in front of CCTV camera her face came into view it was Irina kishov. Small smile appeared on Mr. Black lips.

"Any idea who she is?" He asked staring at the girl's face on screen.

"No, we are still looking into it, could be the same people you have been searching for, we got the footage only today morning." Security replied.

"Of course it's them." Mr. Black agreed, "Where did they find her?"

"She was found by fishermen, according to them they saw her falling off the sky and fell right into ocean. They guessed maybe it could be one of those people doing skydiving skunk which went horribly wrong along the way."

"Which time was she found?" He asked again as he set the tablet on the table.

"Yesterday night around eightyish, today morning is when she escaped."

"Any useful information you got on her?"

"None, there is no info about her in any of our database but we are still searching and also a team was sent to follow up on other CCTV footage surrounding outside hospital building after she left the hospital." The security replied calmly.

"Have we got to worry about the officer assaulted?" Mr. Black asked scratching his jaw.

"No we have made follow up on him too there is nothing to worry about."

"How is that so?" Mr. Black asked as he watched the security guard intently, he always liked to cover every base thoroughly that was how he run his business, he believed publicity wasn't best suitor for profitable matters.

"He is an alcoholic, the chief police at his station decided to keep him on since he had a rough time after his wife death and also he has a son to take care of. Going around blabbering that he was pushed across the room without being touched, gonna be above any insanity which chief of police had to cover for him up to now, for his own benefit he will shut up and won't tell anyone about what happened in the hospital"

"If so, seems is fine then." Mr. Black replied after he had let the news sunk in, returning the tablet to security guard. "I want an update within the next twenty four hours if you return with nothing you better submit your badge along with your resignation letter."

The guard took his tablet and went out with it. Mr. Black interlaced his fingers now it seemed as if all of his dreams were falling in place. Time as he grew up he heard stories from his great grandfather about the humans whose existence was in the other universe, he was told they were the ones who brought about civilization into the world and they were very wealthy beyond anyone's belief. They also choose their own followers who hold keys which opened the gates to their world they called themselves Crystal bloods but once kingdoms and empires grew they waged war against them, the alien civilization were forced to retreat, he was told their eldest grandfather who started Alchims bloodline and name, took it upon himself to fight against one of the crystal blood family so as he could confiscate their wealth. He succeeded in doing so though with much bloodshed and death of their own relatives, he took their mansion confiscated their wealth making it his. From then Alchims family hold one of the gates to the next universe and they were now one of the wealthiest family in the country and owning different companies across the country and other companies were across the ocean. Now Theobald Black Alchim was the successor of their family name and head of its companies.

Theo had no interest for more wealth now he was seeking power and the appearance of Skylar person during this time pushed the favor on his side. He was told not all Skyler people were like normal humans others had the power to control natural matters such as earth and air, they were called elementals and by the view of the footage, Theo was hundred percent sure the girl was from Skylar and an air elemental. he wanted to win her on his side, well if she refused there was always other extreme measures to force people like them, his father always told Theo he was ambitious and cunning like their eldest grandfather though it may sound as a contempt it was a compliment and Theo never wanted to leave below his reputation, he wanted to precede his reputation and make name for himself as the founder of their bloodline did.

Theo took his cellphone then dialed a number and directed the phone to his ear, after few seconds the call went through.

"Yes I have got some important news for you, I have found an elemental." then he stayed quiet again listening to the other end of the line in the phone.

"A CCTV camera caught her today morning inside the city hospital." he then looked solemnly at his fingers as he listened to the other end, "don't worry I won't lose her, we will capture her and this time we will even open the gateway to their world."

He then nodded in agreement with whatever was said on the other line of the phone after some time he took the phone off his ear returning it inside his trouser pocket and remained still watching the city view.