
Chapter 6. Dreams

Looking back to my life. I see how far I stayed from my childhood. Those fairy tale ideas of mine at the time I was growing up. I already had the imagination on my head before I was chanced to sense what exactly I was watching and then it appeared in my dreams.

Gradually, my dreams of becoming an Island princess like Barbie vanished.

Mayfia already had a close friend in the correctional centre whom she talked to and laughed with occasionally even when it was not a pleasing laugh but just to laugh away her plight for the time being.

Mayfia began watching cartoon at her tender age but got used with their characters thereafter.

You see Abigail, I love Barbie a lot. Do you know why? Mayfia asked as she wanted having more time with Abigail.

Why Barbie? Abigail was anxious to know.

Barbie always stand in gap for others. She is always a protagonist that provides solution to every problem around. Barbie would never sit and watch things go wrong without thinking of what to do.

Well, I cannot fully agree with you because I watch less of cartoon before I ended up here. Abigail responded.

So many times,my image was seen in a dream as a princess patiently waiting for my prince charming as I go about saving my world from disaster and doom. I could see my world seeking for one hidden treasure or the other that could be a refuge for many.. Mafia added.

Will you get back to work? The prison guard shouted at Mayfia and Abigail who were gisting at the lowest of their voices.

They both stood up immediately without thinking twice to continue cutting grasses of a very large space at the back of the prison building. It was already 7pm. The prisoners have come to an end of the day's work. They were all served bread and pure water.

Whenever I have parties to attend at age 18, my coiffure is always superb with my balloon colourful gown and pink shoe. Mayfia felt more exciting to talk more about herself to her friend, Abigail. My secret weapons were symbols and images like that of Diane de poitiers who was the widow of the grand seneschal of Normandy.

Mayfia tried as much as possible to put her imagination and what she sees into practice. No wonder they say what we see and hear has strong impact in our lives.

What brought you here, Abigail. I'm sorry I never asked. Have been overwhelmed with my problems forgetting others which Barbie never did because of her compassion for others.

Probably, I should not have done it,.. Abigail took over with the talking. If I don't do it how would I survive. What would I feed my younger ones with. What did you do Abigail. Mayfia moved closer to Abigail to hear every part of her story.

I once had a beautiful dream too. Dream of becoming my very best. Of all professions, I love medical doctors. Though can't explain why exactly when I was younger but as much as I grew I found out that lives were so important to me that I could go any extent to save anyone. Especially those at the point of death.

Things were going well with my life until that fateful day my parents were crushed by a moving car on an express road while crossing the road.

The day before the incident. My dad promised to send me to school to become a medical doctor when I told him my dream and vision unaware that will be his last promise to me.

Having been the first child of the family, I got the message earlier before I was told. I had the feelings that something was wrong somewhere. At first I was told that the accident was just a minor accident.

"How can a minor accident hinder my parents from seeing their children for almost a month?" I continually ask my aunt until the day she gave me a direct answer that my both parents lost their lives in the accident. Then my dream of becoming a doctor changed to a liveless one.

"Who would helped me become a medical doctor?" Questions upon questions burn my heart without an answer. There was no one anywhere to help.

"Hmmm! I'm sorry for all that happened, Abigail.

Sorry is an understatement. Those dreams of saving lives was destroyed because no one believed in me. I was called the leader of tomorrow just like every other citizens of the country when we were younger and now we are grown-up but nothing close to being a leader.

I and my younger ones were thrown into the cold street to survive on our own. The only time we were given raw food for free in the street was during campaign. That was probably when those in the street were cared for. For political ambition and gain, pretending to be who their callous being would never accept to be.

The street is a survival of the fittest. Only does who are capable can live to tell their stories. There, we have homeless not hopeless, casualties of various incident. Orphans, people with diseases of its kind waiting for death to come and take them away to the next world. If there would be hope of at least a little excitement.

Mayfia looked so deep into Abigail's eyes. She could see therein the world she saw in her long time dream looking for a hidden treasure of refuge for others. She opened her mouth as though she wanted to speak but not even a word could be uttered. Mayfia's silence echoed through the walls of the correctional centre. The ears in the wall could hear the groaning of the prisoners in their quietness.

Abigail never stopped a moment with her conversation with Mayfia and did not notice the difference in Mayfia's response until she realized she was the only one talking. Other prison mate were all asleep except for her and Mayfia. Then she stopped talking. Abigail lay down her head to sleep facing the small window while Mayfia faces the door side to sleep as the day became darker.

As usual, the prison guard walked around the compound to make sure all was in place. He watches around with carefulness and prepared to shoot any prisoner who is about to escape from the prison yard.