

Skylers on a blink of war within their own city against their arch nemesis Mountainers they have come in need of attaining their most ulterior superficial weapon the scepter of lineage, The only instrument which can be held and activated on the hands of emperors descendants of the throne, true rulers. Problem arises to find that scepter which as myth of ages have it, of it being lost years back after unfriendly encounter with People on earth. Irina Kishov rising of age elemental appointed with the task of finding their city’s lost treasure, with a minimum ultimatum and vague details of its information’s, will she be able to push the odds to her favour and saving the city from fighting a gruesome war??

ANOLD_C · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Part 12:

Crossing several blocks away from the guards and the museum, Jay turned to Irina at the back seat.

"You okay?" He asked her with concern.

"Yeah, just feeling a little dizzy. I exerted too much of my ability." She told him with reassuring smile.

"What now?" Ava asked while driving.

"I need to get back home, for that I'll follow a portal if it goes well by midnight I'll be gone." She told them.

"I can call my dad and ask him where we can find the portal for your way back home." Ava aired out.

"Can't you get back the way you got in?" jay raised a possibility.

"No, it's impossible here you don't have time tower which could have helped in finding fracture through time and space to throw me back home."

"Ouch, now that's just great." Jay replied making it not sound great at all. "beside I've no idea or whats ever of what you just said."

They drove in silent up to Addams mansion the two guards at the gate opened it for them, Irina was fast asleep in the back seat holding tightly the sceptre. Jay shook Irina on the shoulder lightly, when she opened her eyes they were already at the mansion.

"They have comfortable beds and cushions inside you can go and rest in." He told her.

Irina dragged herself out of the car and headed slowly to the mansion, this were side effect of her using the scepter. It amplified her abilities in return draining too much of her energy, her legs were buckling underneath suddenly left leg lost its footing and irina felt herself falling before she reached down ava caught her in the shoulder and pulled her back up.

"Sorry for being a drag." Irina told her in a weak voice.

Ava beamed at her,

"you kidding the weight of your whole nation is at your shoulders, if you ask me you are doing excellent. Give me a flower pot and see how I would make a fool out of myself."

Irina laughed at her joke, jay stood outside the car watching them as they helped each other climbing the stairs of the mansion, he felt all gidy up inside even himself couldn't believe that he became attached to those two messed up psycho girls.

"Hey dimwit you coming?" Ava asked him.

"Sure, I'm just catching my breath." He answered.

"Whatever." then she turned and went on dragging irina.


Jay and Irina sprawled each on a different cushion when ava returned after talking with her father it had already reached evening.

"Guys I've got good news and bad news." Ava announced descending the stairs. "Let me start with the good news, my father told me where the gate is located."

"Finally, something to do. I was kind of getting coach sick." Jay joked turning around to see ava.

"What about the bad news?" Irina asked.

"Yeah about that..." then hesitated. "The gate is at alchim's mansion." She whispered under her breath that no one heard her.

Irina squinted her eyes, "It kinda slipped through my ears haven't heard any word you said in the second sentence."

"The gate is at alchim's mansion." She repeated loudly.

Jay felt the temperature in the room rose few degrees and by the look on Irina's face he was sure the temperature did rise. She had told them about her fight in the alley while they were inside the mansion and it looked to them that Theobald wanted Irina pretty badly though they didn't know the reason why, and now only to discover that her escape route is through his territory that was some twisted fate.

"Should have known, since they whipped off one of the largest crystal blood family in america surely they would also have the gate." Irina spoke to herself.

"my father offered us a support to take on the alchim's mansion, he told me to meet him at the intersection leading to the mansion. There on we gonna sneak on them when it reaches evening." Ava gave them details.

"Your father will be there?" Jay asked

"Yeah, even I don't believe. he flew all the way from Hawaii." Ava replied her eyes filled with happiness.

Ava rarely talked to her father let alone meet him in person for the last four years which have passed, she couldn't hide her joy of going to see her father even if it was under worst scenario. The clock on the wall showed it was five fifteen they still had about forty five minutes to go and meet with Mr.addam and plan their ambush to alchim's mansion.

"We better get going then there isn't whole day waiting for us or me, to be more specific." irina told them taking the sceptre from the table heading toward the door.

Outside the mansion they all stopped and looked at the sun as it was setting on the horizon.

"It's too quiet." Ava whispered.

"yeah,it is." jay replied.

All of them knew in their heart this was the calm before the storm, nothing was making a sound even the tree branches. Ava thought to herself if this was always the way it was but she hadn't noticed. Irina let out a long sigh.

"Let's go then." Irina said.

Then they all descended down the stairs heading to their doomsday.