
Chapter 13 Desert

The old man telling the story adjusted his sitting position.

Hmm! what a world. Old one. What eventually happened to Mayfia since she was not a murderer? One of the kids listening to the old man's story from the beginning asked with the anxiousness to know how Mayfia's life ended.

Old one, what about Mafia father's friend Fams... another asked

And Mayfia's best friend in the prison. what happened to her...the children kept asking questions from the old man who looked at everyone's eye balls and wished he was as young as they were.

It all right. Every of your questions has an answer.

Yes Yes Yes. The children jumped and shouted for joy hearing more and concluding part of the Old man's story.

Mrs Badmus was charged to court for fraud and murder of Tomy's death with evidences to rightly prove her guilty. That same day, Mayfia was also to appear in court for final court hearing.

A night before, Mayfia spoke with Abigail having a deep conversation with her. Having knew she would appear in court for the last time before her dismissal.

"You have been a saving world to me Mayfia and have found so much comfort in you. I will miss you dearly Mayfia,"..Abigail hold Mayfia's hands and wept bitterly.

Life works in a mysterious way. My saving grace,I never knew it will began here and this way. I almost lost my dreams, I was blinded by circumstances which I thought would end my life. Abigail you saved me as well

I did. Abigail asked

Yes you did. You made me remember my dreams and calling. But one more last thing Abigail, you are yet to tell me what brought you here.

Eheh! Old one.

Have been wanting to ask this question, all this while. You are yet to tell us what led Abigail to the prison... The eldest of the kids said to the old man, giving a body sign language to the rest of the kids.

The children murmured to themselves causing a noise.

Hello kids

Hi sir,...they all responded in a loud tone

You all will get to know what happened at last. It continues.

Abigail began to do all her possible best to get a means of survival for herself and her siblings, the responsibilities was high on her.

I would have to do all my parents could not live to do,if not for myself at least for my siblings,... Abigail would always say to herself every morning without a thought of doubt.

For many years, Abigail lived a hard end life involving in whatsoever opportunity opened onto her including hawking of cold drinks by the road side.

"Can I have some drinks please"?A wealthy looking man spoke quietly through his car glasses, requesting to buy cold drinks from Abigail on a sun rise mid-week.

"Per one cost 200 sir" Abigail happily responded having not sold as expected for about an hour she has been out for sales.

Oh! let me have two yogourt drink

Quickly Abigail dipped her hand to bring out two yogourt drink from the average wide container she was hawking with. For a while,she tried looking for the yogourt drink,her eyes could not see all the drinks available on her sales.

The young man who requested for drinks helped out by taking the yogourt drink with his right hand and paid 1000 for it.

Sir have your change... Abigail called out to the young man who was about moving away with his car.

"Never mind" said the young man as he stretched out his card to her...

Call me whenever you need a help...he said

Thank you sir. Mayfia appreciated the little amount rendered to her.

For the rest of the day, Abigail made good sales and got home late.

Getting home,she met her youngest kid sister on the bed crying in pains.

What's wrong with you Yehwa.. Abigail asked her kid sister who is just seven years old.

"The usual pains Abigail. It's almost killing me. I'm dying Abigail. Please save me,I don't want to die.

"I won't watch you die Yehwa" Abigail was already crying with Yehwa.

"But I have limited time to live if the surgery is not done on time. Do something quickly to get this money.

Wait a minute Yehwa. I met a man today who gave me a card to call him whenever needed.

Someone did

Yes he did. I will call him right away.

That night, Abigail gave the stranger a call who promised him huge amount of of money to carry out her sister's operation only if she could come to her house.

Well, I have no choice than to go. My sister needs help. She must not die. She thought in her mind.

Abigail went to the strange wealthy man's house to take that which was promised to her but getting to the wealthy man's house,it became a different story.

What happened Old man? I'm beginning to be scared.... Josh said in a low voice that anyone could barely hear him.

Listen up Josh. All have been narrating from time been is not for you to get scared but instead to learn the lessons of life at every point in time and that is exactly what stories are meant for. For teachings and learning.

Sit right while you learn more. The children all adjusted their sitting position. They have been sitting for about an hour with nothing to feed on.

You are too young to starve yourself of food,why not go home and eat something and then come back tomorrow for the rest of the story. Perhaps, your parents may be worried about your whereabout.

Thank you Old One.

One after the other,the children began living the old man's sitting room to their specific home.

The following day was a Sunday. The Old man recorded the rest of his narration in a recorder for the children to hear from it.

Happily, Abigail got to the wealthy man's house thinking he would leave with the expected money.

You are welcome young girl. Please do well to have your seat and as well feel comfortable.

Thank you sir... Abigail gently took her seat looking round the building structures and design. She was served some cold drinks.

Ignorantly, Abigail took the drink in a carefree manner which in turn ended her into disaster. She finished all without a drop left in the cup. Within an eye blink, Abigail was already feeling sleepy.

"What have you done to me. This does not look natural. One minute I was here with clear eyes and the next my eyes were already dimming with heaviness" Abigail asked feeling angry and at the same time feeling morseful for herself. She knew she was in some sort of trouble.

"Relax young girl. You are high on alcohol which by now must have weaken your bones..." The wealthy man said in his wicked consuming voice.

Don't hurt me sir. I beg of you.... Mayfia kept begging with a compassionate expression but the wealthy man refused his pardon. Abigail refused the attempted rape from the wealthy man and in the process of struggling with him to rescue herself,she pushed away the man with the whole of her strength and immediately the man fell on the tile floor and hit his head on the glass centre table beside the bed. He could not sustain the injury so he died.

Afterwards, Abigail was arrested for the murder of the wealthy man and that was how she ended up in the correctional centre.