
Chapter 7. Emissary

I thought no one saw me or knew me the day I went for the operation.

"Well, I'm just an agent or should I say an instrument in their hands" he said to himself without being bothered. If I did not carry out my assignment as expected, surely i'm gone for it.

Do I have to tell my own story to the world? What need will it be. After all I will still die. Either by hanging, sentence to death or that kind of death that I will be tied up with one drum and will be shot to death while everyone watches a wicked being like me with pity and shed tears for me. The part I love most is when those preachers came around to preach to those who are about to die. Knowing fully well that is their last chance of repentance.

That, have watched several times on Nollywood movies and that is exactly what am waiting for.

Yes. The day of my last breath on earth that I will surrender my all to Christ and then a cruel and callous one will eventually be received joyfully into that great kingdom of heaven where angels sings with their melodious voices.

What next? He asked himself....I know what next. That book will be open (the book of Life) And it will reveal how I spent my time on earth. The good and bad days shall all be revealed clearly.

Hmmm! What if it doesn't have a good record of me. What will then become of me? I need not to wait until my last breath before accepting Christ as personal Lord and Saviour, the time is now. It is time to confess my sin to God and remind him how I have spent my dreadful years so he will forgive me.

Long time ago, I and Mayfia's father popularly known as Tomy attended same higher institution and were both in same department of SLT. How I love science back then in secondary school. Chemistry was one of my best subject and Geography was not excluded.

Studying a science course was a wise choice to me. I studied hard and was getting along with my courses day by day until the very day we were called upon by a 300 level student in my school. That day was a Friday.

The faithful Muslims had gone to mosque for their weekly service. How beautiful the Muslim females used to dress on Fridays with their hair well covered and their long colourful dresses which expresses dignity and good morals being passed on from generation to generation.

There was no classes to attend that Friday afternoon so I was in the Library with my friend Tomy studying for our forth coming second semester examination. My school library is a two storey building painted in grey colour. The school has various books for each department likewise books for various research topic of individual' s choice in the library. The library is known for its quietness. Almost as silent as a grave. Students are not allowed to talk unnecessarily and phones are to be put on silent mood to avoid distraction that could hinder learning.

Not quite long Tomy and I went into the library, two students walked in arrogantly. One sitted by my side while the other was sitted close to Tomy. Neither me nor Tomy gave attention to them which made them more angry at us. I could read their facial expressions.

"Let's meet at Block F today by 4pm. Do not try to play smart." We both read the piece of paper given to us by those arrogant students in the library while we gazed at them with fear as they walked out immediately they passed the paper to us.

"Do you know them before now" Tomy asked holding the paper with his hands shaking.

"No I don't" My voice sounded unusual. We were both scared not knowing what exactly to do. I was about reporting to the school security or one of the lecturers but Tomy warned me never to report if i'm not ready to die.

"Those guys looks dangerous,"he added.

"So what do we do Tomy? We are not save anymore." Tomy pretended not to hear me, he was disturbed and worried too.

Few minutes to 4pm, we were already at Block F looking for those faces who requested for our presence. The whole classes downstairs at Block F was empty therefore we were heading towards the last stairs in the same building as we saw the two faces through the window in one of the classes upstairs. Without hesitating, we rushed straight to the class.

Four guys were standing. One at each cardinal point of the class while others were sitted in groups discussing in disguise.

"You both had been called upon to be part of us and there must not be an objection to that." Flames spoke as if he was ready to cut off our head instantly if we objected.

"Part of you for what" Tomy asked, looking at each faces one after the other.

Hahahahah! The guys laughed out together with every breath in them. Well you see, there is nothing to be afraid of. I could understand that you both are still new with the school system as 100 level students and that is the more reason we invited you both to join us.

"For?" I asked.

For fame, power, respect and every other thing you think of in this campus.

"What are you called in your group?" I asked again moving backward a bit in case am about to be given a hot slap from right or left as I imagined.

"What we are called doesn't matter as you joining us but if you must know. We belong to a cult group.

"Jesus" Fams screamed as loud as he could.

That was the only name he could mention when he trouble. Tomy's legs were trembling already like a damaged sculpture with his shirt wet with sweat.

"Further information will be passed on to you both in due time, you have enough time to think about it. Mind you,no third party should hear about what we just discussed, otherwise count yourselves dead. Now get out.

Fams and Tomy ran out from the class to their hostel and locked themselves up in their room.

It's already 9pm. Non of the boys could eat anything to bed, they stir at each other with fear looking every now and then at their window and door until they eventually slept off on the floor till sunrise the following morning.