

Skylers on a blink of war within their own city against their arch nemesis Mountainers they have come in need of attaining their most ulterior superficial weapon the scepter of lineage, The only instrument which can be held and activated on the hands of emperors descendants of the throne, true rulers. Problem arises to find that scepter which as myth of ages have it, of it being lost years back after unfriendly encounter with People on earth. Irina Kishov rising of age elemental appointed with the task of finding their city’s lost treasure, with a minimum ultimatum and vague details of its information’s, will she be able to push the odds to her favour and saving the city from fighting a gruesome war??

ANOLD_C · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

CHAPTER THREE: wilderness

Part 10:

The cottage was built on the edge of a cliff, there were other two of them which each was built on either side of the first cottage away from the cliff, the cottages were surrounded by forest and the only way in was through a dirty road. Front of the cliff cottage there was a parked black sedan.

It was a two storey cottage, on second floor there were three people one of them was a woman who looked in her forties her name was Betty, another one was a man he had average body and his hair grew only on the sides of his head but at the middle was bald headed they called him john and he sat across the table from a teenage boy. He had long straight blond hair with piercing blue eyes, small mouth and sharp nose his name was Otto. On the floor beside Otto there was a small Dustbin which was half filled with tissue papers containing traces of blood.

Betty stood behind john looking at the picture in the frame nailed on the wall it was a picture of a sunflower field with a setting sun. She had on long violet gown and down she wore black flippers, her hair was tied it in a bun.

"This was the last thing I saw before I left my home town." She spoke slowly in a calm voice. "it is truly a wonderful city nothing compared to these slums of yours."

She then turned toward john and started tracing her fingers along his shoulder, john was fidgeting with his hands, left foot shaking under the table he wished to be anywhere else away from the room. The kid he was looking at gave him bad vibe.

Betty was involved in drug business and john with his crew were her suppliers. Her drugs were nothing like those heavy ones, betty's drug just gave a person very tingly feeling and made them dream of what they mostly desired she called her product Elixir, they functioned in a good way though promoting her drugs to pass as normal medicine was against her wishes, since she didn't want to draw attention to herself and her people for they had enemies in the city. Betty decided to sell it off the books, on the eyes of the law it was accounted illegal for that her drugs were as bad as other drugs.

John grew ambitious and wanted to increase their territory of supply, he persuaded Betty towards expansion and she went against it, when they were given their next load he decided to cross it over the border into the other city. His plan went horribly wrong. The police caught their product at the border and his worker cut the deal with the District attorney (DA) so he could get easy sentence now the police were rounding up his men, he didn't like the idea of coming to Betty but he needed a protection against the police whom were searching for him. Here he was in front of Betty and john saw it was the worst idea ever.

"You know John I truly like you but.." She then let out a loud sigh, "a protection against the law that is over the bridge, you know the police do come here regularly and think we are Gypsies so they leave us with no harm done. Holding a fugitive would destroy our good natured reputation."

"I worked for you over four years the least you can do is hide me for some few days then I would be out of your hairs." John pleaded.

"There, there dear john now that last statement being out of my hairs do sound wonderful, let me tell you my little secret. I do hate it when people mess with my hairs." Betty told him as she placed her hands on both of his shoulders then she asked him a question. "Do you know why I decided to build this cottage on the edge of the cliff with that big veranda looking over the edge?"

John became puzzled, he then looked at the veranda he thought maybe she licked the scenery but he didn't believe that was the only reason, he decided to bite. "No, I don't know. Why?"

"let me whisper it unto your ear." Betty moved her mouth close to his right ear and whispered, "because the bodies I drop into the river are never found."

At those words' john jumped from the chair his right hand going for the hand gun on the waist, before the hand reached it he stuck. John saw and heard everything but couldn't move or control his body, Betty was laughing then shook her head sideways in dismay.

"Did you real thought that you were my first supplier?" She asked in harsh tone. "Ooh, i had other suppliers. I give you the credit for being wisest of them all though, yet you succumbed like the others with your greed for more money and more power. That all there is when it comes to your kind money, money, money nothing else."

Then john eyes caught the boy, Otto was looking at him very hard he got the feeling that the boy was the one controlling him.

"See, you even figured who is compelling you right now told you. I liked that brain of yours." She told him with a smile on her face. "John meet my beloved boy Otto, you see Otto has what you call super powers he has the ability to control other people's actions, weaker your mind the easier it becomes for him to control you."

Betty went and opened the glass door leading to the veranda.

"Otto be a darling and bring john to the edge of this veranda." She instructed very calmly while looking at john.

John's eyes went wide with fear then his body started moving toward the veranda, he tried to control his legs which was futile reaching on the edge he stopped then he could control his mouth again.

"sorry alright, just leave me be and you won't see me no more!" He yelled frantically.

"I think I'll pass on that offer." She replied coldly her eyes hard as steel.

Otto willed john to take one more step and he did, all that was heard were the screams as he fell.

"I always love that sound." Betty said with glint in her eyes.

She then returned inside, Otto's nose was bleeding, Betty took the tissue paper from the box at the table and helped him drying the blood.

"He was a little hard to control I had to took extra effort." Otto told her, his voice was very soothing.

"Doesn't matter we are done here, our guide home has returned she will open the gate and take us back home." She told Otto cupping his head between her hands.

"Do you know the location of the gate?" Otto asked her mother.

"Of course darling, it's in alchims mansion." She replied with a smile.

"They are our enemies and their mansion would be heavily guarded."

"We would sneak in the day she goes to open the gate, I am sure Addams family would support her, after all they are true to the Skylar nation since they are crystal blood family royals." She explained to him then stood up.

In elegant steps she left the room her gown swaying in motion leaving Otto still seated at the table.