
Scavenger Knight

The continent of "Adora" was connected by a giant bridge with the dark continent inhibit by various monsters. Its a story about an young boy aiming to be a knight of "Slardige" the city of the Bridge. This novel will be completely free!!

EJHunter · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Prologe the continent of Adora

Step by step shrunk the distance between the dark shadow and the dying person on the battlefield, each step hollowing deeper in the dying man's soul until the shadow towers in front of him. The shadow as dark as the night, his jet black plate armor and the ripped piece of clothing wrapped around it was all the man could see. His nearly blood drained body shivers in the cold night, he raised his head and saw the helmet underneath the hood and the fright displayed on his face was immeasurable, foam formed around the mouth of the man who once was the leader of a giant band of bandits passed out. The knight lowered his body and with the sound of metal armor clinging, he moved his hand toward the dead man's sword and picked it up. Glowing in the shine of the moon the sword shined majestically until it slowly turned into ashes falling down like rain. Black particles fell out of the sky making the night even colder and darker. All of the armor and weapons on the battlefield started to crumble and disappear until there was only a mass of corpses on an empty field covered in black. And the knight standing in the middle of it looking in the sky, you could feel and smell the carnage that took place, but if you looked closer you could also feel another feeling, sadness. Overlooking the picture of a dozen dead bodys and the reek of blood you can see the black knight looking in the sky alone, lonely glooming in the moonlight.

In the land of Adora lies the city of the bridge called Slardige, in the center of the city was a big castle owned by the baron of Albrecht von Trauttenroda, he was the local regent of this region and owned a lot of wealth due to the fertile land and his well known knights, known all around the continent of Victoria. The city was low populated but was one of the strongest and wealthiest in all of Victoria. The city was popular and was the only city connected to the dark continent. The continent of Victoria was fairly round and had a lot of cities near the shore, among these cities was the bridge city of Slardige, these were known for their sturdy walls and strong military forces. Coastal cities are a lot stronger and better protected because monsters called Wraths appear on the shore from the dark continent, these monsters are mostly small and very young but in mass these beasts can cause a lot of damage. The monsters are born by their kind on the dark continent and then thrown into the ocean. Over the time they spend in eggs or swimming they grow until they reach the shore of Adora. Then they start Hunting everything that's living.

The city Slardige was formed on an ancient monument, The Bridge that was created before the city of Slardige was built, nobody knows who built that bridge. It is a giant stone bridge over 20 meters wide and you need over 2h to cross it by horse. It is the only way to reach the dark continent because the continent is covered in thick fog around its shore and no ship ever came back again out of the fog. The Bridge was the only way to reach the dark continent.

The city of Slardige was filled with the strongest among the strongest, being adventurer, hunter or the knights. The knights of Slardige are highly respected, the elite of the elite, the strongest knights in the continent of Adora, the royal guards veteran Knights of Slardige. These knights explore together with adventurers or hunters the Dark Continent and Protect the city. Becoming a Slardige knight is hard, but staying alive is even harder as a knight. People that live in the outer cities are either very skilled or very greedy, living in the outer cities and villages is far more dangerous than living in the peaceful center of Vitoria. As well as earning money in the outer cities but far more dangerous. Over time more people leave the outer city leaving only the strongest behind that secure the shores.

Living in the city of Slardige was Havel, the swordsmith well known in the town he forges swords for the knights, forging the finest swords. His swords were wielded by all of the strongest knights around Victoria, no sword can compete against his weapons. His weapons were highly demanded by every person who had enough money, but he only sold his weapon to knights, making new knights a high value target for bandits and thieves due to his swords reached prizes of Castles and one day he stopped making swords and stopped delivering the weapons to the knights. He moved to a secluded village after making a deal with the baron of Slardige.

Thank you for Reading! :)

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