

Skylers on a blink of war within their own city against their arch nemesis Mountainers they have come in need of attaining their most ulterior superficial weapon the scepter of lineage, The only instrument which can be held and activated on the hands of emperors descendants of the throne, true rulers. Problem arises to find that scepter which as myth of ages have it, of it being lost years back after unfriendly encounter with People on earth. Irina Kishov rising of age elemental appointed with the task of finding their city’s lost treasure, with a minimum ultimatum and vague details of its information’s, will she be able to push the odds to her favour and saving the city from fighting a gruesome war??

ANOLD_C · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Part 4:

Irina reached the Valley of the Kings without any casualties the sun was nearly setting on the horizon its evening rays gave the place a warm feeling. She could hear the sound of water in the river that flowed in the midst of the valley with hills rising above it in both of its sides.

On top of the cliff she was facing Irina could see the time tower, it was shaped as a rotunda made from gray stones, the setting sun shone on it fully. After she had been satisfied with the view she directed her horse towards it in slow walk. Reaching at the top she could see the rotunda more clearly it was build round in shape and no doorway at the entrance.

Inside the rotunda it was plain and had slits on the wall not wide enough which served as windows. When she turned to head out irina noticed above the entrance there were five gems, four positioned in main compass directions the fifth one it was in the middle. The ones positioned north and south were green in color, east and west were red in color and the one present in the middle was yellowish in color.

On the left hand side of the entry there were two levers, one its arrow was pointed upwards and the other lever its arrow pointed downward, just beside levers there was a fixed cupboard on the wall written "travelers gear". Irina opened it, inside she found tight leather black suit similar to swimming suit in a hanger, above it was written "wear uniform for protection."

"Not bad." Irina told herself as she checked the suit it had even a hood attached to it, on wearing it she found that the suit covered every inch of her body even her hands were covered in gloves only front of her face was left naked.

"Now where is the goddamn helmet?" A magnetic shield immediately covered the remaining part of her face.

"wooah!" Irina exclaimed, when she touched the shield it felt real as glass, "sweet."

Then she headed back towards the levers. With all the scientific phenomena's, calculations and the presence of a portal travelling to other worlds Irina thought the room would have been filled with machines and monitors but to be plain as she saw it, it made her wander.

She hold both levers each in her hand then sucked in long breath, "ready or not here we go." Then she pulled the levers.

Nothing happened, she could even hear her heart beating wildly in the chest. Suddenly floors rose up between the slits and covered all of the open spots lastly a floor started rising slowly from the ground covering the entrance this made Irina jump in alarm and started running for the entrance.

"No, no, noo!"Irina screamed in frustration as she beat the covered entrance with her hands, she was late and now was locked inside.

Irina started pacing up and down within the tower trying to think of an escape plan, she didn't believe at all if that gate worked then she noticed the gems above the entry started to glow, green gem was the first one to shine its rays of green light across the room towards the opposite wall a ray was directed a little downward then other gems followed in emitting rays of their respective colors, yellow gem was the last one to emit its rays, the point where the rays met started glowing and increased in its size of the circle, the wall seemed to be disintegrating suddenly all of the room was covered in blinding white light.

Irina remembered being told that the gates open a portal at a point where it is void of time at the moment, it was explained to her that if the time flow of the past, present and future converge at one point they create a blank space free of time flow at the moment since they have cancelled each other out, but the void lasts for only few seconds before the time flow covers that loop, before it had been covered the dimensional gate open a portal which becomes as a pathway into another planet without time distortion. Its disadvantage is that the portal varies according to changes of loop holes in time.

By now the portal was big enough for a person to pass through Irina couldn't see what was on the other side of portal since light was too bright. There was very strong wind blowing into the room which came from the portal, Irina took small steps forward with her left hand raised to shield her eyes from the light of the portal, she collected her guts and decided to go for it.

"All for one and one for all." Then she jumped through the portal.