
Chapter 3 Tick-Tock

The clock kept on making its noisy alarming sound at 12am. At this time of the day, in this part of the country, you never can tell it is 12am. Most activities still goes on as usual as during the day light. Food vendors at their usual stand, serving hot food of various delicacies to their customers.

The moon is slightly out in the sky, making the dark hour mixed up with some sort of colour. Somehow, it looks yellowish, on the other hand it looks like a fire red. Through this, one might wonder if that is the reason Christians call God a Consuming Fire. The colour of the moon looks consuming as though it's about to consume those that are buying and selling at 12am when they were supposed to be sleeping. Taking a close look at the moon,its friendly nature calls the attention of all, both the wicked and the righteous, the weak and the strong, rich and the poor. It is a free gift of nature to all.

Mr Badmus raised his long eye lashes to look at the noisy alarming yellow clock in his room but could not see clearly, he took his glasses from on top of the small wardrobe beside the bed and then he realized it was 12am. Mr Badmus wondered why he could not sleep after the busy and stressful day he had, working as a site contractor.

The site contractor is a well trained and qualified contractor who had worked for government personnel, and on government site. He had been on this job for many years and had worked with several other people to get his contract done as expected while he pays them off. How time changes, he was one of those guys who stay out at late hours to eat and argue the situation of the country.

"What do you mean they are not in R-shape? the street guy talked at the top of his voice that Mr Badmus could hear the sound of the voice right from his room.

"Come to think of it,that young guy has spoken well." Said Mr Badmus as he walked into his sitting room with his glasses that lost its shape long time ago.

"Is it not obvious they are not in R-shape to give an urgent and positive solution to the ongoing situation of the country? Another asked,among the street guys.

"For goodness sake..

Tertiary learning centres had been on strike for five months now and there seems to be no hope of resumption soon. Lot of meetings had taken place to end the strike, yet,no positive outcome and you call those in charge in R-shape?


Many students have lost their hope of going back to school within the year. You can imagine the waste of time that can never ever be recovered.

Mr Badmus sat quitely on a stool beside his window and listen attentively to the discussion of the noisy guys seated in the food vendor close to his gate.

" Come to think of it, those guys are actually saying the truth....Mr Badmus said to himself as he continues to soliloquies in his sitting room.

"The country is not balance anymore. Lecturers are on strike,while the security of the country is like a caged bird. Let's not even talk about the high prices of goods. No wonder the citizens are going any which way to make money.

Criminals move around as a free bird while the innocent ones are held captive in correctional centres for crimes they know nothing about. Toxic leaders everywhere, em..em..(pauses for a while) grammar will not remove this my front unbalanced tooth one day. Yes, embracing kleptocracy as a tool of oppression and using their power to exploit the people and natural resources of their own territory in order to extend their personal wealth and political power. Even to the detriment of their followers.

"Hmm" it seems am talking too much. Even the wall, they say it has ear but I never asked the kind of ear it has. Maybe it's a flat,round or the type that use to stand like that of rabbit own.

"Hahahaha," Mr Badmus laughed alone as he mistakenly hit his head on the big standing fan beside him.

"Probably I should just silent myself and go back to bed before those big heads will silent it with force. Mr Badmus slows down his actions while he continue to talk quietly.

"But....No, I should not keep silent. Afterall, we have spoken enough during the day. No one seems to hear us, and nothing had changed over the years, So, I think an outpour of ones thought during this hour of the day will travel faster as long as the breeze could take it.

Mr Badmus looked at his wall clock. Its 12:30am. The street is becoming silent gradually. Maybe, those street guys are tired of eating midnight rice or the fire red moon had scared them away. No one actually wants to die no matter the situation at hand.

Mr Badmus removed his glasses and went back to bed to sleep.