

Skylers on a blink of war within their own city against their arch nemesis Mountainers they have come in need of attaining their most ulterior superficial weapon the scepter of lineage, The only instrument which can be held and activated on the hands of emperors descendants of the throne, true rulers. Problem arises to find that scepter which as myth of ages have it, of it being lost years back after unfriendly encounter with People on earth. Irina Kishov rising of age elemental appointed with the task of finding their city’s lost treasure, with a minimum ultimatum and vague details of its information’s, will she be able to push the odds to her favour and saving the city from fighting a gruesome war??

ANOLD_C · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Part 11:

Jay, ava and Irina were seated inside a cafe which was across the street looking directly at city museum.

"saying the truth, I don't even know why I agreed with you." Jay spoke with soda can on his hand.

"You are a good friend that's why." Ava replied, making jay scoff.

Ava and Irina had gone to the Museum night before only to find an event taking place leading to their failure of breaking in. Irina was riled up and all over Ava of the minimum amount of time remaining to retrieve the scepter capable of saving her city Skyler from a blink of war.

Irina had to open up to ava about where she came from and why she was on earth, ava wouldn't have believed her if it wasn't for what she had witnessed herself, how irina easily jumped over their twelve feet wall and brushing her shots of bullets aside.

They guessed on the coming day after the event there would be workers and cleaners moving things around to return the place in its proper décor, ava saw it was best to bring another person with them to distract the workers while they sneaked inside and that's when she decided to bring jay. Irina had given an easy plan which ava strongly denied for it had a lot of throwing workers around with her air swooshes, and would have risen suspicion when a group of people would have been going around and saying they were thrown around by wind, which would lead to checking of museum artefacts blowing hole to their super-secret discrete plan of scepter theft.

Jay didn't buy their story on hearing it, he thought they were playing a prank when Irina made plates and cups in the kitchen to float around then he believed them. Still he was reluctant to help until ava had to convince him some more on ditching school so as they could help Irina. Finally jay agreed and that was because at school that day there was a sport competition and no one would be aware of them missing exception of tony that is, and now here he was at the Museum going to distract the cleaners buying some time for Irina and ava to sneak around.

"Now it's the proper time." Irina spoke up, the donut she had ordered was still on the plate uneaten.

"Easy for you to say when you are the one supposed to be sneaking around." Jay commented then stood up and going out with his soda can.

They watched jay crossing the road and approaching the cleaners, seconds later he had their attention they stopped moving things and gathered around jay. It seemed as if he was explaining to them something.

"lets go." Irina spoke.


They left café, ava put some cash and tip on the table. Both had decided on using back entrance. The backdoor was unlocked they easily slipped in, the room barely contained anything other than cleaning equipment's buckets and mops. There was another red door at the front of the room when ava twisted the handle it slipped open. Finding themselves in a corridor with dim green light reaching at the end of corridor it led to a great hall containing different sections of historical events and their artefacts.

"This is it, now we have to locate the section about the man's cave." Ava informed irina as she looked around.

"I didn't think it would be this huge." Irina said in awe.

"Let's split up that way we would cover up more area."

Irina didn't wait to be told twice she knew that clock was ticking, ava took the right side and Irina went left side.

Ava passed first section written story of independence of america, second section was about voyages of great captains, third section showed evolution of man on the fourth one she found in front of its entrance written the cave of man in capital letters.

"Found it." She called out.

Irina was on the far end of the hall searching when ava called, she went over in a hurry too much time was already lost since she left skyler and didn't wish to lose much more.

The words were carved in a board written in golden color, Irina entered first. Inside wasn't similar to outside there was a lantern at the top of the ceiling and statues of stone age people positioned around the room also small huts with statues of early people inside.

"I never knew it was this attractive inside." Ava said in low voice.

"Haven't you been here?" Irina asked as she continued passing through different statues.

"I have but never really entered inside, I was twelve years old when our class came for tour, at the time for me to enter in a place like this found it boring. So i escaped through the back door and went to the mall." she then laughed at herself. "You should have seen me back then, I was such an angel."

"It doesn't sound angelic to me." a voice behind spoke.

Both of them jumped turning around to find it was jay.

"Jesus,you scared me." Ava spoke startled.

"We told you to stall the workers." Irina exclaimed.

"Don't worry about it, I asked them to use museum toilet cause I needed to pee very badly." He mused.

"Very typical of you." Ava muttered.

"So, what did you find?" He asked.

"Nothing, yet." ava replied.

Irina was drawn toward the statues which formed a circle at the end of the room, it had a group of stone age people sitting around a fire behind them a shield hanged on the wall. Irina advanced slowly toward the figures her eyes glued to the shield when reached the figures she extended her hand and removed a shield behind them.

"That's it?" ava asked not even trying to hide her suspicion as she approached.

"Yap, this is the one." Irina answered as her fingers slowly tracing the top of the shield feeling its texture.

"Not to disappoint but when you told me sceptre, my idea it would look more like Poseidon's trident." Jay apoke, Then he frowned, "that is lame."

"It's not the shield except a tool within it." Irina corrected then raised the shield and threw it down.

Upon impact the shield broke and scattered to zillion pieces and directions, in midst of fragments there was a scepter. It was very appealing, handle was made of pure silver and its head from pure gold, shaped looking like a spear and nearly exceeding three feet tall.

"Wow." All of them exclaimed and moved closer to the sceptre.

"It's so bright." That was all Ava could add.

Irina picked up the sceptre looking at it astonished.

"It was lost for such a long time that i myself assumed it was a myth." Irina told them closely examining it.

"Not to interrupt your moment and feelings, we kinda off overpassed our time here. let's pack your pole and get the hell outta of here." Jay reminded them.

Reaching outside using the back door they found people waiting for them in the alley.

There was a black Chevrolet blocking one side of the alley and three men in suit stood outside of the car and on the other side there were four men in black and the guard of Theobald in his white shirt stood in front of the men.

"We've been waiting for you miss." The guard spoke looking directly at Irina.

Irina didn't know any of the men but she had been around a lot of trouble to smell one a mile off before it happens, and by the look of things she knew there was gonna be trouble, Jay and Ava stood not knowing what to do.

"You know these guys?" Ava inquired as she watched them warily.

"Appreciate the escort though I'll kindly deny the offer, we can walk very fine on our own two feet." She told the guard calmly ignoring ava's question.

"Guess that means no." Ava spoke fear creeping in her nerves, remembering her daddy warning about irina's unwelcoming visit and trouble along the way.

The guard chuckled, "maybe you misunderstood. That wasn't an offer it was an order." he told her in stern voice.

"truly they don't know each other." Jay confirmed what just ava concluded, ava took few precautionary steps back.

Irina maintained the staring contest with the guard then turned her head a bit to ava and jay.

"You better get out of here, use the back door to reach the front entrance. Leave these guys to me it's gonna get messy."

"We came together we leave together." Ava replied trying to sound bravado.

"This ain't your fight just leave and don't worry about me. I've got this situation covered." she assured them then returned her attention to the guard.

"Be safe." ava told her giving irina's hand a little squeeze.

Jay and ava slipped back in the museum using the back door leaving ava with Theobald's men.

"How did you find me?" Irina asked the guard.

"Is it that important?" He questioned back.

Irina smirked, "you are right it ain't that important." she then rose her head giving intimidating composure. "so, what do you want?"

"I am not the one in need my boss is, you see he has taken very keen interest in you." He told her, "He has an offer for you."

"What is the name of your boss?" She demanded.

"you sure have many questions." He then looked aside before looking back at Irina. "Theobald, Theobald black alchims."

Before she left Skyler general told her to memorize the names of crystal blood families, there were one hundred and sixty three of them in total but she never saw the family of alchims clan. One of the treaty agreement between the crystal blood families and Skylar government during their regime was that they were never supposed to change their family surname and once called using their respective code they were supposed to answer to it with no questions asked. That is why Irina called the code 428 while talking to Mr. Addam for that was their family code and existence of Skylar nation was only passed down among the crystal blood family members in case they ever returned to never seem alien among the next generation of crystal family members, that is why after all the centuries Mr.addam still answered the call because he knew them from the story of his father and grandparents, also Irina was aware that during the pre-world war other people turned towards the crystal blood families to terminate them and confiscate their wealth and she suspected that the alchim's were one of those group of people, that was the only possible explanation of how they knew about them.

"Sorry never heard of him." She told him straight faced.

"that's too bad." The guard sympathized for her.

"It's too bad in deed." Then Irina removed the sceptre from the cloth she wrapped it in.

One of the men standing near Chevrolet took out his gun from the coat.

"You imbecile don't shoot, haven't you seen us on the other end." The guard warned him.

The man looked at his gun before throwing it inside the car then took iron rod from the car seat similar to the one used by police.

"That's better, men take out your iron rods and for those who have shock guns use them warning no bullets allowed. We don't want to invite the cops or worse hurt our little miss." He instructed them as he looked at Irina.

Irina grinned wildly, no bringing of real guns to the grown up party how stupid was that.

"Charge!!" He ordered his men.

"It's on." Irina muttered to herself.

The first one came running rod in hand she struck the rod out of his hand and kicked him on the head, second man was no wiser she beat him in the stomach and tackled him down, the third one had a shock gun Irina somersaulted and kicked him in the face the man landed graceful head first to the ground one of the men succeeded to pin Irina from behind by then another one whom Irina had beaten, punched her in the stomach it removed all air from her lungs, this caused irina to raise both of her feet kicking the person infront then another man from the side shot her with a shock gun Irina felt how the voltage jolted her body she lost the balance and fell on her knees. As he raised his foot to kick her, Irina brought down the sceptre so hard that it sent air wave and threw all men off few meters away the guard along with them.

Jay and ava after reaching outside using front entrance, they turned their car around to go carry irina parking at safe distance away from the alley. Irina came minutes later out of the alley swaying, ava put the car in reverse and stopped beside Irina, she opened the door and threw herself in ava hit the accelerator and sped off.