

Skylers on a blink of war within their own city against their arch nemesis Mountainers they have come in need of attaining their most ulterior superficial weapon the scepter of lineage, The only instrument which can be held and activated on the hands of emperors descendants of the throne, true rulers. Problem arises to find that scepter which as myth of ages have it, of it being lost years back after unfriendly encounter with People on earth. Irina Kishov rising of age elemental appointed with the task of finding their city’s lost treasure, with a minimum ultimatum and vague details of its information’s, will she be able to push the odds to her favour and saving the city from fighting a gruesome war??

ANOLD_C · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

CHAPTER TWO: mundane

Part 5:

Jeep stopped in the parking lot, inside four students could be seen talking and laughing as sound of pop music blasted loudly in the car speakers. Other students were arriving while some just chilled outside passing time waiting for class hours. It was around 7:20 am Monday morning and school compound was already full of activity for everybody had a story to tell about how their summer holiday went and the chattering around kept the school awake, at the top of the building entrance large golden colored letters were embodied "MEADEN HIGH SCHOOL".

Corridors were the worst full of student's noises as they walked up and down the hall, some hanging around their lockers. The end of corridor going to the left corner there was a blue door written in white letters "toilet".

Inside there was a boy who leaned casually against the wall, his mind was off wandering and had his arms crossed across his chest, no sooner he started tapping his foot lightly on the floor. He had an athletic body, hazy blue colored eyes and his hairs were spiky and blonde.

Then came a sound of toilet flashing "stupid toilet" a person inside grumbled, when the door was opened another teen stepped outside. He had on long sleeved blue shirt his hairs were curly and black, he was busy fixing the shorts that he didn't see the boy leaning on the wall, down he had on red sneakers with untied shoelaces on raising his head he caught sight of jay leaning on the wall.

"Didn't know you were here." Tony spoke nonchalant turning toward the sink.

Jay didn't reply, he stood still before turning his head a little on the side.

"The video went viral." He said in a calm voice, "Guess I am gonna be jock of the school for a while."

"Ooh come on jay, words pass and people talk what does it matter?" His friend tony replied while drying his hands.

"It was a total embarrassment tony I was humiliated, you told me you wouldn't show it to anyone." Jay replied.

"So who cares? No one. It's gonna cool down give it a couple of days."

"I care." Jay spoke calmly but could see the muscles of his jaws twitching

"At least your dad won't care." Tony replied then went out of the toilet leaving Jay inside.

Tony always saw that jay got off easy since his father wasn't around most of the time, jay guessed maybe that was the reason why tony let the prank he did due to some stupid bet he lost go viral by releasing it to school network. Tony always had big dreams of becoming a videographer or something that involved cameras so whenever events occurred he recorded them. Tony planned one day to create a film from them which will help in attaining full scholarship to one of the great arts college in the country though his plans still sounded surreal to Jay.

Jay exhaled letting his head fall back on the wall, he could still recall the incident clear as day. Tony gave him a bet that if Jay would go to Joana and tell her that he liked her without chickening out Tony would fetch their ball from Mr. Gunderson backyard and if he failed he would be the one to fetch it.

Mr. Gunderson backyard wasn't your typical flower and vessels backyard, he had a dog big as a hound, he called him growl and Gunderson himself was as gruesome as a person could get. So when children lost their toys in his yard they just gave up on them but stupidity of Jay made him believe that he could confess to Joana that he liked her and make Tony fetch the ball, big mistake. On the arranged time which they agreed with Tony that he would go and talk to Joana, her boyfriend was around her like a hawk so Jay was forced to go and fetch the ball.

Getting into the yard was easy part up to the he took the ball, when he turned to go back he came face to face with growl, his mouth was wide open showing Jay the gift he was about to receive, Jay was forced to run on the fence which overlooked the alley. Moment he grabbed the fence growl had already bit on his shoe so he toppled over and fell on the trash collection, getting off the container his left leg which lost its shoe landed on dog poop.

Tony had recorded the whole event on his camera, he told Jay that he won't share the video but whoever believed the world of tony without making him swear on scouts honor was a fool and that what Jay was a "fool" the typical tony posted the video on school network, Now students started calling Jay Dogpooper it wasn't even a real word.

"Good Jay, a great way to collect for yourself an audience." he told himself in low voice heading outside of the toilet since class hours had already begun.

The clock on the wall read 10:45 am and Jay was already fast asleep for the past forty five minutes, it was the second period and their history teacher told them to do personal studies since she had papers to mark soon as Jay received the test book he fell asleep, he was awaken when he heard the door being opened then a girl entered it was Ava. She was one of the aristocracy student in the school, from the stories jay heard she was chased out of an elite school, reason was unknown so far as the rumors went she committed unspeakable act.

She had a medium sized body and height, her eyes were hazel and had long red hair. She wore denim jacket, black skinny jeans and she had on stiletto. The only sound heard was of her shoes clicking on the floor as she walked heading to her seat.

"Hey there young lady." Ms. Abby their history teacher called her, Ava stopped.

"I don't think that's a proper way of greeting your teacher." Ms. Abby spoke looking intently at Ava.

"Sorry." Ava apologized turning with a sweetest face.

"Have you got a pass note or any proper reason for being late?" She asked.

Ava looked as if she was recalling something,

"Mmm, actually no, I think it would be the same story. I'm late because I am left home alone and had to prepare for myself breakfast as an adult though I'm a teenager for my parents traveled to a goddamn place in the middle of nowhere and didn't tell me when they would be back, I guess that about to cover it." Ava replied sarcastically.

"And I guess that would call for detention in the library."

Ava sighed, "When would they chase me?" She grumbled in low voice.

"What was that?" Ms. Abby asked.

"Thank you madam." She shouted, students at the back snickered at Ava's reply.

"Jay you are also detained." Ms. Abby added going back in marking the papers.

"For what?" Jay asked amazed.

"I told you to do personal study on next topic not to sleep through half of my period."

"Damn it." Jay grumbled.

"Now you earned yourself detention in the library."

Jay struggled not to say any smart word fearing to be detained for a whole week he slumped back in his chair, when he turned to look at Ava she had on nonchalant expression as she continued opening the book pages. Jay had to smile for himself she was truly a pain, guess it won't be worst detention.